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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I think I'm doing something wrong, as I'm finding the replay not as good as AC4. Frankly, too many camera postions/controls. Any tips/suggestions? I'd like some long-range overview shots, etc. (Like you see in the trailers--planes zooming around the city, etc) (sorry for 3 posts, but I figure it'd be better like this than one MASSIVE multi-point post)
  2. Ok, game stuff: I've encountered two mission branches. Got "A" both times--anyone know how they get picked? Random? How you did on previous missions? Mission 14: I used the Tornado GR1, and just owned everybody. Won mission with an S in like 3 mins. BDSM's rock... Mission 15 is hard. You will either fail, or get an S. It's all about figuring out what to do when, and where to be. Spoiler free tips (because it took me several tries): 1. Do not locate the homing beacon first thing. This activates "part 2" of the mission. If you do it first, all the enemies will still be around, and will toast the good guys who come for "part 2" you need to protect. 2. So, go around and spend 2-4 minutes taking out GROUND forces. And any planes you can get with minimal time. Especially stuff in the SE/center part of the map. 3. THEN go "home in" on the beacon. Now, there should be few/no ground forces, and only half the enemy planes in the area when the good guys come in. Timing is tight, I only had 30 secs left when I found the beacon on the time I won. 4. Fight like crazy at that point. Enemy choppers are faster and nastier than you might expect, they are a fairly high priority then. Hope your wingmen go after the fighters. They simply need to harrass them , not destroy. 5. Speed is everything, long-range missiles are next. Thus, recommend F-15C or F-14A. You need to get places FAST. And zap enemy planes quickly from afar. If you get the reference, think of this like a (PC) X-Wing or TIE Fighter "protect the weak guy from the bad guys" mission. Kill everything, everywhere, really fast, with a tight time limit. While trying to find something.
  3. Start off with F-16C Blocks (1 through 20 are the F-16A/B) Block 25: Basic F-16C. Same engine as F-16A, the PW F100-200. Basically, an F-16A with a new antenna. Neat new cockpit, all high-tech. (Despite being FBW, an F-16A has an old "dials and gauges" cockpit like an F-14 or F-15.) Block 30: the "real" F-16C. GE engines, the F110. Way more power. Your "standard" F-16C. Block 32: A block 30 with an improved PW engine, the F100-220. Still inferior to the F110. Block 40. F-16CG (or DG, if it's a D). The bomber/strike variant. AKA "Night Falcon". Most often seen with bombs, and lots of LANTIRN pods. Special HUD for night-flying/FLIR, like the F-15E has. Stronger, can pull more G's with a given load than the earlier ones, but the stronger frame is heavier, thus worse power/weight than a 30. Block 42: PW-powered version of the Block 40. F100-220 engine still. Notably slow as F-16's go. Many being retrofitted with -229 engine, see below. Block 50: F-16CJ/DJ. A "2nd generation" Block 30, emphasis on SEAD/Wild Weasel. Most often seen with the HTS pod on the intake for HARM's. Also decent bomber/fighter. More powerful F110 to counteract yet another weight gain. Block 52: PW-powered Block 50. New F100-229 engine. Power now equal to the F110---well, the early F110's. The block 50 has a better F110 than the 30/40, so it's still better than the 52. In short---there's really the 30/32, 40/42, and 50/52. 0 means GE, 2 means PW. And GE's always better than PW. The 25 is kind of an "interim" F-16. Now, Block 60 is the big huge change. CFT's, IRST, avionics spine, etc. Lots of neat things. Makes it ugly though. Name was changed to F-16E/F, but only VERY recently, so the game still says F-16C Block 60, instead of F-16E Block 60. The Block 62 doesn't exist yet, but it will as soon as someone orders PW engines for an F-16E or F-16F.
  4. Wha, no one's actually played yet? On mission 10, just got F-14. You're stuck with your initial plane for quite a while, so get used to it. F-16 and F-18 take many more kills to upgrade than F-5. Yes, you do need to buy planes for everybody. If you buy 1 F-16, then only 1 person gets to fly it. I currently have quite a mixed squadron thusly. Planes are modeled better--F-16 and 18 finally have differential stabs. Will report F-4 and F-14 once I fly them some more. (Busy trying not to get shot down to do much checking) Mission 3 (4?) ROCKS. There are several LONG missions, or 2 missions in a row with no saving. Don't think you're done when you get a "mission complete". My big overall advice: conserve missiles. Gun everything you can. You will run out. Often. If possible, use 1 missile on a plane and then gun it down. 2 missiles is a waste, only use for critical targets. Also--"disperse" doesn't work well, they won't go TOO far away from you. Sorry Graham, haven't tried A-10 yet. Mission 9 would be great for it, but I flew the F-16C trying to upgrade it. (I think it's an early Block 30 or so, but the main thing to tell Blocks apart are very subtle and hard to see in real life--polygons only make it harder).
  5. I really don't know much about collect-aire models, never seen one myself nor read a detailed review. I have been VERY curious about their YF-23 though, as it's the only 1/48 model, and is far more accurate/detailed than the 1/72 plastic ones out there. I have some pics of that one if you'd like to see what their kits are like. Semi-OT note: their YF-23 kit also includes some fantasy decals for a 8FW F-23A Wolfpack, in the old-style markings---so you could ALMOST make a "Wardogs" F-23 from AC5.
  6. Tomcat Alley: http://www.topedge.com/alley/alley.htm The Gunfighter's Page: http://www.cloudnet.com/~djohnson/index.html Be SURE to read all the records set.
  7. Maybe, but lacquer thinner or Mr.Color thinner is better AFAIK. Mr Surfacer is basically like heavily thinned Tamiya putty.
  8. Sorry for yet another "from outside the thread" post, but now it's "past close of business" time in most places, and still no email. And no PM's from any of you guys either. EB's site says order tracking's down, but only mentions GTS:SA is shipping on time. I did manage to get my new PS2 on top of DVD player just fine, though it'd be easier if DVD tray was on RIGHT side of player---PS2 controller cable gets in the way. Watched "The Final Countdown" for some real-life Jolly Rogers F-14 action. Played Top Gun soudtrack in car today. Don't know what I'll do tonight. Actually considering SW Ep 1 or 2, or LOTR:FOTR. Signed, David Hingtgen, obsessively paranoid/enthusiastic airplane/game-enthusiast.
  9. Heh heh. I'm replying from Page 1 of the thread, so as to ensure I'm not reading any new posts. Anyways---I would much appreciate a PM or something when someone gets a shipping notice, particularly if you ordered from EBGames.com----their emails haven't been reaching me lately (or even sent out) and I am of course paranoid my order will be missed/skipped/late. It'd really suck if I didn't get it until Wed, my schedule will be messed up.
  10. My point was that while it's technically a fighter, it sure isn't manueverable when going high and fast, and is pretty much only a straight-line BVR-only interceptor. Tornados are unbeatable down-low, and can out-run and out-turn most anything. But at high altitude--slow, underpowered, not very agile. Though the F-111 will still outrun it at low-altitude. Don't know if it can out-turn it.
  11. Bottles are big, last a while IMHO. Nobody ALWAYS has it in stock, I recommend checking these places: www.scalehobby.com www.greatmodels.com
  12. I don't recall the F-11 being all that wonderful. I vote for F-8 and F-4. ADV vs MiG-21: MiG-21. ADV is NOT a fighter. Interceptor-only. Think MiG-25. F-15K vs Su-30MKI: MKI F-16C B.30 vs MKI: If it's the "knife-fight in a phone booth" scenario, I'd vote for F-16. At that range, turn radius (and sheer "smallness of airframe" )actually may be more important than rate or even energy. If the fight gets at all vertical, I go for MKI. F-16's a better fighter when faster (compared to say a Hornet), but the MKI certainly rules the slow end. Best anti-radar plane is the EF-111, and it is fairly manueverable. (if you want jamming, not neccessarily destruction of the radar) Boxy fuselage, skinny wings, optimized for low-level missions, one big v.stab, draggy, underpowered, swing-wings: probably pretty close to the Tornado in agility. And by FAR the fastest. Heck, can easily outrun most fighters.
  13. Ok, I'm leaving the thread for a while. Despite my best efforts (scrolling and peeking between my fingers) I got a bit spoiled. (thankfully it's not much of a plot spoiler I figure, and it's not WHOLLY unexpected) Will be back when I have gone through a couple of missions. Going to see if I can stack new PS2 on top of DVD player.
  14. I doubt there'd be any point. The reason for DU is to penetrate heavy armor. Planes aren't armored, normal bullets work just fine. You want high-explosive, not armor-piercing.
  15. That's becoming more and more common, if you read the TF boards. And not just Altenators.
  16. Reading that leaves me really impressed by the M1A1's gun.
  17. I very much appreciate the spoiler warnings. I would like another line or two of spacing though, on my monitor it's JUST enough blank space. ::must not go to EB and flip through strat guide:: ::must not go to Gamefaqs boards:: Spent the evening fiddling with new controller. PS2 d-pads are less senstive than PSX due to being analog. (Yes, analog digital-pad). Swapped parts from PSX d-pad. Still not hyper-sensitive like I like, but better. R1 still takes too much pressure in AC4 (not as good as old controller was--controllers vary more than most people think IMHO, every one has different button pressure/sensitivity) Considering adding shims to R1 to make it more sensitive.
  18. Hey! That sounds like a spoilerish name! But at least it's on a new thread page now.
  19. Good thing I was rapidly scrolling to the bottom anyways and overshot the plane-list... And please don't post comments about anything rare/fantasy, that's almost as bad as posting the list itself again. Like new A-10's or Flankers or such are fine, but don't say something like "the ultra-plane is a modified F-14!!" Post quickly and rapidly to move the thread to the next page! Also, I do plan to stop reading the thread the moment anyone actually gets it and starts posting, I will return to thread once I have it and have played through first couple missions. (Pre-ordered online with next-day FedEx, I will have it about as soon as possible) Anyways---I got a new PS2 today, as the old one started failing to directly boot AC4 on Monday (went to browser first, then loaded), as that was one of the few games it still loaded without going to the broweser first. It was getting old (launch day), and I didn't think it'd make it much longer. And would CERTAINLY die on Xenosaga 2. And EB is giving 30 bucks more than normal for PS2's, so now's the time to do it--before it choked on AC5 and I was without a PS2 when I desperately needed one. Also liked that it came with a new controller, as I was still using the original launch day one---needed R1 and left stick in top-notch condition. I sure hope they tweaked "R1 pressure" since the demo needed insane amounts for afterburner.
  20. 4 Sparrow, 2 Phoenix, 2 Sidewinder. Never seen it, but should be possible. Or if not: 3 Sparrow, 2 Phoenix, 2 Sidewinder. Definitely exists, got a pic of a VF-103 SLUGGERS F-14B doing that, all of them live.
  21. Whoops, I meant X-44, not XB-44. X-44 (if they ever make one) is basically an FB-22 with NO control surfaces. Vectoring is the only means of control. Basically goes against USAF doctrine regarding vectoring, but it would be VERY stealthy and long-ranged---no gaps/seams, and you could fill the wings with fuel right to the very edges. Actually, the B-2 uses thrust only when it's trying to be stealthy, but it at least has conventional controls in an emergency and as its primary "non-stealth" controls.
  22. I couldn't get the pics to load. Also, XB-44 and FB-22 often get mixed/confused. Won't really know until they actually build it. I notice they say F-16C Block 60, wonder if they made a last-minute change in the code to have it be the F-16E? The name change was just in the last few months. (I won't count this as an "error" of any sort if the final game says C Block 60, since they probably had it all done before Lockheed changed the designation)
  23. JP official site updated. Don't plan to check it again until I've won. I'm getting the sense that the special weapon for planes is pre-determined, as it's mentioned for every variant what it is. F-16 Block 60 says "XMAA". Which sucks (I think Block 60's are ugly) because 90% of Block 30's and later could use AMRAAM's as built and all others were retrofitted---F-16's do not normally have the ability to carry Sparrows, only the ADF's and a few foreign ones. AMRAAM is the standard F-16 weapon, even more so than the Sidewinder now. Block 30 F-16's rock at air-to-air, all later ones are too heavy, even with the later engines. And earlier ones have much weaker engines. Block 50 is always my "2nd place" A2A, though it might actually be better than the 30. Will have to calculate out the "combat weight" ratios etc. More mass+ more drag=not as good a knife-fighter. F-15 list up: C, E, and S/MTD. I think maybe they finally figured out that their favorite "ACTIVE" they put in every game was actually the S/MTD. F-15C has Sparrows, S/MTD has AMRAAM's. Didn't recognize "XFFS" for the E. FAE's? F-22 lists FB-22 as well. F-35 says F-35C.
  24. Basic rule for all Vietnam missiles: They all suck and have horrific fail rates. Won't launch, launch but won't fire, fire but won't track, track but don't blow up, track for 2 miles then veer off at the mid-point, fire but DON'T launch (really bad), etc. Some are worse than others. But even the "best" can fail 5 times in a row if you're unlucky. You can have an F-4C with 4 AIM-9's and 4 AIM-7's and have NONE of them work. And no gun.
  25. He's held responsible for the actions of his pilots. Probably wasn't HIM, but one of his subordinates. Maybe a pilot, maybe a RIO. And yes, it's probably one of the things you listed.
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