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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. There's been no exceptions to the pattern yet for the combiners----Hasbro is toy-colored, Takara is toon-colored.
  2. It's a rule---the simpler the transformation, the more likely it is to get wrong.
  3. I want toy-colors on the UW molds. Sadly, that has about 0.1% chance of happening. Anyways: I wonder if she'll have the same voice actor as RiD Windblade. (from reading the comics, I get the sense that RiD Windblade and IDW Windblade, while looking a lot a like, are actually quite different people)
  4. I'm betting few people spend as much time deciding where to put, and as much money in buying different variations, as I do for 3P insignia. That said---if you just need Autobot logos, Reprolabels should have everything you could want. Clear-backed, white-backed, white outlines, chrome outlines, silver-backed, chrome-backed, and gold-backed. Now, there are the dry-transfer and metal ones from Eness/Ocean, but they will not "float" at all--as in, if there's any sort of groove/detail where the insignia goes, they will not cope with it at all--they need a perfectly smooth even surface to go on. But they do look "painted on" when applied, they have practically no thickness to them and are more crisply printed than Reprolabels'.
  5. Thing is, this makes the triangle have an uber-obvious "right" answer from the beginning. (hint: it's the hot alien chick who's also a fighter pilot). Max was/is always right. Whereas with Frontier, it flip-flopped for a while, and both characters had similar roles---established pop idol vs up-and-coming pop idol. First it was all "Ranka's cute, and Sheryl's a stuck-up bitch". But by the end, it was "Sheryl's much deeper and tougher than we first though, yet Ranka somehow gets dumber with each new experience".
  6. I think it was Voyager 2007 Starscream(or another "movie seeker" mold), but there WAS a change from the instructions to the actual toy, removing a hinge (saving parts/money), that altered how tightly the parts could fold/tuck up in alt mode. Wouldn't be surprised if it happened again. Hasbro has ZERO concern for undercarriage junk on their jets.
  7. That was quick----then I realized 90% of the dialogue was already translated weeks ago.
  8. Even better would be a new scheme, there's plenty of other canon VF-11 schemes. Milia's is the most-shown, but VFX-2's is awesome. (yes, Milia actually has 2 totally different but equally canon VF-11 schemes) (for VFX-2, it's gotta be the yellow-canard variant like this)
  9. Yes, but that itself is homaging the original series. (but this did seem to be awfully similar to how Frontier did it, no variation at all)
  10. With the VF-0D sold out everywhere it seems, a re-issue would be nice------in anime-accurate greyish-blue with grey belly... Or a VF-0C.
  11. So was it all purely tacked onto the end, or were there some more bits spliced throughout? (I only saw the last 5 mins).
  12. Ironically, he's gotten incredibly lazy with the wings. My kingdom for a new valk where the entire upper fuselage and wings don't just "float" on the battroid's back, not folded/hidden at all. The VF-1 did it best, the VF-11 at least TRIED to do something with that area. Kawamori seems to have basically given up doing anything with the wings after that.
  13. Because if there's one thing the fandom is asking for, it's EVEN MORE 3P MP DINOBOTS. ::rolleye:: (though I'll admit, I've yet to see a Snarl or Sludge that I like enough to buy---IMHO most all have sucky dino modes, and dino mode is the main mode for a dinobot---kind of like how combined mode is the most important mode for a combiner----yet almost every Dinobot toy seems to focus on robot mode for some reason...) Ironically, I see the most good Slag toys, yet he's about my least-fave. Yet one of the few I actually owned for G1.
  14. I think the big deal is that PW is having plenty of issues with them. A320NEO's are sitting at the factory, complete but engineless.
  15. You mean Macrossmas tree.
  16. It's obviously still just an "exterior sculpt" proto. They haven't done much work on how they're going to hollow out the legs and nose for landing gear. I don't even think the nosegear doors we see are scribed, merely penciled on. It's got a long way to go, so "winter" sounds likely.
  17. I'll have to see. That area is a plastic-wrapped piece of diecast parts, and the screws/metal are such that it's in the "once it's together, it's never coming apart again" category. (Not without making it so they'll never be tight again). But I'll give it a look. Legs come off easily, but chest/torso wiring has always been a big issue with disassembling that one. May be able to do "ribcage down" easily enough.
  18. I've never been able to display my PG Wing Zero flying----got an idea for that?
  19. Oh, whew, I forgot that he was going to try "one of each" and decide from there. For how expensive a 3P combiner is, it's a smart thing to do, before going all-in on one. As for TFC Poseidon----hmmn, maybe just wait for the next one: BlastOff needs to be a LOT darker, and Swindle more mustard and/or orange, but color-wise, their Piranacon turned out a lot better than their "teaser pallette" indicated.
  20. I'm about the biggest Piranacon fan around, but I see a LOT of issues with this: Ironically, I think it's almost an "ignorance is bliss" situation. If you only barely know the Seacons---then yes, this looks pretty cool. But if you have all their names/colors/configurations memorized for most of your life and could recite it in your sleep---then you recognize they're taking a heck of a lot of liberties with how Piranacon is arranged/patterned etc. And from just a raw design perspective---those are pretty poor leg-modes IMHO. The beast-limbs just hang there on the sides? That's unacceptable these days. MMC Feral Rex, UT War Lord, and UT Ordin did MUCH more with dealing with beast-mode legs, in leg-mode. And the tails just sit there on front? With the fins flopped over sideways? (It's also very much one of the biggest issues people had with FP's Intimidator/Menasor---the cars "faced the wrong way" on the legs---Menasor's legs have the cars on the back and the robot bits on the front, but M3 reversed that---Piranacon is the same way as Menasor---but like Intimidator, Poseidon has the robot bits on the back of the legs, and alt-mode stuff up from)
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