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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. FT's Blitzwing has an inferior jet mode to Gewalt, but Gewalt's tank mode is SO bad, that despite being a jet fan first and fore-most, I'll have to wait and see how FT's turns out due to the million times better tank. (really, Gewalt pretty much is a MiG-25, though of course there's some issues--mainly the back half of it---but FT's jet isn't really ANYTHING. It's MiG-25-ish, but it's almost just as F-15-ish, especially the nose/canopy area) I do like Gewalt's robot mode though, to me it's the best Blitzwing by far in that mode. (yes, the shoulders are weird, but everything else is quite nice---and "animation-accuracy be damned" the half-nozzle feet on the other 2 bots look awful and are also nothing like either the toy's or real MiG-25 nozzles)
  2. They put the hinges on the wings on the front/visible side. That alone is an "obvious error" IMHO, for a high-end chogokin. (Though considering the transformation, it may be possible to flip them around)
  3. What was the typical turnaround for Frontier? A bit under a week? One-two days, sometimes same-day, is "miraculous" to me. And waited a whole lot longer than that for Zero!
  4. And at a surprisingly large number of them. I figured like "15 biggest cities only" or something. I'll buy my ticket soon.
  5. The navy is a really nice touch. Adds just enough color to make it "not super-drab" grey EVERYWHERE, but still keeps it quite low-vis overall.
  6. Considering the number of people waiting for subs, people often self-spoiler-tag until subs are out. I personally appreciate it, so I can see the "subs are out!" post without having the whole ep spoiled.
  7. Found my parts! They were on the workbench/table. Already checked there two or three times over the last 48 hours, but they somehow avoided detection every time. Yeesh, I spent a decent chunk of the the past two days checking every nook and cranny and box I could think of...
  8. Checked EBay and Aliexpress----no KO of that one. Anywhere else to check?
  9. The VF-1A's accent color is very "cream", not white. Is that new, or just something I never noticed before?
  10. I think, for the first time ever, I've lost a piece (a pair, actually). MG Wing Gundam. HLJ doesn't do parts orders any more, and even if they did---it's a "single piece, on 2 duplicate sprues" so it'd cost a decent chunk to get a pair. Has this kit been KO'd? I'd much rather buy a KO to get two parts, than an entire MG kit again. The original, true, TV Wing Gundam. Not Katoki, not OVA, not a revamp. This one: http://hlj.com/product/BAN962352/Gun
  11. The YF-21's GERWALK-mode exhaust louvers would almost certainly be considered a cascade array. Or at least cascade vanes.
  12. I will be sorely disappointed if the lions have the same shape and proportions as the 80's (and 90's) (and 00's) toys we've seen. Why does Voltron consistently "get a pass" with not improving the overall shape/looks of the lions? Look how much YF-19 toys have improved in half the time or less.
  13. Too many Voltrons to keep track of---is this a "new" one that hasn't been seen much? Or is it the non-transforming one? And what's going on with the Toynami one? (which frankly, is the first one to really make any sort of attempt at improving how the lions look)
  14. I figure the answer to this wouldn't be a spoiler: Is there a new OP? Assuming a standard 26-ish eps, we're just past the mid-point.
  15. We all saw how the 19 advance turned out though, with its wing root/shield gaps.
  16. It's reality rearing its ugly head. If the weapons pod is swappable, it may need some compromises to make it happen. The -30 never did get any other weapons pod.
  17. They don't even paint the landing gear, they're never going to paint any engine blades.
  18. Oh hey, 899 sqn's there too. That's 2/3 of the Shar squadrons. Someone at Tomy likes Harriers...
  19. Ok, enough with the show-ranting in the toy section, but I'll just say: Muzaffar----the tone DOES change, a lot. Frankly, there's an immediate and severe drop-off in the amount of "outfit-changing scenes" and the singing does go down a lot for many of the next eps. I'd suggest giving it at least one or two more eps before writing the series off entirely. (I still think it's far inferior to Frontier, but it is at least tolerable, if not getting interesting, at this point) But man was that first ep painful...
  20. OK, so all together, the options are: Starfighters (VF-33) Royal Maces (VFA-27) Wolfpack (VF-1) Sundowners (VF-111) Dambusters (VFA-195) 800 sqn (do British Squadrons ever have official names?)
  21. The new GERWALK tail markings are for the Royal Maces(not a Tomcat squadron, rare for a VF-1 to do that), and the Starfighters.
  22. Oh, I had forgotten about the gun pod/adapter pieces. That's another point or two in favor of renewal over kit.
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