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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yup, their Snapdragon so far looks better (though less intricate) than their Apeface. I personally hope their Apeface is undergoing a massive redesign during all this time. I (and many others) did not like the ape mode. (because it was way more oozaru-troll, than ape)
  2. I had Quad-U on order, up to the point that BBTS actually moved him to the pre-shipping stage before I cancelled it. Basically 3 reasons (I'm a huge Weirdwolf fan, he was my first headmaster, and my only non-Horrorcon headmaster): 1. Wolf snout is ridiculously long and flat. This was pointed out early on by many people, and I think even FP acknowledged it during the grey proto stage--but never changed it. With some skilled mods, it looks so much better, see here: http://bbs.actoys.net/read.php?tid-1704578.html Interstingly, the early drawings showed a shorter more sloped snout. They LENGTHENED and flattened it, of all things. 2. Front paws/hands. Just look weird. True, giant robots don't need to have human-esque hands, and many, especially 'cons, have claws or guns instead. But his just look odd, especially with the swordsman motif. If you're gonna wield a sword, you kinda need normal fairly normal hands... 3. Colors. They're wrong, which is VERY uncharacteristic for FP/MT. They have the best paint and color matching of ANYBODY, surpassing even Bandai. (it's not hard to beat Hasbro...). So for them to get BOTH main colors wrong? Strange. There's a bunch of yellow TF's, but very few mustard-maize ones like Weirdwolf was. And they just made him lemony-yellow like a cheap KO. The blue is just as far off, it should be close to navy, not teal.
  3. A7--oh come on, you can't just knock out a Zeta Plus A1 over the weekend, when I've spent a week on the wing leading edges alone!
  4. ::googles Kairos:: It fits the theme, with Elysion etc. Also, not being FSW, it should have a less sword-themed name. (I know, Siegfried's not a sword----but he's a very famous swordsman)
  5. Oh hey, protip for the non-light-up display stand: See how it has a rectangular top? You'll likely have a choice of two parts to install into the belly. And you do NOT want the one with a rectangular hole in it, when using the non-lit stand. Trust me on this. You want the "blank" belly-piece, and drill out the holes from the backside. Of course, the banking adapter looks to be quite different, so all that may change.
  6. I think Cop-Tur is out, sadly. They can only do characters from the Japanese show. These are very much "toys of the Japanese SHOW CHARACTERS", not new versions of the toys from Tonka/GoBots. There's a difference. And that means a lot of the "prominent in the US" characters, are not available. Anyone know if any of the ships were on the Japanese anime? I so want Dive-Dive and Man-O-War.
  7. Best song in the series so far---is one of Fire Bomber's, sung by kids. Basara never managed such a sad version though.
  8. I think the banking adapter is new, haven't seen it with any other kits in that line.
  9. But they were fairly close, and not so skinny. These are too far/too skinny, looking like they're floating way far away.
  10. I just can't get past how Daedalus and Prometheus look (not) attached to the sides in cruiser mode. That overhead pic deters me every time I think about getting it.
  11. Sorry, didn't see any notice about GG's delay. (I'm trying to scroll quickly, in case of spoilers). I almost wonder if the rule should be more like 24 hours after subs are out, instead of 24 hours after airing. Or like, 12 hours after subs, if people want to openly spoil as soon as possible. Thankfully people seem to still be self-censoring due to lack of subs at the moment, even though it's technically no longer required.
  12. Do they ever use THE Voltron theme? Even Voltron 3D used it. (Best part of that series----and Dracotron)
  13. I own it. And didn't use the faceplate stickers. It's no substitute IMHO. I've seen headmasters, so I'm ok/used to a "faced" Brainstorm. But yeah---comics Brainstorm, and the original toy---I prefer a faceplate.
  14. Saw Roy, where was Milia? Same scene? As for the comedy---yeah, with how much humor comes from the pilots, we really didn't need an additional dedicated funny-man in Coran. For toys---I pray for a good one. I REALLY like the designs, especially with how green lion has the shield integrated. Makes green and red more distinct, rather than simply "a bit rounder vs more edged" like the original. (Yellow and blue always were more unique, mainly in the heads/spines, but now they're even more so)
  15. No, the VF-1 is the sole exception IMHO and the only one I plan to keep.
  16. Mike---you got a GREAT deal on that Smart Robin. He was going for well above MSRP not that long ago, and to get the bonus head included----I'm envious. I want the head pretty bad, but not willing to pay half again what I did for the entire figure.
  17. Absolutely. Recent Bandai toys are 10x more "fun" to transform and swoosh around with, than recent Arcadias, in my experience. One or two more sales, and I'll be Arcadia/Yamato-free. (just waiting for a true Isamu Bandai -19)
  18. How's the hood? I've read that in general the KO's lays flatter/lower---but my question is, does it sit further forward----my biggest issue with Track's hood isn't sitting up too high, I can reduce it 90%---but the thing is, it sits too far back ,revealing lots of silver at the front. (or, if I move it foward to close that hap, it then sits REALLY high) And does the hood snap/click into place at all? Also, the canopy (it's more than just a windshield on that mold)---does it sit down flush on top of the doors, near the front? Mine always wants to angle up a bit, and is never all the way down. It takes a TON of fiddling just to not have a huge gap around the mirrors---the side-glass never gets down to the top of the doors like it should.
  19. That's how it is in the show, so that's pretty much expected.
  20. In what way? KO Tracks seems superior to real Tracks in every way. I'm kinda annoyed, to the point of considering selling my Takara to buy a KO.KO Sideswipe is the only I know of to have notable issues consistently, and only the early ones. Everything else is same "luck of the draw" as a Takara AFAIK. PS----Sideswipe's paint job (or lack of it) is still a huge sore spot for me. My fave Autobot, period, and his alt-mode is basically ruined by all sorts of paint issues---especially ironic with the much-touted "perfectly matched to official Lambo specs" color. Yet it's still very inconsistent panel to panel because it's so poorly and thinly applied.
  21. I didn't realize the LERX-thingy (technical term) had nearly that much movement range.
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