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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Yes it is only what Animeigo has a license too. I don't think they are open to pursuing more because since the Anime boom of the late 1990's in the US all the Japanese companies either took over their properties directly or are charging a premium for the license. We had such a great boom in the early 1990's since the Japanese companies were either surprised that western audiences wanted the product or skeptical that it would be wanted here. Well it worked and when they saw they could make money on their own product (IE Bandai/Sunrise) they took em back.
  2. Well going back to 2001.... Animeigo needed the funds from the preorders to do the full digital restoration on MACROSS. The reason the sets got cheap later is that after the restore Animeigo only had the license for a few years. After the license lapsed they had to get rid of the stock. Pretty standard procedure. After that ADV was able to use that restore for the next Macross set with the dub and the Robotech Remastered set. The winner was the fans on all fronts. If not for us that pre-ordered Macross on that level they may not have been able to do that remaster. I see how you feel jipped but as an early adopter I got my $260 bucks worth by watching the set quite a few times! Now for BGC Animeigo is the US license holder. The Kickstarter is here to make it even better than the Japanese Blu set and also keep the price in reason. The more people that kick in the better they can allocate for the resources. No reason to get all up in arms when all they want to is make sure the fans that really want a be all edition can get just that. Otherwise it would come out bare bones and be pricey.
  3. Man I have been a fan of BGC since I rented the first subbed VHS in like 1990-1991. I was hooked!
  4. Latest info before live launch is here http://animeigo.yuku.com/
  5. This thread is the single thing celebrating the 30th of MOSPEADA!! Great job guys!!
  6. Yeah I got the tip right from Robert at Animeigo. If they meet a certain goal we also get AD Police OVA HD Remaster. Heck yeah!!!
  7. Oh snap it is back!
  8. Awesome. Don't forget this isn't just the Hobbit book but the Hobbit book + the Simarellian references and the Appendix stuff. I am sure the third film will be the bridge to the beginning of Fellowship.
  9. I thought overall the second episode was better than than the first but it is still no Firefly at this point. Lets hope they have some better scripts in the can for the episodes coming up.
  10. Yeah good ol Mospeada. When I met Amano at San Diego Comic Con in 2007 I think or 2008 I had him sign my Mospeada Graffiti book. He asked me how I knew of such an old work of his! LOL. He was super nice.
  11. I was checking out my Blu Ray and watched the Agent Carter short. Pretty good short!
  12. Looking good so far.
  13. I am really looking forward to this one. Looks like it will be a fun romp and Malick is an interesting villian.
  14. Well I loved the Playability of the CM combo but the Toys overall lacking. The Legioss was a froppy mess and although the Tread was amazing its Link up was terrible. That made it for me like a 5/10 Toynami/Aoshima has a Nice looking Legioss that is marred by engineering problems for durability. I have the Red one and it has only been transformed a handful of times but so far is okay. Mostly stays in Armo Fighter since I have it hooked up to a magnificent Red Tread. The Toynami/Aoshima Tread is amazing except that the cockpit is not as slick as the CM but more in proportion. Overall I give this pair a 6/10 Now if I could get the CM build with the Toynami/Aoshima design and improved a bit in a 1/55-1/35 scale that would be amazing. I wish I could have afforded Captains Legioss kit.
  15. Awesome. Thanks for the reminder.
  16. Holy fuke that is an amazing Houquet!
  17. To each their own. I enjoyed the quality of the build of the CM Legioss but it was a froppy mess in fighter mode. I prefer the Toynami one. I did dig the heck outta the Tread though. Too bad the joining mechanism was so flawed.
  18. As much as I would like that Mospeada Blu Ray I am ok with my US ADV set due to the cost of that Blu Ray..
  19. Great set you have there! I should build myself a TV VF-1A Max sometime.
  20. No I sure don't. I have the US Votoms RPG and Supreme Survivor. No import books yet.
  21. That game is pretty fun too. I might have to grab those.
  22. NIce. Looking forward to it.
  23. For me the original did not need to be remade. Especially not as a PG-13 and after the trailer I have no interest at all.
  24. I still have that Animetal disc you made for me Areaseven with that on it.
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