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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Never read the books but seems like this is a cool project.
  2. I had the Max and Milia version of that kit when I was about 13(1990..) Not too bad of a kit. I had fun building them. I was not very good then and wished I had saved them after I got better.
  3. In Benson13's defense if you don't live in Southern Cali its pretty rare to meet other Macross Fans. I am the only Macross fan in Tucson AZ. At least that has been on these boards since 2000...
  4. I really enjoyed this. It is not without flaws though. The final act of the movie was the big letdown. The first 2/3rds of the film were interesting and compelling. That being said I feel it was the best Logan has been since X2.
  5. Is this someone here? I don't think it is wwwmwww since he is in AZ and not San Diego... http://www.ebay.com/itm/80s-Gakken-Lansay-Mospeada-Blue-Legioss-Tread-Robotech-Beta-Alpha-Macross-/400489340321?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item5d3f065da1
  6. Yeah I saw Tony Oliver credited but I did not hear any Admiral Hunter. This is not like Shadow at all. It is a recap movie of New Gen footage with about 5 minutes of new(commissioned by HG) Cel Shaded CGI mecha battle and then the 15 minutes or so the "new" Mospeada LLA footage. No giant boobs here.
  7. So will Wonderfest be..... A.) A kit conversion for the 1/10 Mospeada VR-052 to the VR-038/VR-041 B.) More cool Invid cast models C.) Recasts of the already released older Legioss/Tread linked fighter. Those are my predictions. I was really hoping for an updated version of the Aoshima Legioss...
  8. They decided instead of a Concert tribute to New Gen to make a Recap movie from Lancers POV of New Gen and tie it up with some of the loose ends in the Robotech Universe. It is a very different video than the Mospeada LLA.
  9. So we are halfway through 2013 and not even an announcement of anything for the 30th of Mospeada. I think the only thing announced has been the Japanese release of the Blu Ray set.
  10. How much work did you put into it. Looks pretty good!
  11. They sure make that kit look good.
  12. If you hate ROBOTECH then don't bother reading this review. I watched my copy last night. If you have seen Mospeada LLA you know some of the new footage but the Robotech LLA is a very different film. Mospeada LLA is a concert tribute montage to the entire Mospeada show. Robotech LLA is a Tribute via a recap of the New Generation with some new footage and surprises and not nearly as much music. Overall I give it a 7/10. It is a great recap of the New Gen storyline through Lancers POV. The opening is really cool with the flashback to the 10th division drop and the 15th ATAC core retreating from the Invid Invasion. From there it goes into Lancer talking about his personal journey to Reflex Point. The people he meets and the encounters they have. The middle 45-60 minutes is all pretty much recap footage from the remastered New Gen with some Voice Over by Lancer. The last 15 minutes are most of the footage from Mospeada LLA with Lancer reuniting with his friends as they send Scott off. The very end is the surprise. It is not without faults though. I myself having watched Mospeada LLA a few times knew all of that footage and I feel it could have been used just a bit better. There was not enough songs I feel. Maybe insert the concert footage with the Robotech versions of Lancers Songs in between the recaps. Animation wise I feel the new battle footage was pretty good. The 10th division/15th Squad stuff is really cool. I hope they use that technique in any future movies like Shadow Rising. The new 2d character animation I feel was not as good and did not quite match the original Robotech/Mospeada LLA animation. It is close though but for vets you will be able to see it instantly. I recommend it for the Robotech fans especially if you love the New Generation or if you are just a casual Robotech fan you may love it as a condensed version of the 3rd war to get you ready for Shadow Chronicles. It would have been nice to have the original Mospeada LLA on here too with sub-titles but maybe they will release that later.
  13. Functionally it looks great. Nitpicking it could use some panel line detail for the segments of the fingers. Other than that it is awesome.
  14. I can see how maybe very slightly they could say that as an F-14 based toy looks like a VF-1 that is also based on an F-14 but really? Idiots. http://www.courthousenews.com/2013/07/23/59597.htm
  15. Here is the Google Translate....uhhh some of it is a bit wonky. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdalong.net%2Freview%2Fetc%2Fmv01%2Fmv01_p.htm&act=url The gist I get is that the kit is nice in fighter mode but flawed overall even with its newer engineering ideas.
  16. Is the Toynami 30th Voltron the all plastic or the die cast? I never got one and would not mind a nice posable Lion Voltron.
  17. Are those recently made? Strange!
  18. That is awesome!!!!
  19. Xbox ONE got booed at EVO. Pretty funny. http://kotaku.com/the-xbox-one-got-a-lot-of-boos-at-evo-2013-785287814
  20. I dug the heck outta this film. It was fun and suspenseful. Yes a bit cheesy at times but I think that was part of its charm. Felt like a movie I can show to my kids later when they get older and not have to FF scenes. Seeing the mecha CGI and movement made me swoon since it was what I envisioned TF to look like...
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