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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Now where is our comparison with your 1/72 HCM? More pics!
  2. I feel each arc is very well done but there is always 2-3 episodes of filler/side story that are not that relevant. My favorite is probably Sunsa though. Man that show is soooo good.
  3. It will be interesting to see the mods for this kit. Who is first to try and tweak the legs?
  4. Now where is my LIKE Button... YES. I agree. If the someone could make us Toynami Alpha/Legioss replacement stuff... 1.) How about the hips from the Aoshima ones. 2.) Ditch the die cast and get some more plastic/move the die cast to more appropriate areas 3.) Fix a few of the gaps in fighter with the legs/arms.
  5. Folks. This is the Lone Ranger. The whole TV show/idea was silly. This movie is silly. Don't over think this while you are on a site dedicated to a show about giant mecha that turn into jets that fly into space and win wars with pop music.
  6. I want to see the first Macross World Basic build but with a panel wash and some light detail painting.
  7. Looks awesome. You could mirror it for the other hand or make a completely closed fist for punching poses.
  8. I really like the look of this kit. I think I am more interested in it simply because they tried something a bit different. To me it really has the proportions of the Line art in the DYRL film.(cept the strange knee caps..)
  9. It looks like total awesome to me. You can either just build it to goof around with or go model cahrazahy on it.
  10. I really hope it turns out good. I really enjoyed the first 2. I was bummed when the last version was cancelled.
  11. Oh man. I have not seen it yet. Thanks for warning me. I may still check it out if it hits Netflix.
  12. It really reminds me of the stylized model sheet art in the DYRL This is Animation book. (at least Battroid)
  13. So is this only DYRL Valkyries? I want a TV Series VF-1A Max. Guess we will have to wait and see.
  14. Oh man why?! Now I will probably have to import this. Damn you Renato.
  15. Well the new stuff for LLA looks neat. (seeing the Condor is cool!)
  16. Well the PS4 and XB1 are very similar(and too the PC really..) . It is not like the current gen where the XB360 and PS3 have entirely different architecture.
  17. Oh man... http://www.techspot.com/news/52915-playstation-4-is-destroying-the-xbox-one-in-amazon-customer-poll.html
  18. All it takes is one EMP based Nuke....XBone is gone. Kidding aside. Yes I also am not pleased with MS. I enjoy my 360 for the games(Gears of War) but will be getting a PS4 for the next gen.
  19. Wow. This is hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=71H69yDZ6W4
  20. Yeah. I am friends with a few US Military Service personnel and they are all trading in their entire 360 collections toward PS4's after MS screwed all of them.
  21. Let us hope there is a really fun Macross game on PS4 that has Multiplayer......
  22. I was so relieved after SONY's PS4 presentation. At least they are standing up for gamers(so is Nintendo but for a different level..). I loved my Xbox and Xbox360 as platforms but the strict DRM and bigger price tag are gonna hurt Microsoft.
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