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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Noted, the ordnance should be fairly easy to do with CA. (I'm so picky about getting tailfins etc on perfectly straight, I'd need like 2-min CA to have enough working/adjusting time, which doesn't exist AFAIK) (though I'm that picky about weaponry too...) (probably should have CA'd the nozzles too, thinking about it)
  2. I'm thinking that may look the best of all, by far, by simply using a wash.
  3. Still no MG Delta 2.0? (Delta as in the original gold one, not Kai etc) Anyways---that "unknown" Build Fighters red one---the head looks familiar, but I can't place it.
  4. All the little markings, are stickers. Very carefully trimmed and well-applied, but stickers, not tampo.
  5. Yup, that team's looking awesome again. Too many pics to post them all, go here: http://news.tfw2005.com/2016/05/11/tfc-toys-bigbite-skalor-final-product-images-315351 Teaser: (yes, clear plastic sucks, structurally, and I just had my MP Wheeljack's clear wing hinge snap---but darn if it doesn't seem appropriate for sea-life) This also pretty much cements my decision to pass on Guardia, for now. 6 bots this size will be my most expensive combiner ever by far. (plus I gotta budget for a VF-31, Super Parts, and maybe even an Sv-262). One big combiner is about my yearly limit. (and I am a *huge* Piranacon fan, so he is the #1 priority) Also---you know, their Skalor has a really good headsculpt. TFC has definitely upped their game a lot recently, with Liokaiser and Piranacon. They look like 2 generations better than Uranos and NotPredaking...
  6. Progress is slow, due to "fiddly bits". Like tailplanes that have a very small attachment point (at the rear!), so it's a balancing act to try to glue them on perfectly straight and then dry that way overnight. But most (all?) valks have no tailplanes so that won't be an issue for them. Past couple days it's been basically "glue on 3 parts that have roughly similar alignment, so I can "hang it up to dry in position" for a day. Repeat.
  7. Whatever Hayate gets, Mirage gets too. So they can match when they tango.
  8. Well aware of that, but anything was better than the GREEN it was originally. ::clicks on the next couple pics:: Oh, yeah, NOW they realize what color Flanker cockpits are... (boy, for only one having ever been built, they sure are releasing a lot of different Su-37 kits...)
  9. Whoops, I didn't see that was for the original MSRP, I thought that was a "just spotted" price.
  10. I'm thinking that akin to the replacement hip guns of the -25, the -31's super parts will come with replacement tailfins----permanently folded over for strength,(and maybe permanently attached to the boosters) and so the "naked" -31 can have single-pice fins.
  11. I still think she got it from the destroyed VF-31A, off-screen. It literally appears out of nowhere from one scene to the next. PS---Lady M? I currently vote Mylene. Who else who would have the interest/pull to create "Sound Force 2.0"? (and have an M-name)
  12. 01 has a lot of extra color accents that none of the others do. (basically, all the red bits). It's a "3rd layer" of paint that none of the others have, that replaces a section that is not differentiated in the others. That shield bit is just another example, and follows the rest of 01's paint pattern.
  13. The shoulders are in L (or is it a U?) shaped tracks---the transformation is more complex than most people realize. (the extreme stiffness of the sliding motion doesn't help, plus the shoulder must be rotated properly before it'll slide) They move front/back, not just up/down. Arm, Tiger, and Robot mode should all have differently-positioned shoulders. This is most obvious in tiger mode--he can look much more feline/stalking-esque with the arms in their proper alignment. (Arm mode you have to "do it right" or it won't peg together, and robot mode works in multiple positions)
  14. 24 hrs, unspoiled posts. And accidentally deleted one in doing so. So here's the new version: Super VF-31A.
  15. Technically they first (briefly) appeared at the very end of ep 5 in the preview for ep 6...
  16. Hard to edit/spellcheck/clarify thoughts when working around spoiler tags everywhere... (plus I hit send before my brain had caught up with what I was thinking)
  17. Graham: 1. Yes to the second part, doesn't look like it for the first. Even more so than in Frontier. 2. Replacement. 3. (I know you only asked 2). The because the OK, I think I know what happened at the end (or at least it's a logical explanation): I practically frame-by-framed, and we don't see it happen, because it just appears out of nowhere. But it makes sense.
  18. Didn't realize the finer details of the markings and attachment points of super parts for a valk were considered plot spoilers.
  19. OK, best view of the underside of fighter mode comes courtesy of Chuck: (who also introduces something I think is new---arms-only GERWALK) At least as many parts as VF-25 Supers have, possibly surpassing it? With this much "stuff" already, what will full armor look like? (the -31 is so skinny, it can surely accomodate it)
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