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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. As I said---I've got *a* 1/144 Tomytech Gimix series kit. It's just not a valk. They have planes from real-world, games, and anime.
  2. G1 Triggerhappy was so simple, and has a Cybertronian alt-mode, so he's in the "hard to be massively better" category if an MP or 3P came out. Kind of like Soundwave---the G1 was already fairly "perfect"---new ones are just bigger. Sure they're better, but it's not like MP Bumblebee levels of better than the original.
  3. It seems strange but true, but the "Ace Combat effect" seems to work in real life: Nowadays, it's not the airframe/engines, it's the avionics/weapons. Give me an F-8 with AESA, ASRAAM, and Meteor, and I'll happily go up against a Gripen wielding AIM-9J's...
  4. Man, if there's a character I was NOT expecting a new figure of, it's Triggerhappy: Very pleasantly surprised, and he is SO bought. He was my one and only Targetmaster. (excluding Piranacon, who only sorta counts)
  5. Well, the first one is the worst by far. Try the second, see if the improvement is enough to keep hoping it'll eventually become good. (I'm still watching, but MAN that first ep turned me off...)
  6. I could go on for pages about Uranos' jet modes, but suffice it to say---Harrier's the worst by far, followed by Falcon. Phantom's probably the best. Ares has MUCH better jets. But the Rafale's better than the Tomcat. (sorry, I don't know Liokaiser well enough to know their real names, much less TFC's names)
  7. Anyone interested in any pics/sort of a build? It's not a valk, but I just got one of these kits and plan to start it soon. It won't be a full build article or anything, but I could highlight some things people are interested in.
  8. That's being generous/optimistic. My answer is "zero chance, don't waste time writing an email". You might as well ask the FAA to do something about bad food on a North Korean airline...
  9. Thus, why Allosaurus remains my all-time fave. Don't have to worry (much) about them feathering him up.
  10. Raptors? Feh. Deinonychus FTW. Gimme one of THOSE.
  11. Exactly. Somehow they don't seem to know the shape/angle needed (the "chin" is often too pointy for the "right" size to fit) Also----what if you don't want one THERE? Or want one at all? Molded-in spots are generally bad, as both pro- and anti-insignia people have issues with them. Simply leave decently blank/smooth spots, on chest or shoulder. Then it looks good either way----if there's no sticker, there's no obvious "molded spot" that's empty. If you want to use it---you should have a range of sizes/styles that'll work. In short----don't force a sticker location, but also don't prevent me from using one. It's fairly simple to do--just don't put ridges and valleys and dimples EVERYWHERE. Leave a spot or two more plain/flat.
  12. Diesel: Chest, on center silver "block" (need to replace with smaller one, as the indentations lead to peeling "crown points"---gah, if only it was SMOOTH there with no depressions, it'd work so much better---but that's my #1 irk with all 3P figures----lack of smooth areas big enough for an insignia. Cab doors, hollow chrome (so black shows through). Trailer, center of "main sword" section. T-Bone---tiny one bent across middle of chest that keeps peeling up due to acute angle of chest-plate. (see complaints abovee). Center of doors in car mode. Last Chance---center of hood, center of doors. Others: I wanted T-Bone's hood insignia to be off-set like the G1 and CC/Breakdown's, but you have to use a tiny one to do so. So I went with a big one in the middle.
  13. I don't remember Visionaries much----I have much better/fonder memories of the OTHER hologram toy--Super Naturals. (and I dare say they simply had superior holography---they were "deeper" than Visionaries)
  14. I will likely sell my Arcadia -19 if Bandai does a true Isamu YF, or a YF or 19A with neat colors. Then I will be Arcadia-free and almost Yamato-free. Don't know if that's good or bad.
  15. I think most of the Frontier DX's have at least one wing insignia like that. It's harder to tell since they're angled anyways, but I think quite a few are "not quite right".
  16. Canon or not (I think it is for some) I always do "one click" of the GERWALK thigh joint in battroid mode, on every valk.
  17. At this point, I think it should be renamed Kawamori's Kobra, based on how often he features it...
  18. Guess we know what's going to be on the cover of Ace Combat 7 now.
  19. Start keeping an eye out for the super parts. Even at "above MSRP" they shouldn't be *too* expensive, since they're relatively cheap to begin with. Plus there's only the one set---you don't have to worry about finding and paying for Super, Armored, and Tornado parts like with the -25.
  20. Get it. I wasn't much of a -29 fan and bought my Ozma mainly because of the colors and head. But it turned out to be about my fave 1/60 of all. It is simply a "fun" valk to play with.
  21. Exactly. The F-14 has a ground-only wing setting for parking. And the A-5 could only fold its tail fin on the ground.
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