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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I didn't literally mean it'd probably break it, but the F-18 sure is wobbly on it. Far too wobbly for my tastes. An F-15 would be worse. That stand was originally for 1/400 airliners. 1/72 warbirds are like 5x heavier. The stand was slightly changed for the warbirds, but it's still far too small/weak than it should be. DW F-14's: (VF-103, VF-2) Back ends still messed up, F-14B looks like a D. 2-tone camo instead of 3-tone. Maybe someday they'll make one half-assed accurate, but not now.
  2. Going OT: I got a Dragon diecast F-15C today. Will take photos later, let me know what you want to see. Comments: This is the latest version, 1FW/Langley, with ground crew figures, AIM-7's, and drop tanks. It has stuff for every pylon---4 AIM-7's, 2 AIM-120's, 2 AIM-9's, 2 drop tanks. AIM-7's are permanently mounted. You could remove them, but it'd mess up the paint. All missiles are "live" (yellow stripe) as opposed to most DW planes which have dummy missiles (blue stripe). Pylons on wings are AIM-9 pylons, but I think they look kind of like "AMRAAM-ized Sidewinder rails". Compared to earlier DW planes like the F-16 and F-18, the gear wells and gear doors are made of white plastic, rather than "grey plastic with a THICK coat of white paint" like Corgi uses and DW used to use. Makes for much better fit. The plastic used is a lot like the stuff used on certain parts of 1/60 Yamatos, that POM stuff or whatever. All the gear doors fit nicely and easily, as did 2 of the 3 gear struts. Right main strut didn't fit for reasons unknown--the gear well and struts between left and right were perfect mirror images, but the right one just didn't want to fit. Trimmed some of the plastic out of the gear well (more than I thought I'd need do) and it settled in. Oh, gear struts are gloss-white painted metal. Wheels are correct for an F-15C. This release has the USAF-style ECM antenna on the correct fin, as well as no turkey feathers on the nozzles. Weight balance/etc on the other fin still projects behind the trailing edge, but I actually plan to just file off that 2mm. (Everything on the plane except the pylons and canopy is metal from what I can tell, even the h.stabs). The fairing that covers the tailhook is present, but no door over it. Correct for F-15C's up until about 1990-1992. Based on markings etc, I believe this release depicts the plane immediately after Desert Storm, or even during it. Canopy/cockpit: like a Corgi F-4, there is a one-piece "closed" canopy, and a multi-piece "open" canopy. Neither really fit better than any other DW canopy, maybe a little better. But it does eliminate any gap between the windscreen and main canopy when closed. They include the prop-rod for the canopy when it's open, and is actually what you should use to support the canopy, as the actuator rod needs work on both ends to fit, and doesn't look right anyways. I have it there, but it doesn't really do anything--the canopy is supported by the prop-rod right behind the seat. Also, the whole bay and all rods/actuators are black. Should be gloss white. If you close the canopy, it makes things easier, and also hides the bay. (The canopy decking is black and that is correct) HUD not as nice as other models. It includes a stand, the same used by all the others, so you wouldn't dare actually use it for fear of collapse. I would like to put it up in flight, the gear doors fit much better than any other Dragon plane. Paint: same as any other DW, though they greys seem more "cool" than other DW's, despite the fact that it should match. Will do a side-by-side comparison later. Camoflage pattern on upper part of the sides of the intakes is missing, but it's done right everywhere else. Airbrake: like most any F-15 kit you've ever seen. Strut is black though, I'll repaint it grey pretty soon. Fits closed a bit better than the F-18, but I'd still recommend posing it open. Overall, I do think the newest DW F-15C's are the most accurate of their 1/72 diecast planes. Asides from the one gear strut and the canopy actuator, the various parts fit a lot better and easier than any of the others. Sorta plug: A place I buy diecast planes from is having a going-out of business sale, and I got this from there. Everything's cheap, including Dragon warbirds: http://www.diecastrunway.com/index.php?military_id=32 PS---more so than any other Dragon warbird, this one is obviously a copy of the Hasegawa kit. PPS---almost full intake trunking. Outboard wall and top and bottom are fairly complete (certainly NOT seamless though) but the inboard wall ends abruptly, and you can see into the center fuselage if you look at the right angle. But it's actually much better than the Hasegawa kit, especially at the end where the fan is.
  3. From what I've been able to see/read about the latest FX sabers: 6 segments for power on/off. 2 LED boards wired together (thus the dark spot in the middle where they meet), 64 LEDs total.
  4. New camo for demo Flankers. Similar to a previous one, but all black/white/grey camo looks cool. http://www.airliners.net/open.file/860660/L (my new desktop wallpaper) Ok, so what's a Su-27SKM? (Paris airshow is going on this week)
  5. If I find the pic again, I'll post it. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find it. Basically, it is a perfect tube, as much as Anakin or Vader. It does not narrow at all, beyond a few mm here and there. ::edit:: Found it, Australian site. Can't be 100% sure this is it, but sure does look like people expected it to, based on how the ROTJ Luke was changed.
  6. That'd be great, thanks. I'd prefer ones as close to a schematic/3-view as possible, that really show the design/layout.
  7. For those wanting an Obi-Wan ROTS FX saber: The pic a few posts up is NOT it. The real FX version has been seen, and much like the ROTJ Luke, the neck is WAY thicker. The thinnest part of the neck is about 99% as wide as the rest of the hilt. Looks fugly IMHO. Looked for pic again, can't find it. Just, don't go pre-ordering it without seeing it.
  8. I don't think I've seen those photos before. I'm referring to an actual drawing. Thanks, though.
  9. I'm 99% sure I saw a drawing (pretty close to a 'design works sketch') of the land-based aircraft carrier with treads that was a boss in the UN Squadron/Area 88 game. I think the drawing was of the land carrier as it appeared in the Area 88 manga, or it may have just been a very similar concept in some other manga, etc. Anyways, I spent over an hour going through posts with MW's search function and haven't come across it. Anyone know what I'm talking about, have the pic, link to the thread, etc?
  10. That's an Ep V. How to tell: 1. Only needs 3 batteries. 2. Despite being a tiny pic, it does show that it's the ESB version hilt, not ANH. (if you know what to look for)
  11. Links to many neat high-quality pics: (There are larger versions of all of these, just click on "large" when it comes up) B-1B cone: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=252881 C-5C (yes, C) over clouds: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=593404 Thunderbirds mirror image flying: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=568705 F-15A cool sun-lens-flare effect: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=325932 Blackbird climbing: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=225202 Super Hornet cone: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=696104 Really cool Tomcat "cloud" (not quite a cone) http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=800623 BIG Tomcat cloud: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=696234 Blue Angels in precise formation, even for them: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=314742 Super Hornet cone forming up: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=601980 Don't even know what to call it, Super Hornet: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=697027 Blue Angels smoke in formation: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=315190 F-14, F-18, S-3, C-2, E-2, A-6 formation: http://www.airliners.net/open.file/607723/M More Blue Angels in tight formation: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=337385 Closest Blue Angel pass ever: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=633803
  12. Surely our resident missile expert has installed countermeasures on his craft?
  13. .45 Mini NON-BATTLE-DAMAGED Darth Maul saber now up for order! http://masterreplicas.com/customer/starwar...il.php?pid=8479 As I mentioned before in the thread, the only way to get it is to join the Master Replicas Collectors Society. It's 60 bucks. However, if you order just about any other saber prop of any type this year, it'll pay for itself. The "not cut in half" Maul saber is worth probably 45 or 50 bucks by itself, and joining gets you several coupons for future saber orders. From the site: $100 credit toward the purchase of a Studio Scale Replica o Two $50 credits toward a Limited Edition Replica or Helmet (sorry, not redeemable on Elite Editions) o One $30 credit toward a Force FX Lightsaber o Two $10 credits toward a .45 Scaled Replica
  14. That would be a LANTIRN targeting pod. Some F-14 releases have it, but it's much easier to find a Hasegawa weapons set #7. It has many "modern" F-14 parts, like the LANTIRN pod, BOL-style Sidwinder rails, and JDAM's. Basically, if you want to use laser-guided bombs on an F-14, you need a LANTIRN pod. Don't need one for JDAM's. If you have the pod installed, put a Phoenix in the same spot on the other pylon, to balance out the weight. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSGX72-12 If you're buying a weapons set, I would also recommend set #6, for it has the bombracks for Phoenix pallets, and modern bombs---essential to almost any 2000+ F-14. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSGX72-11 (It is much easier to make an accurate modern F-14 weapon/pod load in 1/72 than 1/48 due to the 1/72 weapons sets having most all of the recent F-14 bits available) PS---basic modern US missiles---AMRAAM's, Sparrows, Sidewinders, Harpoons. And nicer than what comes in any other kit: http://www.hlj.com/product/HSGX72-9
  15. Why wait for a kit? Just buy aftermarket decals. They're more accurate and thinner and better quality anyways. You're like, 2 weeks too late for low-vis VF-103 F-14B's, just sold out. (As I recently discovered--there were plenty, then gone all of a sudden--I wanted to build the one I saw in 2003) And F-18F? Again, wait for aftermarket. You know Hase will release one as soon as they can, in the early scheme. But I'm sure either VF decals or Twobobs decals will have much better, more accurate ones. And probably in the cooler, revised markings. ::edit:: Oh hey, there's more VF-103 decals coming out. Just wait for these, should only be a few weeks: http://www.twobobs.net/72-040.jpg Also, the ultimate Jolly Rogers decal set, VF-84 and VF-103, dual 1/48 and 1/72 scale mega-sheet: http://www.vf-decals.com/images/decals/48_72_103.jpg Most importantly, has the ultra-cool Black & White scheme.
  16. Murph is either flying Raptors, or transitioning to the Raptor. That, or he knows way more that he should about Raptors for an Eagle pilot.
  17. Anakin AOTC FX is universally said to have many problems. Basically, it is a generation older than even the other "old" sabers, has electrical problems, "wonky" sound effects, usually loose blades, etc.
  18. Pukin Dogs got their CAG Super Hornet. Paint scheme works much better than I expected, even with the tailcodes "shoved in" off the rudders. http://www.alert5.com/gallery/VFA-143Punki...NavalAirStation Yes, this is an E model, 143 is one of the very few F-14 squadrons to get E's. Finally---those are the darkest dark blue markings ever. (But the Pukin Dog itself is black)
  19. A point I'd like to bring up: Most people think Kiera Knightley's role is much smaller in Ep 1 than it was. She's not some random background handmaiden, she's THE decoy. As in, if you ever see the Queen talking to a Handmaiden---Natalie's the handmaiden and Kiera's the Queen. There was never any CG or bluescreen etc for those scenes. There are quite a few "white-faced queen" outfits that Natalie never wore--it's Kiera for every scene. If there's only "Padme the Handmaiden" or only "Queen Amidala" on screen, then it's Natalie. But if there's any interaction, or a "highly visible handmaiden onscreen near the queen", then it's Kiera in white makeup with Natalie standing near by. Basically--when in white makeup, they're utterly impossible to tell apart. And the voices were "modified" in post to sound more 'regal', so they sound alike too.
  20. IIRC, in the book they specified that they engineered the dinos to be incredibly dependent upon a certain food supplement, and that if they didn't get it, they'd die in hours. If one gets loose, just close all the feed bins, since "random" goats/people etc it'd eat wouldn't have that supplement. (A certain amino acid IIRC). Not an "immediate" solution, but effective against any size dino.
  21. The green one will be Yoda's. ( Because everyone constantly asks for Qui-Gon, yet MR says they haven't even really considered it---and Yoda's would be the wrong size for most anyone to use) Qui-Gon FX: most asked for, yet currently least likely to be made If you've ever wondered why there's so much Yoda stuff from MR, it's because the founder is the original designer of the Yoda saber, and has more references on it than even Lucasfilm. So every version that could possibly be made, is.
  22. Aircraftresourcecenter.com is THE place for planes. It is at its core a site dedicated to building model airplane kits, but the boards are as good as you'll find. I learn more from knowledgable kit reviews than magazines... Aircraft Resource Center (ARC): http://s96920072.onlinehome.us/ (recent domain change) ARC Forums: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/index.php
  23. Which is why I go to the boards I do. We've even got an F-22 pilot there.
  24. 1/72 A-10? Try the new Revell *Germany* (not Revell-Monogram) kit, or the new Italeri kit. There is no good modern/current A-10 BTW, even getting one up to Desert Storm specs takes work, Iraqi Freedom takes a lot of work. They get more lumps and bumps added on in a year then most planes get in a decade.
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