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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I wish hers had some spine-artwork. Nice colors/scheme, but Delta-02 has both the coolest art, and the coolest head. Her Delta-04 has a nice but very generic head.
  2. I still hold to my mantra of "the torso-bot makes or breaks the combiner". And THIS is a torso, vs "the leader-bot squatting with some kibble added": http://tformers.com/transformers-mastermind-creations-feral-rex-leo/19868/news.html That series of images of the prototype is what really sold me. Even from the sides/back, it looks like a torso. Not a massive ton of kibble hanging off the back, or 2D like Quantron.
  3. So, TFCC makes Needlenose, AKA "the G1 jet that was an F-16, that's not Skydive", on the Firefly/Slingshot mold, not the Skydive F-16 mold. WTF? It's mind-blowing how much that particular CW-jet-limb mold is used, vs the Skydive and Air Raid one. I still hold out hope that someone at Hasbro (or Takara) sees the uber-obvious, amazingly appropriate and awesome recolor pairing that MUST be done:
  4. 1. I'm a huge Feral Rex fan and think it is by far the overall best. 2. UT Warlord comments: Mania King and later UT releases are much higher quality than the early members of War Lord. Their Divebomb is pretty poor, but they never reissued/improved it to match the later members, nor gave replacement parts etc. Also---it's more than a parts-former IMHO. Parts-formers may switch around parts to transform, or need a FEW bits to make one mode viable. 50% of War Lord is combiner-only kibble. The wings for instance, which pretty much goes against the entire Predaking concept of "Divebomb's wings are the combiner wings". Warlord's aren't. Nor are his waist, pelvis, hips, or abs made from Razorclaw. This is pretty much the defining pic for me---it's half of Predaking, plus Razorclaw! 3. Ares. Just godawful color placement/accents, and some questionable design details IMHO, mainly in beast-mode appearance. 4. Is Feral Rex perfect? Heck no, there's plenty of things I see in the UT and TFC vesions that I really wish MMC had done/copied. THe perfect version would be a blend of all 3. But I see Rex as having a few minor/moderate faults, vs a ton of faults, many of them massive, in the others.
  5. That's one of the biggest things I noticed---the 2D and CG do NOT mesh well, not nearly as well as Frontier did it.
  6. Hmmn. Plus: Adhering to to original series' "setting". Mainly---the Zentradi are *green* again. And the voice echo. Minus: First time I ever thought an episode got LESS cool right after the valkyries showed up...
  7. And a less sickly-green hue to the too-pale tan... And white gear and bays, not pink.
  8. Ditch half the missiles, and use that money for the printing/paint...
  9. Still missing the grey intake stripes. (yeesh, they're MOLDED in, just paint them!)
  10. Just passed that part in the podcast---in addition to what's in the post above, they mention it used a kind of ray to do what it does, and that it is swappable. I expect/hope that some packs are more directly combat-oriented. My guess is that each(or at least some) VF-31's will have a "signature" pod that is usually installed. They can all likely use all of them, but maybe each pilot will have a preferred couple ones to use.
  11. I may have asked this before but a search didn't bring anything up: Are there any cool schemes in the Master File book? Either -0D or -0C? I know of a low-vis grey one, but that's it. Are there more? (thinking about a potential future repaint or remold release)
  12. 70? Better have working landing gear bays/doors for that much. Could be worth it, but unlikely. I haven't seen decent Hotwheels diecast since their Ferrari 360.
  13. So, what are the best blue-squadron X-Wings out there? (Don't want Poe's). Do ANY of the smaller ones not have crooked laser cannons? I generally like diecast models a ton, but skinny bits like that are always plastic which just ruins the look. Saw the worst one ever today, it was bent like 70 degrees, surprised it was still intact. Any new/neat X-Wing stuff coming from Hasbro? (I figure a new UCS from Lego is a shoe-in, just maybe not this year).
  14. Or they could be doing like Voltron/GoLion, with minimal color-matching. Keith/Blue/Red lion Sven/Black/Blue lion Lance/Red/Black lion And I'd even argue: Hunk/Orange/Yellow lion.
  15. Yes, the Tamiya kit is still one of the best F-14 kits ever.
  16. Max could so pull it off though, the designs we've seen so far are not THAT far a stretch from his M7 captain's uniform. I mean, he's already got his fringed cape....
  17. From looking closely at the real ones---I believe the A's and B's had them removed and sealed over. The D's simply never had them. How to tell? A's and B's have a bunch of putty/bondo covering where they were/should be---the D's have nice sheet metal with no evidence of a moving panel etc. Unless there's a new version with massive corrections, the Trumpeter kit is the least-accurate Tomcat model for overall shape, etc. They missed a key point, and it looks like a MiG-25 or F-15 from head-on for it: They made the intakes straight up and down, tight to the fuselage. Which goes against the splayed gull-winged effect the entire F-14 airframe has. Real F-14: Trumpeter F-14: I don't know how the rest of the kit even "works", with an overall shape that wrong--it must mean the gear bays and wing gloves are wrong too, if they "fit" with vertical intakes.
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