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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I lurk at Rebelscum and am pretty much ignoring all the "long" threads---I can pretty much guess what they say. I'm all for the CE line, they'd be the first 1:1 props I own. I currently have nothing but Mini's---I got nearly every major saber for about the price of 1 LE. But I'd buy a cheap 1:1 Qui-Gon in a heartbeat (my fave saber). Of course, I collect 1:400 airplanes, so I'm used to small representations. My jet collection would be very small indeed if I only bought 1:1.
  2. I think some hobby shops get confused by the polyester/epoxy putties---90% of the time they think I'm talking about them when I ask for "Tamiya putty"----I think they presume anybody wanting "normal" putty will just buy the Squadron stuff and will only ask for Tamiya for those more unique products. There's stores I've been to that keep the more expensive stuff on the shelves, but I have to special order the standard gray putty. ::gets out tube:: The normal grey putty is "Tamiya Putty Basic Type" and in smaller text: "Tamiya Modeling Putty for Plastic Models" PS---anyone tried that light-activated putty? I REALLY want to, as I find putty fumes to be about the worst. (the light-activated putty seems to be along the lines of windshield repair stuff---UV hardens it instead of evaporating solvent)
  3. No Mini Qui-Gon. WTF? It was earlier going to be the 2006 Collector's Society bonus, then they said it'd be something else, and we all presumed it'd be a regular release. Now it's non-existent.
  4. Seeing as how Lenneth is a hidden boss in just about every Tri-Ace game since the first VP, I fully expect her to show up in some bonus dungeon. (Story-wise, I don't think she should appear at all, based on the whole one valkyrie "awake" at a time thing) Hrist maybe, but definitely not Lenneth. Hmmn, Photon. Think we'll have some sort of light-magic for puzzles, as opposed to Lenneth's ice crystals?
  5. The only book set during that era is A Horse and His Boy, my fave but also the least likely to be a movie--it's quite a stand-alone tale with few links to other characters in other books. You've seen about 90% of what happens to Peter and Susan, and half of Edmund and Lucy.
  6. Heh heh. Gotta bring up the oft-made comparison--so would you also recommend watching Star Wars in chronological order, and not the order they were released?
  7. If you want to actually paint a large area with a marker, I'd recommend the Testors ones instead. Though IMHO, simply getting a large, soft, long-bristled brush and hand painting is better than any marker.
  8. Anyone have comments/experiences/hearsay about Sasugabooks or Animebooks.com? I'm looking for a few anime/artbooks and would like some opinions if possible. Speed, response, do they give tracking numbers, is their online stock current, etc. Thanks.
  9. I saw the BBC ones years ago (early 90's I'd guess), really only remember like 2 secs from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, mostly remember The Silver Chair.
  10. Has anyone ever found Japanese voice clips for the first game? Always wanted to hear what Touma Yumi's Lenneth sounded like.
  11. Saw it last night. Good, but not incredible/awesome. Favorite character was the White Witch. Actress was perfect and did a great job. Would love to see them do The Magician's Nephew with her in it.
  12. Ack, I always think of the GE-powered YF-23. Technically both the YF-22 and YF-23 carried both types of engines, but the F-22A has the weaker F119, and I think everyone assumed a production F-23A would have gotten the F120, as it was superior. (The F120 has insane growth potential---I wouldn't doubt it being developed to 45,000lbs by now if it had been selected) Remember, the F-22 is the least impressive possible outcome from the ATF competition---the inferior (IMHO) airframe with the inferior engine. Still impressive, but we always think of what might have been. 2006 could have seen F-23A's with like 85,000lbs of total thrust.
  13. I'd just like to point out that the F-22 has an INSANE amount of power. An F-22 fully loaded, in mil thrust, will out-accelerate an empty F-15 in afterburner. (IIRC). Or something along those lines. It's not even close. The engines have some 2/3 more power than the F-15C's, and the plane isn't much heavier but much sleeker. That makes it very fast. Of course, the YF-23 has even more power and is even sleeker...
  14. Sometimes just typing/posting helps me think---I thought there was about a 99% chance I wouldn't be getting one from HLJ, so I went ahead and got one on Ebay and cancelled the HLJ one. I still have a question along these lines---if I order 2 items in 2 separate orders, are they *kept* separate? Or does it combine them into a single "open order"? Thus, would having 2 separate orders for the 2 figures have gotten me the first one, as HLJ wouldn't have waited for the 2nd one to get in stock before shipping? Or would it have seen them as 2 items ordered, and still waited for both? (while the first sold out) (I've ordered from HLJ for years, but always lone items, or items that aren't in demand) Never had to play the preorder "waiting vs shipping immediately" game before with them. Still cost me $17 more via Ebay.
  15. People may know I'm a big Xenogears/Xenosaga fan, and I had pre-ordered 2 different Xenosaga figures from HLJ---they are both scheduled to come out in December, and I checked stock status daily. However, today one showed up as Discontinued---it went from blue preorder, to black discontinued, in the time that I wasn't checking. However--on my order status page, it still shows up as "future release" with blue preorder status. (it's never shown up as preorder closed). I know it came out this week, Rainbow 10 and 1999.co.jp got it and it's on ebay. So my question is---how/what happened? I've never seen anything go straight from preorder to permanently discontinued in 24 hours. Even popular+rare things go to "yellow backorder" first. The item in question is this: http://www.hlj.com/product/KYD01041 Does the blue pre-order status as it's listed in my account mean they've sorta reserved one for me (which I doubt) or is it just not updating as fast as the site itself? HLJ's closed for the weekend, but it's selling out quickly enough that I'm this close to snagging one on Ebay in the next 24 hours. But I really don't want to buy one and cancel the HLJ order if there is one at HLJ for me. Opinions? (I wouldn't normally post for something like this, but I've wanted a nice KOS-MOS figure for a long time, and Kaiyodo is among my very favorite manufacturers) It will occupy the very best spot on my shelf.
  16. Our thread is pretty much un-interruptible---that's actually how we maintain it--someone jumps in with a new topic or opinion and we discuss it. Otherwise we'd run out of stuff to say. Anyways---if you really want a JSF--just buy an F-22! It has every feature the JSF has, but is superior in almost every way. About the only thing the JSF has on the F-22 is the ability to carry 2,000lb bombs internally, the F-22 could only do it externally. Since both are expected to "give up stealth" after the first few days and carry their loads externally, the F-22 will carry bigger loads farther and faster. The F-22's a BIG plane with the payload/range to match. The JSF is a good Harrier replacement, but certainly isn't worth getting for F-16C/F-18C replacements. IMHO JSF should all be VTOL versions and go to the USMC and RN only. Think about it---should a plane that's best at being a HARRIER replacement replace front-line fighters? (or strike-fighters if you want to call them that)
  17. ??? Agree with whom that the F-22 is a poor replacement for the -15? The F-22 is superior in every way except (presumably) "maximum dash speed on a cold day while in airshow configuration with non-standard engine trim." The JSF is hated because it's inferior in many ways to the F-16, it's VERY compromised in most roles, loses its stealth if carrying more than 1/4 of an F-16's payload, and is ugly. And it has similar parts to nothing in the inventory. MAYBE it can share like the #2 bearing on the turbine shaft with the F-22 since they both have F119 engines, but that's about it. Plus the money used to develop and buy it could have bought more F-22's instead. (Which is what the USAF wanted to do by trying to kill the F-35A)
  18. I find the Tales series vastly inferior to VP. I keep playing them, hoping they'll be somewhat similar battle-wise (or plot or music-wise)---but they're not. I truly hate AI. I can do better with one single button, than the CPU can do with a character's entire abilities list and perfect timing. Kingdom Hearts would have been better (and I swear easier) if it was Sora alone---Goofy and Donald just wasted my items at an insane rate. (I'd give them some for bosses only, otherwise the entire stock was mine and mine alone) VP=best battling ever. No AI-controlled party will come close.
  19. I was amazed at how similar it looked to the first--which is great, because the first one had the most fun RPG battling ever. The only thing I'd want for the new one is for mages to have just a little bit more to do while waiting for their gauge to recharge--they always "sat out" 3/4 of the rounds. Hmmn, will Simeria have Nibelung Valesti, or something totally different? Both sword and bow? Or maybe reverse of Lenneth---spear normally, with a sword for specials.
  20. The question regarding "why buy F-22's instead of ACTIVE was somewhat rhetorical". Congress sees "cheaper plane with most of an F-22's abilities" and there's the problem. We're not the ones making the purchase decisions, they are.
  21. I haven't heard anything about that issue in a year or two. I'd guess no. It seems everything has finally caught up to the slowness that is military design and procurement---a system's parts are obsolete and out of production before the system itself is ready. Gotta wonder if the F-35 has some essential part that uses Pentium 3's...
  22. Yup, best controller. If you like 2D fighters, the Saturn was THE system to have----so many Capcom and SNK fighters. (Of which about 1/2 came to the US). For both the Saturn and Dreamcast, I have more imports than US games. And the all-important 4-in-1 and 5-in-1 carts. Still waiting for a new Dark Stalkers game. Morrigan's been in more "Vs" games now then her actual series...
  23. Nope, ACTIVE nozzles are cheap and easy to install. The real reason is because it would eat into F-22 sales. If you could cheaply make F-15's, F-14B/D's, and F-16's super-manueverable, why buy F-22's? Or any advanced fighter?
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