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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. True but think of all of the Shadow Chronicles apologists out there. That was a terrible production overall and the desperate fans liked it...
  2. That is because they had the lowest of low print runs on the last 2-3 DVDs. It was ridiculous to get them. I had a friend burn me a set since I could not find them at all.
  3. Yes because Tatsunoko owns Mospeada and licensed it to HG. That has nothing to do with Macross(Big West).
  4. Pretty much. I am not sure how much more BS the fans left can take. I mean the current management of the Robotech IP have driven it to the underground at this point.
  5. I got the first one on Blu Ray recently. I need to grab this one now that the Blu Ray is out. I love the simple but effectiveness of Silat.
  6. The Sentinels will never happen due to it having the core Macross characters. I read the novels and the story was pretty cool and in some ways the novel story is a bit better than the outline that was in Robotech Art 3.
  7. OK LET ME STATE THIS ONCE. THIS THREAD IS ONLY FOR TALKING OF THE Robotech Academy Kickstarter and its issues with HG. THIS IS NOT TO BE A REHASH OF WHO OWNS MACROSS in the USA. PLEASE. OTHERWISE I SHUT THIS DOWN. Now back to slamming the bad ideas and wow what did they do with all their gangbusters money from DVD sales HARMONY GOLD. Thank you.
  8. There are too many suckers out there that will probably fall for this. The bad news is HG will burn them as they have all of us in the past.
  9. I am a fan of the og 1985 broadcast run and the novels. That being said I despise HG. I hope this fails hard.
  10. Trailer says all episodes July 4th. I will probably check out. Not a big fan of the character design(really dislike that look that has become popular in the past 10-15 years) but the story/mecha looks cool.
  11. Anyone gonna check out Knights of Sidonia on Netflix? Looks neat.
  12. Sean Connery also got an honorary Black belt from Mas Oyama (found of Kyokushin Karate) when he trained under them when he was in YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE. http://www.chingchic.com/donn-draeger---advisor-to-sean-connery-james-bond.html
  13. I was hoping Discotek got the BD license but honestly older anime if done well on DVD(nice crisp transfer ala SDF Animeigo) still look pretty nice on my 50" 1080p set. I am on this day one.
  14. RIP. Caught the Young Ones when Comedy Central use to be awesome in the 1990's on cable. Also enjoyed Drop Dead Fred.
  15. Well if you know the history of the character he was Egyptian royalty and they were all pretty feminine looking make up wearing skinny guys. Don't let the Hollywood 50's epics fool you.
  16. It is not surprising. Marvel is running their films like their comics. You play by the rules that they set or you look for another gig.
  17. Bummer but so far Marvel Studios has proven they have good quality control so I am not too worried.
  18. Never thought I would ever see that in actual living 3d. Wow. Pretty neat.
  19. I like the Batsuit I just hope it has a better story/screenplay and MOS and does not venture into trashing a characters whole legacy like MOS did(for me at least).
  20. I was just happy that May got to beat that jerks face in.
  21. So will this end the season on a cliffhanger?
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