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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Are there any games/consoles you're looking for? I've been planning to sell of most of what I have, and it goes from SNES/Genesis through PS3/360. Lots of import Saturn/Dreamcast.
  2. Re: point 2. Look at the F-18A+. It's better than the F-18C now, because it didn't have all the goodies from the start. It had space and weighed less. Then, years later, it gets all the C's goodies, and then some. But tech advances so quickly, all those goodies are now miniaturized compared to the C's, so the A still weighs less the C and has more room for even more future goodies. While most C's are stuffed to the gills with older heavier equipment which they've had from the start. (Except, ironically, the one thing that was supposed to truly make the C, a C, its DECM equipment).
  3. Yup. First real "new design" to the lions I've seen since the original, but no way is it worth that much. It's not a 3P combiner....
  4. Aren't all of those still multi-piece parts, just "molded very closely together" like the PG fingers are? (I must admit I don't know how the Astrays are at all, only ever looked at the box). There's a big difference between molded colors "very close together" like the multi-color sprues, and having an actual single piece being multiple colors (like a mid-90's blue/yellow/red chest-plate). (though actually, LEGO just started doing this, and pretty evenly--not perfectly crisp, but pretty good)
  5. Hmmn, RAF Super Hornets.... (Too late now, but was a Naval Tornado ever considered? Swing-wings on carriers rock)
  6. I haven't seen Bandai do that in YEARS, and the failure rate was high. I figure if they've improved on it, we'd have seen it by now. Even the higher-end MG's don't have it. (PG fingers are kinda like that, but that's really more like "2 same plastics enveloping each other")
  7. Hey, they just said today they dropped their first actual training bombs at Hill, vs their previous simulated training bombs.
  8. The turbofan to turbojet "mode conversion" was THE key design feature of the YF120. Still nothing like it now AFAIK. (And is why it's so remarkably superior to the F119 in supercruise).
  9. There's too many F/B-23 models and drawings made by Northrop for it to have not been at least somewhat considered. It's like the R/A-5C and YF-23 had a baby. Also, F-23A traded area ruling/speed (and likely stealth) for more internal volume compared to YF-23. F/B-23 clearly is using that big spine for yet even more fuel.
  10. Could always be intakes for radiators/cooling. Even in space you need radiators.
  11. I've been fairly close to a hovering Sea Harrier but it must have been a bit further away, because I've read many accounts that NOTHING beats a hovering Harrier when it comes to noise, but my experience wasn't all that memorable, sound-wise.
  12. Stealing from NEOGaf because it's too brilliant not to use it forever: B-2.1
  13. So the official US tri-services numbering system is just completely abandoned then, it seems. First F-35 instead of F-24, now B-21 instead of B-3. The -35 is at least an easily understood error, but they're blatantly admitting they basically picked -21 "because it was cool". I call dibs on next fighter being F-77, 'cuz it's a cool number...
  14. Arcadia's been color blind since day one. I don't think one valk they've made is really right. Except the 0S maybe.
  15. Lack of mecha is one of my main complaints. "Less is more" doesn't work when it's almost down to "none is more". And yeah, really sick of the Turbines-harem. They fill like half the eps lately but don't advance the plot at all.
  16. A recording doesn't match the real-life intensity/frequency. A lot of the effect is lost. It's way up there in my all time "bad auditory experiences in life".
  17. The GE's *sound* cooler, and that's the important thing.
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