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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. So, I'm at episode 17 of IBO. Really starting to lose interest. Does it get good again? They should have made it to Earth long ago. It was quite good up until they left Mars. I'm thinking of abandoning the series at this point, and doing something better with my TV-watching time, like catching up on Walking Dead.
  2. The Block 40's have all those external stiffeners now though, any different from the N's issues?
  3. Paypal is always the worst choice for a currency conversion. Even a credit card that isn't "foreign-friendly" will do better.
  4. Oh, Delta (and people's opinions of it) has certainly kept us busy with cleaning up the forums.
  5. It was simply a question----when we mods find pages and pages of rants about "magical girls ruining the franchise" in many threads about Delta, then the podcast is like the opposite of that, it does seem odd in a way. I mean----what if the podcast had asked about Plus or DYRL, and like everyone hated it? It'd be very "unexpected based on what is usually seen in the forums".
  6. The lobster component is by far the easiest section of Tripredacus to deal with.
  7. Tripredacus is almost exactly what you ask for in a combiner. And is a nightmare to transform back into component beast modes.
  8. I need to see both of them more before I change my mind. I'll stay with Mirage for now, but the 31A is so tempting. (If there was a version with neater colors, it'd be a shoe-in)
  9. Cockpit smaller than an F-16? Dang, Swedish pilots must be skinny. I climbed into an F-16 sim once, and it was a challenge getting in and out. (Not bad once settled in though)
  10. The Gripen must be way smaller than it looks/I think. :edit: You're going by overall dimensions? That won't help much comparing the "tube with fins" that an F-16 is, vs the twin-engined twin-nacelled VF-1. Overall dimensions says some drones or gliders are bigger than some regional airliners, due to their long skinny wings and long skinny fuselages. They may have length and/or span, but there's no mass/volume/area to them.
  11. Yes, Takara usually is toon-accurate----Except in this case, where Takara seems to be using the same tan as Warbotron, and not at all the very deep dark brown he should be. Seriously, Blast-Off just keeps getting lighter and lighter. He's basically copper in FoC.
  12. Those were some very positive comments-----gotta ask---did you cherry-pick them? Or maybe only people who really liked it voiced their thoughts? (Which seems unlikely, as the Internet above all else is where all of humanity goes to complain). The podcast seems much more upbeat about Delta than the forum as a whole, from what I see.
  13. OMFG. I don't even know what it is, but I know I desperately need it. That's f***ing WELTALL* in that vid. Xenogears lives, somehow. *actually, due to silhouette it almost looks more like Weltall-Id, due to no "backpack" being visible. (Which are really the Id-mode arms and legs). IIRC the top-most points are the Id-mode feet.
  14. I thought I was the only one who preferred the 2J.And agreed----if they make (massive) improvements I'd buy a 2J.
  15. They're trolling us, that's what they're doing with it.
  16. Well, now it's time to do flightsuit Mirage, too.
  17. For all the arguments over Devy's drum and treads, no one ever mentions the literally biggest color difference: Animation Long Haul has a purple dump-bed, in combined mode.
  18. I'd like SOME color on a -31A, myself. Not PURE grey. But I know plenty of people do want totally low-vis with no color at all. Maybe release a squadron commander's variant with just a bit of color, to go with the purely low-via ones.
  19. Yeah, Revan needs much darker red, and browner chest, should "blend" with the robes. But Revan totally had a purple saber. (And was a girl).
  20. I think the new Windblade looks awful compared to the old one---very disappointed. I wanted a BETTER version, not worse.
  21. I do believe it's time we bring back animated avatars... Gah, words cover her hair, need a clean version.
  22. Necro-replying, but I'd never seen the M&M versions. Interesting that they did their own scheme for Milia's FAST packs---they're entirely red/white, no "standard grey" bits at all. That's not canon. Looks neat, but I almost wonder if it's "too much".
  23. I find it odd they've not said anything---IIRC, they announced that ones for Ozma's would be made, not long after they announced Ozma's -29 itself. They couldn't have known sales--at best just a rough guess from early pre-orders. But with the v.2 green -27 also not getting super parts----seems that Bandai is kinda going away from it. Which makes no sense at all.
  24. He could have seen a YF-23 for Macross Plus around LA, but the only remaining XB-70 has been in Ohio for decades. Maybe he went both places.
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