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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I bought Trailbreaker simply because I needed a fourth figure with a black HFG, and I like him quite a bit. He fixes all the issues earlier versions of the mold had.
  2. Yes, her entrance and theme are amazing. Anyways----I liked the movie quite a lot. I think a lot of it depends on how much of an "Arkham" fan you are. It's a Batman movie. A gritty Batman movie. Liked it more than Avengers 2 I think.
  3. Ouch. Delta 5 is half white, and half grey. And so will all the others. They could really just do one kit, with all 5 heads included. The only difference is the stickers. (I was thinking the main "bold" color would be molded, with the white being stickers)
  4. Those F-14 crews trained for it, did very well at CAS, and were often specifically requested over other "fast jet" CAS, when available.
  5. I need to add "Best movie EVER" to the thread title...
  6. The Transmetal figures were the peak of the BW line. They're what convinced me to try BW figs.
  7. That's my guess. New pods come with Super packs, or a mid-season upgrade. Both options require new/more toys, thus more money for Bandai. But the single-piece rear-hinging canopy does seem odd, for semi-custom variants that will constantly have people getting in and out of the rear seat. I know Kawamori knows planes well enough to know how the F-104 and A-7K etc canopies work. And of course, exactly like the YF-19's would be perfect. ::edit:: F-4 or A-5 style would likely be best, after YF-19.
  8. "Father of the A-10" dies. I don't think I've ever seen the missing man formation done with A-10's: http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/22/politics/a-10-avery-kay-funeral-flyby/index.html
  9. Sky Lynx always shows up after "his" deluxes do. Weeks later in many cases.
  10. There was also apparently a Viggen there, but I somehow (despite spending hours there) missed it.
  11. In the spirit of Macross Delta, I'm going to post pics of the only Draken I've seen---anyone else here seen a Draken? Anyone ever get to see one fly?
  12. I believe the art of the VF-31A in battroid mode and the head-unit hasn't been seen before. (was hoping the -31A had a bit more color in battroid, to make up for the pure grey in fighter----the YF-19 gets quite a bit more color when it transforms---in fighter mode the -19's chest stripes are totally hidden and the shoulder stripes are mostly hidden)
  13. I would like to see the -30's pod or a variation of it, on the -31.
  14. I'll work on it again this weekend. (Got offer for new job last week, training starts next week----been busy!) (Also, I finally found where I'd stashed one of my bins, so I have everything located now)
  15. I didn't like the 30's "battroid clips" or the super-lazy non-sliding tailfins. Would have looked so much nicer if the tailfins slid forward into the tailfin-shaped-gaps in the wingroots in battroid mode. The -31A generally fixes the -30's issues. Doesn't look quite as good, but is a worthy trade-off.
  16. I have issues with my ASUS board detecting my EVO 850, and I'm not alone. It may be limited to the Z97 board family, but there's a lot of Z97's out there.
  17. I think they ret-conned Michael to be human early on. His ears look perfectly human after his first couple of appearances. That, or the animators kept forgetting to make them pointy, even in close-ups, dozens of times in a row...
  18. "Dragon" would fit well with "knights"...
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