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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Am I nuts or does the Super Hornet have an unusual number of mid-air collisions? Another pair was just lost from VFA-211. All crew OK, thankfully.
  2. The pessimist in me says it's molded almost entirely clear, with a lot of clear-blue-paint carefully applied for the display. Note the blue areas look a but more metallic and opaque.
  3. The Gripen E unveil is so similar, but so much better: As for the F-15 vid---for trying to entice multi-billion dollar contracts, they could at least get the CG model right---it has both the larger E-style tailhook, AND the original early 70's tailhook fairing. I don't think those two things can exist simultaneously, and the latter hasn't been around for a while...
  4. I was just coming to post that, I had a "fridge moment"---"wait a second...."
  5. Smaller hinges would help more than painted hinges, IMHO.
  6. Well, the Yellow 13 kit definitely has "ASU-DECA" decals, despite me looking all over for something that matched the example pics. Made one slice with an X-acto and thought "that's odd"...
  7. At this point in Frontier, it already had a greater number of good, memorable songs. Quality vs quantity. So far Delta is definitely aiming for the latter.
  8. I still remember the cries of "nah, the CG is just too skinny, Kawamori intended them to be bulkier--the DX is the REAL way the -25 is supposed to look" from all the Bandai-defenders on the board, when we saw the V1.
  9. Have we seen a renewal since the first time? The VF-27 only barely counts because it came out just before the renewal -25, then later ones got new hips based on it. It was far from the total redesign the -25 got. It's a version 1.5 at best. The -171, -29, and -30, all have just the one mold. It's not like there's a long history of renewals in the Frontier/Delta era. There's one (the -25), and one "tweak".(the -27) That's it exactly, from what we've seen so far. It can "beam" energy to them when they run out.
  10. Someone here mentioned early on that Messer was likely to get Var, and possibly end up killing one of the leads etc. The Var point certainly came true, and I realized an Ep or two ago----if anyone dies in this show, I think it'll be Mirage. Putting the two together....
  11. We did need more business-suit Grace... (But yeah, I agree, lots of similarities, possibly even similar goals/motivations)
  12. For being knights, I haven't seen a sword yet...
  13. I'm the opposite--this is the best fighter, but DX is best battroid.
  14. Most modern fighter jets with "straight" wings actually are angled downwards by 1 degree or so. I know the F-15 is, I suspect the F-16/18 may do the same. (it's to make them ever so slightly unstable in roll)
  15. Yup, just the one large Excelsior-class model built. I think the one they made for VOY:Flashback was around 3 feet long IIRC... (they had to quick make a new one because they couldn't un-convert the Lakota back to standard configuration without ruining it---it was SUPPOSED to be possible, that's why everything fro the 2000-to-1701B change is "added on" and not "carved into" the baseline NCC-2000 confguration, but basically the glue was too strong)
  16. Yup. Highlight of the trailer for me. If nothing else it shows how warp drive is fairly "inherently different" than most "jump" type of FTL travel shown in Sci-Fi. Amazing how it seems to follow the TNG technical manual's explanation, more than any pre-JJ-trek stuff ever did.
  17. Absolutely not a Kulbit, and not a Herbst turn either. Kinda close to a Cobra followed by a Hook, or a Cobra-turn. But not really any of them.
  18. It's amazing how being just a few shades darker than before, has everyone liking Mirage's colors so much more.
  19. I do hope there's a "white knight" (silver?) repaint of Keith's. That'd look even cooler IMHO.
  20. Wouldn't look as good as the big-ass filming model. Isn't the Excelsior the largest one built for filming? (length-wise, at least---the first Ent-D may have more mass) I know it was still marked as the Lakota when it was auctioned off, is it in London now? (whoever bought it...)
  21. The engine sure exists, as the original version of the CFM56 was designed to replace the JT3D 2-for-1. That was the cornerstone of the DC-8-70 program. How does the B-52 get air to pressurize the cockpit etc? Original DC-8's used turbocompressors, but the upgrade to the -70 removed them and they used bleed air from the new engines.
  22. Mmmn, VF-111 and VF-1. So hard to choose.
  23. Nice to see more people coming around to the "Delta 04" team.
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