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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Season two is out and no discussion? Lance has an awesome line in ep 2 but I won't spoil it.
  2. Buy armor/super parts now, valks later, if you're pressed for cash. Valks get re-released, and used ones come up for sale regularly. But the extra stuff? You get one chance at them. I bought both the armor and super parts for my Alto, before I managed to get an Alto. Had to wait a bit, but Alto's -25 was eventually re-released, twice. His -29 has at least one re-release. But any of his parts packs? Just the once.
  3. Plastruct makes a cement just for ABS. But in my experience it only sorta works on Yamato plastic. But most cements don't work at all, so...
  4. Exactly half-way between Messer's and Hayate's. Blue and black striping. Modified reaper.
  5. Titan Masters are tiny but they still deserve/need some paint. I swear the heads are molded so as to make capillary action fight you, but I'm fairly pleased with what I've got so far:
  6. So we got a good look at Thrawn's ship: http://img.lum.dolimg.com/v1/images/reb_ca_2032_4d4e210d.jpeg (not embedded just in case people consider it a spoiler) Is it the Chimaera? I thought it looked more like simply "twisting serpents" in the episode, and maybe even Ysalamiri. But now having the actual artwork to see---I'm not sure. :edit: Keeping with the theme---perhaps Medusa? (look around the reactor dome)
  7. Does the wing split apart readily to install this?
  8. The policy specifically mentions recasts, and direct knock-offs of existing items. It was primarily put in place due to some places copying MW member's own sculpting and recasting it for sale. It also goes along with our "don't ask for/distribute copies of official shows/movies", as again it is directly copying someone else's work/production. Third-party items, while very rare at this point for the Macross franchise, do not run afoul of this AFAIK. The "Makuros" is not a copy of an existing product. (Heck, there's "official" Toynami stuff out there that's practically a true KO of some of Bandai's work---they're closer to being against the spirit of the policy than Makuros is)
  9. I very much agree with the new combining Voltron feeling like a KO. Hollow, thin plastic, awful paint. And while ratcheted, the joints are so loose/floppy that the floppiness (measured in degrees) is greater than the degrees between ratchet detents. Only bought one to try---think I'll save my money and buy the SoC.
  10. The cheap/easy way to get foil like that, is candy wrappers. It's not self-adhesive, but you can't beat the price.
  11. I didn't get a pic, but I saw a custom plate "HIKARU" recently. Wondered what they were referencing.
  12. Much like I did with my -27's nosecone (and a few other spots), I think I'll give it a coat or two of flattened Future to some areas before it is transformed even once. (once I actually buy one, that is). So---intakes/hips are the #1 area that needs protection? Followed by 'aft of canopy'? Anywhere else notable?
  13. Super glue, because model cement will only dissolve the paint but not really affect the plastic.
  14. I'll be interested in Mirage's, whenever that may be.
  15. I do the following for all valks, from the -1 on, because they generally all can, and it "looks right" to me: All the way in for fighter mode. All the way out for Gerwalk. Half-way for battroid.
  16. What's the shipping cost for that to the US? Wondering about "JP MSRP+shipping" vs US price w/free shipping.
  17. I came here to post "see the F-4" but someone beat me to it...
  18. Is it selfish to hope the value of the LEGO TIE Defender will skyrocket, so I can sell mine for $$$?
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