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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Define update. There's a bunch of pics of PMOP, and it looks just like what we saw before.
  2. It'll be yet another Revan I have zero chance to own at a decent price.
  3. Remember that canonically, valks are VERY lightweight. What, 14,000lbs for a VF-1?
  4. The G has "M7" style ankles, like Basara's and Mylene's valk.
  5. Simple. Springer's animation model has a green chest. Takara is so animation-centric lately they're even using obvious coloring errors as reference. I can't wait to see them do some red 'con logos and purple 'bot symbols.
  6. Max and Milia, but only if they have WHITE parts and not pink-white like most Arcadias.
  7. Yeah, I worry these may be molded in like one color and use a TON of stickers. Due to the striping, while two-tone molding may help, you'd still need a lot of stickers. (I'd be *very* surprised if we got three colors, for the black nacelles etc)
  8. Gah, duh on my part, I noticed that myself when I watched it. Must have forgotten already. Heck, nearly every basic valk design since the -19 has been a two-seater, with the -21/22 being an exception.
  9. The rarely-seen second Su-37, #712: http://forum.keypublishing.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=196366&d=1308196650 (ok, it's not TECHNICALLY an Su-37, it's half-way between an Su-35 and Su-37---which does lead to an obvious name. But it very much is Su-37 #711's sistership and was in the same program, and has many, but not all, of the things that made 711 a -37)
  10. Technically, the VF-31A would be the "standard" and all the others would be the variants off of it. (I'd love to see Kawamori go "retro" with the designations, and give us a two-seater TF-31A) (because if the C-version already is FSW, don't want to 'waste' the B designation)
  11. Thanks. I bought some of that but haven't tried it yet.
  12. Reviews: Peaugh and Vangelus are the main. Also try Baltmatrix and Benscollectables. Breaux man for tricky transformations.
  13. Vulcan's not even out yet. The arms came out THIS week and very few people have them yet. And yes, I'm 100% convinced Ordin is based on that pic, because it's the first pic that shows up if you google Abominus. Which tells me that UT doesn't really know TF's that well, if they're using non-standard stuff as references and not realizing it. For how expensive 3P is and how picky TF fans are-----you'd better make darn sure you're making the right/expected version of a character, and not basing it off of a one-off or fan-art pic.
  14. I really hate that pic of Abominus. It's THE pic of that configuration. It's like when Takara colors something "animation error for that one scene-accurate". ONE drawing, produced 20 years later, does NOT reconfigure Abominus. There's also the one pic of Defensor with Streetwise as an arm. Again---one drawing doesn't override every animation and box art appearance ever.
  15. The rotation is clearly animated at least once in M7. (It's like the one time Basara actually fires).
  16. Only last thing I have is that MMC is strongly rumored to be working on Abominus. But it's a long ways off. But a Rex-style Abominus would be awesome. And heck, FP/MT might have come out with one by then.
  17. Sinnertwin's tails have nowhere to go in most modes, and are very crack-prone. All non-Blot limbs have very long, flat, skinny torsos in beast-mode and have poor-looking beast modes because if it. Rippersnapper can barely even stand due to being too long up front. Plus all the other things you mentioned. (Colors, limb-swap). And I think Hun-Grr's dragon heads/necks look awful in ALL modes, and that pretty much kills it for me. The torso-bit is by far the most important member. If he's not good, the team isn't good.
  18. Everything's fairly similar, but everything *IS* in fact different. Like YF-17 vs F/A-18, or YF-19 vs VF-19S. Canards are different, tailfins are different, nacelles are different...
  19. What did you use to make the canopy purple?
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