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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. He has a Diesel-only vid, and an M3 vid. ::edit:: Hmmn, I didn't see him remove the shoulder connectors at all. I'm talking about this situation: Once the combiner shoulders are attached to Diesel's connectors, they like to stay on. And many have stressed, and a few have broken, trying to remove them by yanking/tugging: But if you do like I wrote earlier, they come off EASILY. The only other part to really watch for on Diesel, are the black tabs (drive wheel section) that hold the "wings" onto the back. Just be sure to always peg and un-peg "straight" and not angle them. Protip: the wings are on sliders. Get the angles right first, them move the sliders.
  2. It's not the tooling for the airframe, it's the systems. Good luck finding avionics and landing gear.
  3. I'd not heard of that, and my first TomyTec kit is on its way from HLJ. Does normal cement just not work, not work well, or what? (because I tend to avoid CA when possible, especially on painted areas) I use it for reinforcing or gap-filling, not "primary method of adhesion". I'm betting (regardless of what the pic/wording implies): You take the front half and wings of the fighter kit. The arms and legs of the battroid kit. And the "exclusive" center-section (backpack+intakes) of the Gerwalk "set". The Gerwalk set's only difference/part, is that center-section piece.
  4. Aircraft guns are bore-sighted to converge(if multi-gunned) and hit at a certain point. I think I heard 1500ft for an F-4.
  5. Needn't be anything so fancy. Concorde had secondary and tertiary intakes, but had "mere" afterburning turbojets.
  6. Relative canopy size is often a goodway to tell how big a fighter is. Look at a Su-27 for a good example. That is a ginormous fighter, with a small canopy to match.
  7. So is the underside pure white with no stickers? Reminds me of how most LEGO planes etc are done----with no concern for looks/completeness on the underside.
  8. Not the scheme, the wings. The other -31's look too much like the -29, while the 31A is like a "perfected" -30.
  9. I've always disliked the repaint Leader-1 (despite owning one) because I always (rightfully?) saw his existence as denying me the "proper" grey one. I honestly can't remember if I had a grey one before the blue one and lost it, but I know that it took FOREVER to find a grey one after getting a blue one. The grey one just disappeared from shelves the moment the blue one showed up. Even more OT---Spectacular Spamurai! http://www.taghobby.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/sic.jpg
  10. The-25 kit was better than the V1, but the renewal actually had the best fighter mode, because the nacelles/legs didn't hang too low. And the renewal actually, you know, pegged together...
  11. Ah, but the -9 series also share names, not just FSW-----Cutlass, Excalibur, Durandal-----they're all named after swords. 3 valks, 3 FSW, 3 swords. It's more than coincidence at this point.
  12. Frontier had tons of post-credit scenes. Heck, that was the only time we ever saw flight suit Grace.
  13. Scyla----Hayate seems less anti-military than Basara at least, yet Basara's talent was considered so important they created a VF-19 variant just for him and let him "do whatever he wanted" even when it interfered with the military operations. So in the Macross universe-----anyone can be a pilot in an elite squadron, provided they have an exceptional skill.
  14. Eh, Katana's arm mode is the worst bit of Guardia's combined mode IMHO----that's just way too much tailboom+rotor to just "hang off his wrist". G1 did it better, sad to say. Really, both arms are too fat/blocky. Should have found a sleeker ambulance(though that's almost an oxymoron) but there's certainly sleeker rescue choppers with smaller slimmer tailbooms and no landing gear pontoons. And one with a fenestron would have helped a LOT IMHO. Ironically CW Blades has one!
  15. T-Bone Protip: (since EVERYBODY misses this)----be sure to press his hood down. There's tabs. And slots. Don't give him a "jagged" hood up front. It's like 10x worse than MP Tracks. Yet there's tabs designed to hold it down flush, and they work perfectly. But people tend to leave it untabbed for some reason. See this? Not like this: Partly-popped hood is bad, but more common than not. Do like this: Yes, it's sad---the ONLY pic I could find of a properly-transformed hood, is the official promo pic. Every other one on google images, is a "partly-popped up" hood. PS---you can see this well in the lower pic: See the gap in his running boards, below the doors? Well, if you close it, then his roof pops apart. You can have either the top or bottom of the car flush. And this will cause the whole car to bend slightly (bent up to close roof gap, bent down to close floor gap). Again, because he's re-shelled and I think they mis-measured how long some parts should be. Granted, this is FP/MT's first full combiner, and I think they did well---they just have done better since. PPS---do you have Diesel yet? Because one section of the instructions are WRONG and impossible to do in the order shown. (kind of like the change made from Binaltech to Alternators Smokescreen's instructions). Again, watch Breauxman's vid. The part where the shoulders are "rotated up" for bot mode.
  16. Car Crash is a Reventon. It's just kinda hard to tell since every real Reventon was grey, so everyone who googled "white lambo" when looking for his alt-mode, would never find a Reventon. T-Bone suffers from being a re-shell (literally) of Car Crash. Nothing fits as well in bot mode---his shin and ankle bits constantly clip into neighboring areas. He's actually quite hard to get a stable "action" pose, since his feet "just don't fit" his lower legs and often won't splay/angle correctly to touch the floor. (he also suffers from being a fake* car, in a sea of real ones). *No, there is no such thing as an Ankonian. It's no more real than a B-Wing nor Galaxy-class starship. Sure, you can make a small scale model of one and film it in a studio and make it look realistic, but it's not a real thing you can go sit in or drive.
  17. Despite all the that, the VF-9's coolest feature is still that the WINGS FORM THE CHEST. That is 100x better than the recent "lazy" wing transformations of Frontier-era valks. "Pivot 90 degrees and make a huge backpack". Just compare the battroid modes of a VF-1/VF-11 in a side-view, to a VF-25/27/29... Anyways---the Sv-262 head is totally gonna have a Sv-51-ish pointy pope-hat. I'm not sure if anyone else has thought of/posted this before, but: Draken. Dragon. Medieval. Knights. Ornate armor/colors. Kawamori. I think the Draken's battroid mode is gonna be Escaflowne. (Plenty of Fz-109 influence in there, for a previously-established "enemy battroid" look) Maybe we should be looking at the VF-14 for transformation ideas.
  18. Wouldn't it be really appropriate though? If any movie would fit the theme of computer-generated replacement bodies, it's this.
  19. It's not unprecedented, go look at how the VF-9 arms transform.
  20. There's a billion Devy's now, but I've yet to see one I really like. Most simply have stupid-looking combiner heads, and I hate most solutions to his forearms and hands. I honestly think TFC did the best. PS----why can't anyone make a Devy where the crane folds down along his back? He shouldn't need as much display space front-back as he does in height!
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