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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. You think they will do 1/48 Battroid kits? Probably not but it would be sweet.
  2. Oh wow those are really nice. The one of Stick with the H90 is amazing.
  3. Houquet would be harder since there was never a 1/12 Variable of her model. Just the 1/15 Power Armor kit I believe.
  4. Isn't that the one you posted a few months back? Its just a few posts up...
  5. I really want to import that new Jojo TV series(especially the Part 2 episodes..) but it is so pricey!
  6. Well yes and there are some pre colored Gunplay like parts in this kit. Too bad this kit is passable at best...
  7. It is one thing to criticize Harmony Gold but please leave the personal attacks out. One more and this thread is done.
  8. I have never even seen that kit! Wow. Alex if you see another Aoshima that cheap let me know. Thanks.
  9. You ever see any reasonable priced Aoshima Legioss Blue version over there Alex? The Toynami US one goes for a mint and it has crumble hands...
  10. They had hit an all time low on Amazon for about 160 with free shipping but after that they climbed up to 2-250 for Rei/Rand and 3-400+ for Stick/Scott.
  11. Wow. Never saw that one myself either. I guess he never got to the Houquet/Fuke/Rook version.
  12. And that is why I don't buy Japanese Blu Rays....
  13. Ok no personal assaults or this gets locked. TOPIC is Robotech LLA. Not who is a better anime fan.
  14. If anyone is playing Diablo 3 on Xbox 360 hit me up.
  15. I think a 1/18 would be a fun scale for something like HG Vot Play if you will...
  16. Not bad not bad but he looks a bit too much like Yellow the female singing version and not Yellow Belmont Inbit resisitance fighter...
  17. Oh those look nice!!! I am still mad I did not grab the last big rush of Votoms kits from a few years ago.
  18. Titanfall is looking good if you are a Votoms fan..
  19. Alright that is awesome. That being said... the missile thing is a NO NO. Just don't do that. Rather not see em than see them try to come out of the wrong area. Also the helmet still has a 21 on it. In the show it was just blank but on the model kits it had 10 for the Tenth Mars Base Division.
  20. I think it looks pretty spot on for what you did. To get it just like in the show would require a total new design.
  21. AWESOME. Please tell me you know someone with a lightbox/camera setup to do it justice.
  22. I would go with light blue since 95% of the art related to the VR-041 have it that way. The white only seems to be on the Model Kit.
  23. Correct. The CM Legioss/Tread really does not connect. There is a huge bar that attaches to the Tread and the Legioss just sorta sits on that. The Toynami/Aoshima was actually made to "mate" up to the Tread so it is a huge difference. Now the ADD ON parts for the CM make it sorta better but it is still a rubber band duct tape sort of solution..
  24. As much as I loved the CM Tread the CM Legioss was pretty lame in fighter mode and the connection was crap.
  25. FYI - Jeff Speakman is currently under treatment for Throat Cancer. I am sure he would love to be a part of it when he gets better. Maybe if they do a part 4.
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