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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Cool. I enjoyed this movie but felt the climax was pretty weak. The first 2/3rds of the film were great! "Silver Samurai" was a huge let down...
  2. Toynami looks better color wise I think but they have the over abundance of die cast in bad places. The Aoshima should have been much better but was poorly assembled at their factory. It has little to no diecast and anime colors but from what I hear lots of bad wing/shoulder assemblies which botches fighter mode. I had a CMs Green Legioss/Tread and it was neat but a froppy mess. I only now own a Toynami Red Alpha matched with a Red Beta. Very nice display. I don't transform the Alpha since I have a super posable...
  3. I agree with you on the CMs vs the Toynami/Aoshima comparison. I think to make the Toynami better would require some serious tooling. Also if you take the Aoshima version and fix that up would be easier as it has already the less DIE CAST version of that toy. Yes there is DIE CAST in the Toynami but it is all in the wrong spots.
  4. Yeah that was a missed opportunity. What a putz.
  5. Wow so much goodness! I love you guys.
  6. I dug this movie a lot. I am a huge fantasy fan though so take that for what you will. My only complaint is that they pushed the humor just a bit too much but other than that I enjoyed this movie.
  7. That looks great. Not enough Southern Cross love.
  8. Yeah I agree and it makes sense given that it originally was a parody of Gundam and then turned into its own show. Still some interesting stuff was in that version.
  9. Yeah does not look too bad in fighter mode!
  10. Wow that turned out great!!
  11. Shinjuku Incident was a great film he was in.
  12. Hey that hair looks pretty good Alex! Nice work. Much better than the stock one you had before.
  13. So awesome. I still want to see this kit in Fighter mode someday...
  14. The first 3 episodes were kinda Meh but the last two(4&5) were really good. Lets hope they keep that going.
  15. Well as a long time X-Men fan I think it looks pretty good. Interesting way of doing that storyline. Looking forward to it.
  16. I have a few art books. I love the designs but have never seen the show and heard it starts ok and then turns to turd by the end.
  17. Man that looks great! Shoulder pad could be tweaked but damn if that isn't Fuking hot!
  18. Hey man it is good to have an opinion but that is just as bad as people spamming up "your" threads. On topic people.
  19. Stay on topic folks. Thanks.
  20. @Alex wow that VR-038 is looking awesome!! Great job! That is only if you believe in Shadow Chronicles... As far as Robotech is concerned I prefer the End of the Circle version.
  21. Thanks A7. I thought it looked pretty interesting I will probably go check this out.
  22. TO this day I have never regretted my $250 dollar Macross DVD set. Still one of my favorite sets I own. Animeigo does great work. I chatted with Shin Kurokawa(he was the lead on the re-master) at AX2006 all about that and with Noburo Ishigeru about Macross. Good times.
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