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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Give it the ACTIVE nozzles and it'd beat most anything... Even without the canards, 3D vectoring is already superior the F-22's. (See, already typing it without the A)
  2. White Saturns have no relation to NiGHTS AFAIK. There's both original and redesign white JP Saturns. Grey JP Saturns are basically just the first batch built. All later ones are white, regardless of style. The coolest Saturn is Blue Skeleton. Those rock--I really should have picked one up as a "spare" Saturn, they were very cheap when I saw them.
  3. Trilogy? Hmmmn. There's 7 books, but 2 and 3 go together and could be a single movie if highly condensed, 5 is unlikely (despite it being my favorite). 4 also unlikely. (though it's a direct sequel to 3) My best guess would be to do books 6 and 7. (Note, I use "old school" numbering). They are the beginning and end of Narnia, chronologically.
  4. Eh, they all look like they're basically filming the PSP at close range and are sending that to the TV. I want direct video feed from the PSP's own signal. (Which I expect will never happen). Any chance the PS3 will get a PSP player, like the GC has GBA player? And not needing a screen should make a PSP player quite a bit cheaper than a PSP. And if the PS3 could accept UMD discs, it wouldn't even need a separate disc holder... A PSP player for the PS3 could be little more than a microchip and a plug.
  5. Singapore F-15 order confirmed, will be designated F-15SG: http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2005/q4/051212c_nr.html Anyone have any stats? What exactly is it? "Based on the E" is all they say--but every F-15 since about 1990 has been "based on the E".
  6. There's a TV adapter for PSP? Do tell me more----I've pretty much been holding off on all next-gen portables due to screen size. (RPGs NEED a bigger screen to see the menus, and VP is especially bad--it's up there with FF8 for "tiny fonts") My GBA hasn't been used in years, I play them all on my GC. There's many GBA games I own that have never even been IN a GBA. Frankly, the GB Color was about the limit IMHO for resolution/screen size.
  7. Word of Brady Bunch Kung-Fu MUST be spread: http://wireless.ign.com/articles/674/674574p1.html
  8. I love the battle system. I *really* wish other games would copy it, ESPECIALLY those that are "you control the hero, the other 2 are AI". You'd only need 2 buttons to control the other 2 characters, and I swear my one-button control would be superior to the AI. I am surprised other Tri-Ace games haven't used it---they still make other party members AI-controlled like every other developer.
  9. That can't be changed. 99.9% of it is water vapor. Warm, moist air introduced into a dry, cold atmosphere will freeze. It's EXACTLY why you can see your breath on a cold day. Or a car's exhaust is much more visible on a cold morning. Even if planes burned absolutely utterly clean, they'd still produced the exact same amount of contrails. And it's not a jet thing either, high-flying props do it too. And even hydrogen-fueled planes would do it too. Also, modern airliner engines are amazingly clean-running, they're basically all on "California emissions standards". Only it's pretty much worldwide. Of course, there's MASSIVE numbers of people/websites that believe it's a giant government conspiracy, with airplanes full of secret chemical tanks that pump it into the engines to create "chemtrails" in the sky to spread it over the land, "seeding" us. Google "chemtrails" and have fun at the nutty conspiracy sites. PS---A little known fact is that the Concorde fleet actually helped the ozone layer.
  10. Thanks. 4765's FS number is 36495, as I thought. 4233 is a wartime color in the Marine line, also what I thought (since there is no current Navy grey). It's an inter-war color, just prior to WW2. The only place by me that carried the Marine colors stopped carrying them. I bought out all the USS Iowa camo colors when they started clearancing them out. There's apparently just not enough wartime ship builders to justify the Marine line, nowadays most shops don't carry it, just the standard MM acrylic line. You won't find better camoflage colors than that line, WW2 was the absolute height of "experimenting with different shades of grey and blue for visual concealment or deception" If you want some really bluish greys, check out the Norwegian versions of the Kriegsmarine greys in that line, especially Hellblaugrau(Norway) it's nearly baby blue, but still a battleship grey. (The Tirpitz, specifically) Dunkelblaugrau is a dark green-gray for forest camo for ships. Yes, there was a great need for forest camo for ships. Also, the later US greys tend to be more of a purple-grey than blue-grey. Modern Light and Dark Ghost grey were derived from the later WW2 ship colors, with Dark Ghost Grey being notably purple, as it came from the final 1943 purple-tint versions. (They literally ran out of blue pigment, so everything from 1943 on was painted with grey paint tinted with purple pigment instead of blue, requiring camo modifications)
  11. IIRC that only occurs if playing the good ending version of the plot.
  12. Now I need a PSP... Well, that's good news for all who missed the original--presuming the PSP version comes here. Now, where's VP: Hrist? She's cooler than Silmeria. Black armor is automatically cool.
  13. That would be the exact program I provided a link to. In other news, my Gripen book from SAAB came today. Totally didn't expect a package from Sweden in the mail. It's about 5in by 9in, hardcover, full color, and 130 pages. All about the Gripen, and totally free. Get one here: http://www.saab.se/node4466.asp Seriously, you'd pay at least 20 bucks for this if it was in stores. Be sure to check the English version box (unless you read Swedish). It'll take a few weeks, or months, but it'll come.
  14. I'll wait a few days---what will be seen as a "kid's movie" combined with one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year means it'll be insanely crowded and loud to go to theaters at the mall. (ALL the theaters here are in malls) Need to wait until Mon or Tues, so all the kiddies are back in school. (And gotta go before they get out for "Winter Break")
  15. Dobber--could you post the FS numbers for the paints? Testor's Acrylic lines are all over the place, I have about 4 different ones names "light grey". And then there's the fantasy acrylic line... Though I'd presume you're referring to 36495. No idea for Navy grey, unless it's one of the Marine paints.
  16. My theory is that someone from Vought now is fairly high up at Boeing, due to the LTV acquisition. Every Boeing proposal since has had a distinctly Vought look, especially the intake. Now, the F-8 is awesome, but all the later stuff looks like the A-7.
  17. I believe you can still get to it, but you can't get very far in. I've never seen the worst ending either. I've got 3 saves currently: --my first play (normal, average ending) --second play (hard, good ending, Seraphic gate fully cleared) --fourth/current play (normal, going for good ending) Preferred party: Lenneth, Aelia, Jun, Yumei. If playing for the good ending, replace Yumei with Mystina. I didn't find out about the "50 hit combo damage increase" until like the third play through.
  18. Black Valkyrie---play it again. It's not "a better ending". The ENTIRE SECOND HALF OF THE GAME is different. Hundreds if not thousands of lines of dialogue, FMV sequences, dungeons, party members, cities, sub plots, backstory, etc. If you haven't seen the good ending, you've missed half the game. The "good ending" is more like "the better, more emotional version of disc 2". With cooler music. And some insane puzzle-dungeons. (Pyramid is hell to get out of, there's a jump I swear I spent 45 mins on). But it's all fun, which is why I rank it so high---VP is just so much FUN to play, both dungeons and even levelling up. I currently have a save file that I was going for the good ending (will be the 2nd time I've seen it) but it's been so long I can't remember exactly what I've done, so I'll have to play carefully and see where I am and what's left to do.
  19. re: mythbusters (I love that show)------"Airliner engine" covers a wide range of thrust. Was it a JT3C running at 10,000lbs, or a GE90 running at 115,000lbs? You could probably blow a semi over with a GE90...
  20. A 747-400 w/GE engines typically has a max weight of 875,000lbs. A modern airliner usually has a .3:1 power/weight ratio at max weight. .25 is low, .35 is high. As 747's are rarely at max weight, they usually have a quite good power/weight ratio for an airliner. 747's are not bulky nor slow--they are the fastest airliner now that the Concorde's gone, and they are as agile as airliners 1/2 their size---they are big, but very high performance---much like the F-15. Have enough thrust and wing area, and you can MOVE. FYI, 757-200's have the highest power/weight ratio, and are well known for their acceleration and climb rate. MD-11's are close behind. A340-300's are known for their slow acceleration and godawful climb rate. "It only goes up because the Earth's surface curves down"
  21. Boo. Friggin. Yah. Valkyrie Profile is the 2nd-best game ever. And music-wise, it could be #1. It is well well worth the price it commands. I am NEVER selling my copy. Every time I see 'new Tri-Ace' game my hopes rise--then fall. But now--- :) Also--I so called what it'd be about. If you get the good ending, and get all 8 flame jewels or whatever, there'll be another cut scene after the credits---and it's obvious Silmeria's story was always meant to be explored.
  22. Cool! http://www.flurl.com/attachments/2005/Nov/...257-fetched.wmv They drive various cars behind a 747 engine at full power to see what happens. They don't make it. ~6MB
  23. Speaking of KC-whatevers, the KC-330 is up on Northrop's page: http://www.is.northropgrumman.com/kc30/index.shtml
  24. I think John Travolta showed INCREDIBLE taste in picking a 707, especially a -138B. It's rare, historic, and it's a 707. It's the only non-stretch 707 still flying AFAIK. (I love 707's)
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