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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I tried both finger upgrades: the Dr Killinger ones and Prof H. Ended up using neither. 1. Removing the pins to install Dr K's caused stress/cracking in the knuckles, despite me being very slow and careful. Decided it wasn't worth the further risk/damage. Also they're not symmetrical in any axis---to my eye it's very obvious they're "home grown/sculpted". I've removed MMC pins in Rex before just fine, they're generally easy----dunno why the fingers were so different. 2. Prof H's-----can't fold them back up to store in the feet. That's a deal killer for me. Plus they actually look even stubbier from some angles. They're pointier now, but even thicker. My set's for sale if anyone wants them, cheap.
  2. The Bovis pelvis issue was fixed by like the 1.5th release of him. As for the knives---I do it like this: Go about 8 mins in. That's the best way to do it. Also watch for combining Fortis and Tigris' blades in dual-wielding/staff mode. If they don't want to slide in---don't force them, you'll probably never get them apart without snapping them. Shave the handle or opening just a bit if you encounter any resistance.
  3. I am hoping for flightsuit Makina. Combined with flightsuit Mirage, that may make a few more Delta 04 fans.
  4. I believe it comes down to price-point as the main reason. Hasbro has very strict cost/price points that all releases must fall into. Take deluxe Groove---I believe it may simply cost more to produce than other CW limbs, so Hasbro won't release it here at a standard deluxe price-point. And they sure can't sell it as a voyager. Thus--they don't sell it at all. Whereas Japan--they can put whatever price it needs to be. 2200Y alongside 2400Y deluxes? Not a problem, AFAIK. And especially not a problem with a gift set, as there's no "set class" for those as a rule.
  5. Not quite sure which thread to put this in, but: Does anyone know if the markings on the new X-wing wings, mean anything? I mean, originally, you could easily tell Red Leader, 2, 3, 5 etc by the number of stripes on the trailing edge. But now---they all seem the same. Every X-wing that I can tell, has "3 colored, and 2 silver" stripes. Poe's regular blue one, Poe's black one, and the "closest one to the screen" when Poe's flying his black one. (which AFAIK isn't Blue 3---I've yet to find a clear shot of Blue 3's wings). Either they've abandoned that system, or the CGI/modeler guys didn't realize what they meant and unintentionally made them all the same.
  6. Thought/point: Feral Rex is on like its 3rd wave of release/re-release, and still sells out. All the other Not-Predakings still have 1st-wave leftovers, I believe.
  7. Took a couple years, but we can finally say "yes!"
  8. I think they all are. It's too intrinsic to the show, and all the recent valks have been. (-25, -27, etc). Even "single seat" large fighters usually have it as part of the design. A two-seat F-15's cockpit and canopy is no longer than a single seater's. Just arranged differently (and with less gun ammo) to make room for the second seat. Goes back to the YF-19, if not earlier. Just yank out the "plug" and put in Yang.
  9. re: D03's wing packs. They didn't seem to be "color-coordinated", so that's actually a good thing---it means if they make them, they should work on any -31.
  10. Well, it is. It's a Gundam, designed to look like Fumina, in-show-in-canon. Because one character is really obsessed with her and made his Gundam look just like her. (and it's also a really cheap way for the show to add a new "Gundam", if it just looks like an existing character design)
  11. That looks like a resin/printed proto, entirely hand-painted and decaled. It's a long way off from molded-in-color-plastic with tampo. All the parts that will be clear, aren't yet. (asides from the canopy, which is probably a reused -25/29 part)
  12. The "var-causing song" sounds a LOT like the "song of destruction" from the end of Zero. (you know, the floating carriers etc scene). I really think there's a link between Zero and Delta, with that song. It's the same "high-pitched ethereal chant". (which also sounds a bit like Nephilim's song in Xenosaga)
  13. The lack of "classic" SW aliens (like twi'leks, rodians, etc) was one of my bigger gripes with the film----though Darth Talon is simply too cliche IMHO. "Female Darth Maul, and a twi'lek!" Bring in Yuthura Ban, screw chronology, she'd rock.
  14. Absolutely---I'm hoping for distinct weapon pods for each valk, or at least like 2 different types split across the squadron. That would add some more distinction to each valk, beyond paint. (kind of like only Luca's had drones, only Michael's had a sniper rifle, etc)
  15. It's plane+pilot, not just the paint, that makes a valk desirable to purchase. For me at least. Olive-green VF-27's don't look THAT cool, but they're Grace's, so that makes them awesome. Thus, while I think Delta 02 looks the coolest, I think we may already know all about the pilot we ever will. (I could be proven wrong though). Whereas with Mirage---we know she's awesome, because she's a Jenius, even if she doesn't seem THAT skilled of a pilot yet (compared to 01 and 02). Her valk looks decently cool (better than 03 and even 01 IMHO), so that combo (scheme+pilot) makes Delta 04 outrank 02 overall.
  16. I realized what this reminded me of: The whole "Open Ranka" scene/song from the 2nd Frontier movie. Which to me, was the worst point in the entire series. I never re-watch that part, always skip it. (And I still like the 1st movie more than the 2nd) And Delta seems to have that, as its main premise.
  17. Bonus points for using parts from Wing Gundam. (and not one of the EW versions, the true original)
  18. Yup. I think they ALL should have their own unique artwork, not just Delta 01 and 02. It'd really help add some "interest" to the "lower-tier" valks. (because it's already pretty clearly set up that 01 and 02 are the best pilots) The large amount of grey does help separate them from all the many mostly-white valks out there, and does help "tone down" the bright colors--but it does also make topside of the valk more plain for 03 and 04. (as they have only a single accent color, unlike 01/02/05 which have two accent colors)
  19. Then you kinda missed Finn's whole backstory as to why he did what he did in the rest of the movie. Too much for me to type here, either go see the movie again (my suggestion), or google it, or maybe someone here will type it all out.
  20. Hasn't 3P shown that $100 per member for a combiner team is supported by the fandom? Does Takara need even more than that for their budget/sales?
  21. Delta 1 and 4 have the most similar, most "typical" heads.
  22. Watched sub---didn't really pick up anything new this time around. If you read the "early teaser" info and listened to most of the podcast, and watched the raw----watching the sub isn't really going to add much more. Nothing more is explained that I didn't already know. Everything's "still a mystery".
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