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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Every Intl trailer is slightly different. One of them clearly shows Blue Leader, diving from above. (unlike the group who did TFA, Rogue One's team seems to understand how the markings on an X-Wing work)
  2. 18 days to go to get 1000, he's got 856. Spread the word!
  3. Tracks will very likely be my last MP. I place a huge emphasis on alt-modes, more than most people do.
  4. If I'd known the Commodore was coming to the US as the G8, I'd have probably waited for it. There was a time the G8's were just sitting on lots with huge discounts---I seriously even considered trading my car in when it was 1 year old----would have made little difference payment-wise (only roughly calculated, never seriously did the math). I should have, as the G8/Commodore is a better car, and it held its value SO much better. That car went for 90% of sticker price even when several years old. Of course, I almost NEVER see G8's in the snow, they may not be much of a year-round car here.
  5. Just like that, asides from color. (While there are many small differences, the front end is the biggest and best one---the nose of the V8 version looks SO much better than the V6 version IMHO). It's ALL different up front. The only parts shared between the V6 and V8 in front of the windshield, are the headlights and hood. Fenders, sub-frame, radiator mount/system, brake system, engine mounts, bumper, intake, grilles, fogs, A/C, suspension----all are V8-specific.Due to the aluminum subframe and aluminum engine, compared to the steel subframe and engine of the V6, the V8 version is actually lighter up front and thus has better weight distribution.
  6. That's bad enough to be a deal-killer for me. Looks worse than the G1.
  7. Just so long as it doesn't end up looking like the new MegaZord (I.E., Bayformers without the name)
  8. So, spent the weekend changing my sparkplugs. Only 2nd time I've ever done so, first time on this car, first time on a V8. Notes: 1. Getting the old wires off the plugs is still the hardest thing by far. Utter death-grip. Destroyed several of them---they ripped apart rather than let go of the plug. Had to use pliers to wrench the remains of the wire-ends off the plugs of those ones. 2. "100,000 mile plug" is total BS. My car has 53K, the factory plugs were awful--some of them. As others with my engine have said---AFM/DoD/"4-cylinder-mode" really eats up the plugs. The 4 in the "normal" cylinders looked pretty good, and would likely last quite a while longer. But the 4 in the "occasionally shuts off to run in 4-cylinder-mode" ones were awful. Gunk, black, oil 2/3 of the way up the threads, ash in some places, soot in others. Should have checked/replaced a while ago actually. At like, 1/3 of specified life instead of 1/2. (also, two of the plugs were in the "pulling as hard as I can, bracing my legs against the fender to crack them loose" category--can't imagine how stuck they'd have been at 75 or 100K) (and for how stuck in they were, the new ones threaded in very nicely) 3. After new plugs, car has never idled so smooth. I won't know for a while if mileage has improved, and I won't BS anybody by saying it has 10HP more now, (and I haven't even gone past half-throttle yet, just idling around town and grocery-getting to make sure everything's running well first)----but I know for sure that there's less vibration at idle than the day I bought it. (I swear it also idles slightly faster, maybe 50 rpm or so). TLDR: If your engine has a "shuts off half the cylinders when cruising" feature---check the plugs in those cylinders WAY early.
  9. Still waiting for a flightsuit Grace to put next to my green VF-27...
  10. It is Bandai, and their final production DX valk paint is rarely as nice as the samples'...
  11. I dub that one Hathor. (because it's like Anubis, but white---we really could use some more Z.O.E. stuff...)
  12. And I'm still waiting for a Grace anything...
  13. I thought I was the only "Heart and Soul" fan here. Sometimes I wonder if it's even better than Holy Lonely Light. (but it's not) We really need more Emilia songs...
  14. Shape-wise it's great. But I must echo the many comments I've already seen about it being flat grey, and not silver. That IMHO is along the lines of making Prime's grille and bumper white----that's a technical limit of animated cel paint, not the intended color it's meant to portray. Megs is supposed to be silver. That is an aspect when slavish toon-accuracy should absolutely be ingnored.
  15. They do a lot of airliners, quite nice ones. I think they do tanks, too.
  16. Does it come with a second, buff/Var pilot sculpt?
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