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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Combined with Powertrain, and Diesel, this is a disturbing trend---why does everyone keep eliminating Motormaster's main accent color? He's supposed to have PURPLE. Purple frame, purple tanks, etc. The "real" Motormaster even went all-out with a fully purple frame, and it's friggin awesome:
  2. XTB's Menasor is ridiculously toon-accurate (same as MP Inferno--not in a good way). DX9's Breakdown looks great, but combined mode has yet to be seen---it could also be "4 grey blocks for limbs, with cars as decoration"---which'd kill it for me. I want the cars AS the limbs. (as was always intended, but oft-misinterpreted by the animators--to the point that it was done wrong more often than right). Menasor has the worst animation-model of all the combiners, and about the hardest to pull off (pure silver Motormaster turns into all-black torso). Why such an awful model seems to be "followed so closely" I don't know. Regardless of everything else, I think FP did a very good job in blending toy and toon aesthetics, for the "look" they went with. Generations Defensor---not bad, Blades looked great long ago when first leaked, but I am NOT liking the alt-mode for First Aid. It's totally not his "style" of ambulance. Also, colors will be important. Defensor is very easy to get wrong, since it's all "subtleties". HotSpot is a quite pale blue, Streetwise is light grey, Blades is right on the red-orange border, etc. Just doing "red, white, blue" is "close, but actually the palette of something else..."
  3. Those castings look pretty clean! (And I always vastly prefer grey resin to tan)
  4. Then I'm just going to make sure you're aware of THE A-TEAM set: And yes, I'm very much hoping for the Voltron set to be approved. Though I think it'd look better if they used their "pearl silver" plastic, instead of just "normal light grey". (yes, silver-painted or chromed parts would be even better, but there's no way they'd do that many parts like that----silver painted parts are kinda rare, and chromed is REALLY rare----there's no way they'd do all those bricks and plates in any of the "fancy" silver colors---pearl silver-grey is the only realistic option for a "metallic" effect)
  5. I like the older ones---more unique. The new ones look very super-hero-esque. Neither unique nor very mecha/robot-like.
  6. The official pics of the original MP-12 had solid, opaque paint as well. I wouldn't get my hopes up that final production MP-12+ will have any improvement there.
  7. Now that it's out, and it has been "owned and assembled" for a while, the general consensus for Shuraking is: Stay far, far away. Apparently it's a godawful mess in every sense, in combined mode. Numerous issues, more than simply "applying Future" will fix. Does it look awesome in most pics? Yes, yes it does. I considered buying their Grimlock alone, just to have a really cool Grimlock.
  8. Well, that worm now has far greater backstory than most of the Ep IV cantina aliens...
  9. It'll probably be cheaper to buy a real SNES, and the games you want, than the MiniSNES' scalp-rate...
  10. Some years ago, a local video game store got ahold of some new-old-stock SNES games. Cases of them. I was there for the unboxing. NG trilogy was one of the cases. Nothing else was nearly as good, but I picked up a couple others.
  11. Is Mr Dissolved Putty similar to Mr Surfacer?
  12. Prime's trailer has always been too tall and mis-proportioned. MP-10 is actually worse than the G1. Also---is the cab striping supposed to "go that low"? I think it'd be much better if the bottom 'riveted' area was red. That'd off-set both the gunmetal area, and the headlights. ::edit:: Like this:
  13. There's a lot of 747 parts in there. They bought 2 747-400's from United that had sequential serial numbers so as to be as identical as possible. The cockpits are from them, as are the engines and much of the landing gear.
  14. I do like the incorporation of chaff/flare--a simple mechanic that should add some depth/strategy. (until the FXA-77 Uberzeug is unlocked, which'll have 256 of each...)
  15. Anyone know a good way to mod the 25F/S Super Pack hip armor to work more like the revised versions? Or is it just not possible without major alterations?
  16. Ironically, the MS conference gave us by far the best look at Anthem, and I'm interested---but I'll pick it up on PS4.
  17. Looks like just how my Yamato YF-21 thighs cracked.
  18. Glad I saw the 56FW fly their F-35 when I did---they were just grounded again today. (Oxy probs again)
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