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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. You should offer a special SWS stand for the YF-29.
  2. In my experience with their Super Flanker, they were remarkably well thought-out with the sprue attachment points---often in locations where pieces joined, or under-gated. Also, they seemed to detach very cleanly, best I've ever found---I don't know if it's simply due to the small scale or a certain mix of plastic, but I recommend going against the norm, and try snipping as flush as you can on the first cut. On the smaller pieces at least. Odds are good it'll release very cleanly.
  3. Though I'm only just now building it, I've owned it for decent number of years---it's certainly not a first-release, but also not "the latest pressing". Based on how non-existent most panel lines are, and how crisp many other areas are, the panel lines couldn't have been very sharp to begin with IMHO, unless Zeta Plus A1 is way more popular than I'm lead to believe, and there were many thousands made each time. It's like "sharp molding on the parts themselves, but dull shallow panel lines". That was my point--it *should* have been "masking 101" and quick and easy. But it just "went wrong". On every edge of both surfaces of both parts... I kinda want to blame the plastic itself---I gave them one extra scrubbing in soapy water before hand, but am still having adhesion problems.
  4. I think I can make a spoiler-free reply to Graham: I believe because that hasn't been shown before(I think), and would thus be a surprise/unexpected. And so hard to react to/deal with the first time.
  5. Oh no no no no no. The boards were aflame with people ticked at all the issues with MP Sideswipe's paint. Me included. Good ones are rare, and which version you buy has very little bearing. There are flawless first releases, and there are flawless KO's. But there are a ton more awful first and second releases, and early and late KO's. No MP has more common, nor as severe, paint issues as Sideswipe. Early KO Sideswipes have some issues with the tampo-printing, but that is independent of the actual paint. Ironically, most late KO's seem to have better-aligned insignias than the real ones. (true for Sideswipe and Tracks, possibly the Datsuns too) KO Sideswipes also have the "fixed" eyes/facesculpt, based on the Red Alert release. I'm not sure if 2nd or 3rd release real ones do. But no first release one does of course. (I've often wanted to buy a KO Sideswipe head just for the face, but they're not cheap enough for just that) If some day a US release of Sideswipe comes out, with really good paint, I'll likely replace my JP release.
  6. Gotta rant for a second about MG Zeta Plus A1: Are the leading edges of the wings, the biggest piece to ever NOT be molded separately, in color, on an MG? They made the little side-vents on the head a separate piece, yet these much larger, more important parts aren't? (also, the molding on the wings isn't very crisp---I cannot get the panel lines done crisply, nor has masking the orange/beige separation line worked well---these are the only 2 parts I need/plan to paint, but it's been much tougher than I planned----and frankly, I shouldn't have to paint them at all, they SHOULD be molded separately---I honestly feel most HGUC's would have molded these separately in 2 colors. Sure, it's an older MG---but it's not ancient)
  7. Nothing beats the onesie (for a baby) that said "My Daddy Flies Jets". With a big pic of a B-29.
  8. Ah ha, it does have a buch of Comet in it... (I couldn't for the life of me think of what the military-modded version of the Comet 4 was, and googling "UK comet transport" didn't bring it up...)
  9. Is this a real plane? If it is, it's awesome I want to know what. If it's not---then I think the artist had pics of a Comet and an Ekranoplan sitting nearby.
  10. The Ozma -29 is such a dark grey, that inking in panel lines is so subtle you're not even sure you did it. I switched to black paint for some areas, since it was "blacker". And it's still subtle!
  11. The gold stickers are fine, but anything with white/crest---the excess clear is massive, and stands out very badly.
  12. The grey Super pack looks so nice in matte, I'm tempted to flat-coat my glossy grey Ozma -29. But since the main body involves moving parts, I worry about it chipping off. (Whereas armor parts and super packs don't really move/transform much)
  13. Oh come on, THAT's the first flightsuit Mirage we get?
  14. Did you remove/mask the nozzles before flat-coating the armor?
  15. Ouch, first I've heard of being broken that "early".
  16. I sanded down the tabs a bit first thing when I got my armor set. Heard many tales of broken tabs.
  17. Because a non-stickered black Sideswipe is then the uber-rare black Diaclone version, not G2. G2 is defined by neon colors.
  18. Put them on. Or use Reprolabels' version. G2 Sideswipe MUST have neon green stickers all over.
  19. "Fatigues" Mirage for display next to Elysion, Flightsuit Mirage for next to her valk.
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