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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Would love a 0D if they tweaked both the hips AND the color...
  2. Could someone who has one, measure the tailfins? I'd like to know exactly how big they are, for planning decals etc to use. 1/72 F-14 vs 1/48 F-18 markings, etc. Would like to know height, front-to back at both top and bottom, and front-to-leading-edge-of rudder at top and bottom.
  3. Anyone debating on whether to order MP-28 HotRod, may want to check the Third Party thread... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36937&p=1237459
  4. So, what's the easiest way to weather an X-wing kit? I don't plan to ink in every line individually like with a Gundam, there's WAY too many greeblies for that. I'm thinking almost something along the lines of MacFarlane-Toys-style "dunk it in a bucket of diluted ink". I tried this a while ago: http://www.florymodels.co.uk/washes/ Didn't work at all in my experience---even with extreme stirring, you just ended up with little clumps of pigment floating in water, and when it dried--you just got specks deposited. And the pigment certainly didn't flow into panel lines.
  5. The YF-19's gear bays are pink as heck. It's not just a VF-1 issue. I'd rather have yellowish than pinkish. Airliners often have very slightly intentionally yellow "white" paint. (Go look at Delta's previous scheme, and BA until very recently).
  6. Those are all possible, plus 24, 51, and 211. Probably not 154, due to "recent overexposure" IMHO. 142 maybe, as I love the VFX-2 VF-11 that's like theirs. Though that'd both require more work and look rather Roy-esque. 143 could work, they're even already blue.
  7. Someone already did a Sundowners VF-4, so despite being my fave squadron, I won't be doing them. I'm leaning towards a red-marked squadron, to make use of the existing accents.
  8. The nose scratching has me thinking about more of a low-vis F-14 scheme, to leave it grey. But we know all the really good schemes are high-vis with tan noses!
  9. I'm tempted to buy one and partially repaint, as it looks like 2012 markings will never happen---it's this or nothing for a VF-4. I won't do *full* FB2012 markings, but maybe close. Or could do a unique scheme, based off an F-14. Biggest questions: Is the nosecone molded grey or painted? Will rubbing alcohol readily remove the blue striping on the fins/canards, and if it's painted, the grey nosecone? The arrow markings on the upper intake sides---source for those? They're red in the VFX scheme but yellow for 2012. Is the nosecone scratch-prone when transforming? Don't want to paint it tan and then have it ruined after 2 transformations.
  10. You don't have to increase the *diameter*----Rolls is fond of adding stages to increase power.
  11. I believe the size of the eventual -115B was taken into account very early in the 777 design process.
  12. Dang it, PC couldn't find boot drive (SSD) again. Unplugged and replugged its data cable again, and it started right up. But it's damned annoying to have random failures that require removing the mobo-side case panel. (As in, not the side that's usually opened). I'm going to have to see about mounting SSD somewhere else and with a different brand etc of cable.
  13. That's why my first guess at the name was "Schwalbe III". (As I didn't have my katakana chart out at the time---I just saw that it was a relatively short name and ended in III, which always means Kawamori used the name of an older existing plane). Plus it's model 262, which I refuse to believe (unless countered by HFH himself) is just a random number, and NOT to homage the Me262. It'd be like having a Macross civil transport named VP-747 or something...
  14. Yeah, that's definitely the most eye-catching "design alteration" to the -27 there.
  15. What Mr Cheng said----this is Bandai, the landing gear could SUCK. I'm personally hoping for a really nice fighter mode, with formation lights and everything. Maybe even a taxiing light for the nose gear. We all know a lit-up fighter mode could look even cooler than a lit-up battroid. But only if done right, with good landing gear. Edit-----ooh, light up cockpit maybe?
  16. Any hint if FAST packs were already thought of? (Like mounting holes visible etc).
  17. The symbol on the teal/red -31 I think is more of a flaming-winged angel or Phoenix.
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