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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. This was Harrison Ford's best acting in years, amazed and glad it happened in this. Boyega and Ridley did great. Isaac did too, but if you've seen him in anything else before you already know he's really good. There is one problem with so much realism (sets, ships, etc)-----the CGI *really* stands out against it. Like "the big aliens" and pretty much any alien with a speaking role. Would have rather seen good prosthetics or puppets. ESB Yoda is still the most real-looking alien in the series. (Excluding Chewie of course). Due to demand, my theater expanded showings to use 11 of the 20 screens tonight simultaneously.
  2. Well, the MD-95's whole factory is gone, so it's a lost cause. 757 however, shares a decent amount of tooling with the 737 and some parts with the 767...
  3. Meanwhile, the 757 is in such high demand I believe there are zero for sale or lease right now, and 717's go to the highest bidder, and even major flagship carriers are fighting amongst themselves to grab every one that pops up. But Boeing thought that new 737 variants could replace everything (especially a Douglas design) and cancelled both too early. My god, the sales a re-engined 757MAX would get right now... The A321 is selling like bonkers the last few years not because it's a great plane, but because it's the closest thing to a 757 you can get. AA and DL would buy a bunch of new 757's if they could, but they can't. A321=the inferior 757 rival. Well, now it has no rival, so it's the best-in-class.
  4. Freyja is almost certainly named for the Norse goddess, since that's where the term Valkyrie comes from.
  5. Xenosaga's problem wasn't that it was cut down, it's that they chose to focus on the least-important least-interesting aspects in the space they had left. Heck, Kos-Mos was basically an extended cameo in Episode 2. "let's have the entire game be about Jr and his clones". Ziggy's cell-phone game backstory seemed more interesting than XS Ep 2.
  6. It looks even more like a YF-23 in motion than it does in static pics. Head-on, you could be fooled. It's gorgeous in-flight.
  7. I've found that FS35183 is a dang close match to Bandai Ep VII X-W blue decals, but only comes in enamel. Currently leaning towards using Tamiya X-14+flat base+white+something intensely electric blue. (I hate mixing, but since the blue wing hashes literally touch the other blue areas, it's gotta be a perfect match) (I'm not painting the whole kit, doing it Gunpla-style---only paint what's not already molded the right color). Plus lots of weathering.
  8. My main feeling is----they're TV-style J-types. Zero remolding costs, when the first release is apparently a TV Hikaru. That's my main justification for hoping they'll do M&M. I can see them skipping TV A-type or even DYRL-A. But if there's just two variants to make, it'd be TV-J and DYRL-S.
  9. This looks more like an Alto-type, than Alto's does.
  10. Have you tried sliding it back? It helps a little. Funky hinge. Also---check the silver engine detail bits. Those were the main source of mine's hood non-flushness. Combined with the the 180 rotating shin panels. Get all the engine and shin bits etc pushed down, and you should be able to get a flush hood. Mine was like yours out of the box, but it's fine now. (It was the passenger side engine detail that was the #1 offender)
  11. At this point, I plan to wait for Bandai to do these in 1/35. Probably be cheaper.
  12. I still want a 3P WFC-styled Trypticon above all else. That design just rocks, and has replaced G1 as the "iconic" version of the character, in my mind. *I still want a city mode, however. I basically want a G1 city that turns into the WFC dino. Because turning into the Nemesis simply can't happen in the real world, not well at least. And we never even really got to see satellite mode, plus it'd be really boring. But you could certainly get a good city mode out of the WFC dino.
  13. He walks, much like any 2-legged Zoid. In non-dino modes, the mechanism causes the radars and gun turrets to rotate. His main cannon/tower lights up, too. (though that light is very flakey--I think mine lasted a year, when I got the original) You'll see more "still walks!" used Trypticons than "still lights up!" used Trypticons.
  14. Trypticon is the best city-former due to having the best city mode. Metroplex has the better battle-mode, but they're known as cities, not battlestation-formers. Scorponok is the only city-former with a good third mode.
  15. I didn't like the -29 at all when Alto's was the only one. Now it's one of my faves due to all the others looking neat. But the original one? It's neither an attractive scheme nor does it seem "Alto". Whereas his -171EX was still clearly his.
  16. It's close, but that's not what shade of blue Vortex was. Surprising that they got the others so close, but pretty off for that one. Vortex was more like smoke-periwinkle blue. Not bright electric sky blue. It's much closer than CW G2 Superion was---that one they only got in "spirit", with Air Raid being most wrong. (I owned all the G2 combiners for many years, they were a core chunk of my TF collection for a long while--I know EXACTLY what they looked like)
  17. I was considering a decal stripe like this under the cockpit, and was worried about it being scratched off:
  18. Been thinking about possible schemes. Need some info; 1. Source of black/clear or black/white UNS kite logos? Not low-vis grey, need BLACK. 2. Are the ventral fins easily removable? Both to paint them, and the rear leg stripes they cover. Similar question for tailfins and canards. 3. Are the fuselage sides prone to being scratched? The under-cockpit area, etc.
  19. You can tell a Tu-22M even in the dark----world's blue-est afterburners.
  20. 1/72 what?(I'm guessing an F-14, but just in case...)
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