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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. BTW, for anyone who doesn't recognize the name Snodgrass right away, here's probably the most famous shot of him flying an F-14: Imagine what he'd do with a GE-powered one stripped down for an airshow...
  2. AC Zero should be set in 1995 or 1996 (can't remember exactly). So it could easily have Raptors, Flankers etc. I too would love Vietnam era stuff, but I don't think it's too likely. Overall, I'm immensely surprised and pleased by this announcement. I figured it'd be like 2 years for another PS2 AC, or 3 for a PS3 one. I personally would love to have the same cast as AC5, as by the end it seems nearly half of them were involved somehow. I want Pops as my wingman!
  3. One of the big things for "as it's being built" guides is the question and answer format. There are many questions from people watching, asking how the builder did something, or for clarification of something. Also, builders often ask for input--what color should something be painted, does anyone have a reference shot for that, etc. It happens every day, and the result is better models, and more people learning more techniques, or alternate ways of previous techniques. None of that would happen if people had to just write articles and submit them. They'd be half the size and leave lots of questions unanswered. Tooting my own horn for an example, but wm cheng's VF-0 wouldn't have wing-sweep wear nor would the cockpit "hell hole" area be the same if not for our discussion on the forum AS he was building it. And then he also showed everyone how he did the wing-sweep wear. There's many more examples like that on almost every build here. Plus, since even Graham can't put stuff up on the site currently, closing the forum would mean NO builds for an indeterminite time. Last submission I see is from 2002. Frankly---having builds AS THEY'RE HAPPENING leads to much higher quality builds, as well as much more informative and useful builds. I belong to several model airplane forums, and all the really good builds are posted as its happening, over several weeks. Plenty of people submit articles after the fact of gorgeous models, but they're never as useful as the ones where the builder actually discusses the model with people as it's being built.
  4. Those are fairly well-known pics. However, they are messed up a bit and I often think I'm the only one who notices. They're shrunk horizontally, as if someone resized them but didn't remember to check the "maintain proportions" box. It's not really obvious, but is best seen in the bottom photo--look at that F-15, it's almost a chibi F-15 or something. The thing is, there is no "correct" version out there AFAIK. The F-22 is longer and sleeker than these photos suggest.
  5. The turbines/shafts/screws are all the same in all US supercarriers, "Method of making steam" is the only difference. No reason we couldn't make a conventionally-powered Nimitz AFAIK, the power requirement is the same as the Kitty Hawk class. Just need boilers. And aviation fuel capacity would be reduced to make room for the ship's fuel. Could always just wait until one of the older Nimitz' need refuelling, and instead of refuelling it, use that money to rip out the reactor and install boilers. They're half ripped apart anyways during major refit/refuelling, might as well convert one of them into a Kennedy replacement. (Though I wonder about routing new exhausts all through a pre-existing Nimitz class hull)
  6. Ack, can't belive I forgot the F-15S already exists. I always just think of "Saudi F-15C's". Can never remember the F-15Eish one. F-15T is quasi-earmarked for Taiwan I believe. I have never heard of F-4's with SUU-11's before, but a quick google gives a few credible hits. Have any info/pics? I'd be very interested.
  7. Not 100% official, but pretty close: Singapore has selected the F-15 over the Rafale, will also get 200 AMRAAM's. Hmmn, I wonder if it'll be called the F-15S. GE or PW? CFT's or no?
  8. Gunfighter's my fave P-51. Also the first one I saw. F-15D demo was the 94FS, "Hat in the Ring Gang". Most famous for being Eddie Rickenbacker's squadron.
  9. Hurricane Katrina note: USS Harry Truman has left its entire assigned airwing behind, will briefly stop at Jacksonville and fill the flight deck with all helicopters it can carry, then go to New Orleans.
  10. Hmm, AMRAAM's on an E's CFT. Quite rare to see, it requires a bit of re-arranging. Also--I thought South Dakota had gotten newer F-16C's, but that's an early Block 30, like they had years ago. (Latest BRAC says IA loses it's Block 42's and is getting Block 30's)
  11. Cockpit floors in real planes are usually very plain. If you want to add something, add rudder pedals.
  12. Happen to get a pic of the F-16's nose gear door landing light housings? (Seriously--I need a photo of them from both the front, side, and rear---I forgot the last time I saw an F-16 that had them)
  13. You know, you never see chaff pictures, just "massive flare release" pics. Anyone have any pics showing chaff being deployed? That'd make a nice companion to this one.
  14. Usually can't get *too* close to the demo Super Hornet, but two years ago I lucked out and found one from VFA-2 on static that was 100% "rope free". Anyone need pics of the compressor fan "stealth baffle"? Nothing like sticking your head up the intake for detail shots. PS--it was so new the gear bays were spotless and gleaming.
  15. Pencil/graphite is also a good choice because that's what causes a lot of the small "dark streaks" you see on real planes--it's the graphite lubricant from the actuators and hinges.
  16. Basically--yes to all of the above! Christopher Titus is hilarious, Stacey Keach is awesome, and Cynthia Watros is hot. One of the few shows I liked enough that I taped it to ensure I wouldn't miss it. Also--everything I find says the box set is only seasons 1 and 2, and thus 31 of 54 eps. So there should be another box set later.
  17. Got my full-length mini-Maul. It's DARK and unpolished. Rather "brown" as metal goes. Like a very steely-bronze. Very cool. Ends/emitters are polished and bright. The "conical with fins" parts near the ends are plastic though, wasn't expecting that. Don't really see a reason why they are, they're not TOO complex of a shape. Not as heavy as you'd expect.
  18. Those of you up on Flankers know that the -30MKI is by far the best version, so here's the latest "watch and be awed" video. Only 800K and one manuever, but it appears to be a kulbit going into a post-stall roll. Or something like that. http://www.archakov.com/video/su30mki_2005.avi
  19. 5 gunpods has been done for airshows (because it looks cool) though 2 is the max for actual combat. (Because they're nearly 2,000lbs each) Also, they have such recoil that 5 gunpods is equal to 20,000lbs of thrust---opposite the direction of flight. That'd make you stall pretty quickly. Final comment: In Vietnam, the Navy had a much better kill ratio than the USAF, despite never having guns, and never using gunpods.
  20. Germany's F-4's are very potent. F-18 radar, very modern ECM, new HUD, retrofitted HOTAS, digital displays, all coupled with AMRAAM's. At BVR, that would make it among the very best there is. Agility doesn't mean much at 20 miles.
  21. Quick little update: It seems that, after several years, Dragon has actually put small holes on the fuselage corners of their F-15, to allow those previously-useless Sparrows that had posts on their fins to attach. This is different from other recent Dragon F-15's, which had Sparrows permanently glued on to the fuselage. Of course, Dragon decided to do this on their newest release, which represents a 2003 or so F-15C in the new Mod Eagle scheme, and should be loaded with nothing but AMRAAM's, not Sparrows. Of course, this latest change to the mold makes it impossible to load it with AMRAAMs. "Dragon---only we can mix up parts and variants this much" Can't wait to see AMRAAMs on a Tomcat, I just KNOW they'll do it someday...
  22. ::edit to add snippet:: First AIM-9X's have been seen on operational Super Hornets this week. Super Hornet is MDC design, not Boeing. The engines had to be the exact same size so as to fit in the rear fuselage. While every part and panel line may be new, the overall size/shape of the fuselage (minus the extension) is identical to the original. If it was a different shape with different engines, they couldn't sell it to Congress as an "upgrade" to an existing plane (therefore cheap). But since it's the same "proven design" fuselage only stretched, with a newer version of the F404, it was much easier to get funding. New designs ALWAYS come down to how it's sold to the bean counters. Same reason the F-22 is now called the F/A-22, despite having 1/10 the bombing ability of the "don't have an A" -14D, -15E and -16CG. If something is multi-purpose, or simply an update to an established design, it's automatically perceived as being cheaper or more economical. For the opposite reason the Ticonderoga-class went from being destroyers to cruisers---Cold War, and cruisers are bigger/more powerful than destryoers, and Congress wanted big powerful ships---so they were redesignated to get more approval. Exact same ship, but now called a cruiser, so Congress thought it was now a more powerful design. You call/design it as however Congress will fund it---either an all-powerful war machine, or the most economical weapon ever. The pylons are angled because wind-tunnel tests indicated possible problems with separation for some weapons---either they would hit the fuselage, or each other, when released. Still, angling the pylons doesn't really make them any further from each other, and only slightly changes the inboard pylon to fuselage distance, and only at one end. Angling them out along a different axis (bottom edge outwards, instead of the leading edge outwards) would have been better I think, and wouldn't have increased drag. The outboard pylons are angled bottom edge out (in addition to leading edge out). Or, simply change all of the pylon attachment points so all the pylons are spaced out more---they already had to change half of them anyways for the drag-inducing method they went with.
  23. Lots of various answers/comments. If Oceana closes, they'll likely re-open Cecil field (Jacksonville, FL). Oceana is realtively "new", Cecil field is the tradtional "massive east coast USN air base". And it's a lot more open. Don't have to contend with Langley for air space. And yes, Super Hornets are loud for reasons I don't know. As a rule, the more modern a jet engine, the quieter it is. Though F100-229's are said to be loud, I've never heard one. But F414's are sure loud in a Super Hornet. (Although IMHO it's more the sound itself, not the loudness---I find a droning, buzzing little Cessna overhead far more annoying than the roar of a jet, even if it is louder---and the Super Hornet has a "ripping" sound that is more irritating than most modern jets--it is not a roar, it is a rip). Kind of like how some particular cell phone rings can be insanely irritating, even though they're no louder than other ones. Super Hornet engine. It is underpowered. Go way back to the F-18A. F-18A had F404-400's, which are less powerful than late-model J79's. The Hornet's engines were nothing more than a more reliable, lighter version of the J79. Pretty much the same size. No more power, and only slightly better efficiency. F404-402 is a bit more powerful, but still below an F-4J/S engine. The F404 is overall a wonderful engine for ease of use, maintenance, reliability, and is far more "pilot-friendly" than the F100, TF30, and maybe even F110. But it is really no more powerful or efficient than a J79. Super Hornet has F414, which AFAIK is more of a "high-temp" version of the F404. Gets the power by running hotter and faster, not pumping more or nor compressing it better. It is a "sped-up" F404---and you run into over-temp problems REAL fast following that path of engine development. Still, according to this press release, GE says they can eventually get up to 25% more power, which would give an installed power of 55,000lbs to a Super Hornet. http://www.geae.com/aboutgeae/presscenter/..._20020722i.html (I really wish there was more recent news than 2002) Heat, and speed of the exhaust lead to noise--my best theory for why Super Hornets are loud. "It's like a Super Tomcat, but makes more noise for less power". Re-engining: a quick look shows nothing compatible size-wise, though the J79 is quite close--which'd be pointless.
  24. Busy day today---got my tracking number for my full-length mini-Maul, and ordered my mini-Sidious, and 2 mini display cases. (Shipping's insane on the display cases, I need more than 2 but hope to get more later, not direct from MR to save on shipping)
  25. Think I understand what you're saying now. And I certainly know the answer to the last sentence: They re-routed the re-entry because of Columbia---if something went wrong, they didn't want it to shed parts all across the Southern US, or any populated land. Thus, it's over water for as much of re-entry as possible--both the Florida and California approaches are over water for 90+ percent of the time. They especially want to avoid being over land during the most dangerous part--by the time it's over land it's done with the actual "firey descent" and is simply gliding around. I believe this is also why they waited for 24-hours etc between approaches---it's not simply needing a window, but a window where they can also avoid flying over populated areas, which is now more of a concern that before.
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