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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I've only gone to GERWALK mode so far, but I'm finding some odd issues, noticeably molding on pegs/tabs--- One of the wingtips wouldn't really "click" into place at all, big gap---turns out there was a big blob of excess plastic adjacent the tab. Kind of like a hang nail. Not at all a sprue/gate mark etc. Almost like an excess drop of hot plastic got on there and dried. Sliced it off and seems good, but still not as flush/seamless as the other wing. But the biggest issue---the "power generator" flaps---you know the inner, tougher one of the four? Mine was REALLY stuck. Finally got it open and noticed it was crooked and pressing the halves apart. Pried/wiggled it out---and it's got issues. There's two posts, top and bottom, goes into holes on the main halves on the generator. One post was a bit crooked, with stress marks at the base. The other post was bent over a full 90 degrees and twisted. Looked like it'd been melted then assembled. I eventually decided to slice it off and invert it, and glue it. Will see how it goes----it was beyond saving as it was, as it'd been "pinched" with the middle part of the post paper-thin. I sliced out the pinched area, and hopefully it'll still have enough height remaining to work. If not--total removal, drill, and replacement.
  2. It's awfully red, more so than I had hoped and more than it should be. It's more red than purple IMHO.
  3. My EMS went straight to Chicago and is already through customs. Went from HLJ to almost-local in like 36 hours. (Chicago is definitely the best/fastest customs facility, you always want your stuff to go through there).
  4. I think that's T-50 camo, #2 specifically. (or at least, very inspired by it)
  5. That still amazes me that the kits got that right from day one, but they seemed to either not care or didn't actually transform any other than Alto's into fighter mode for the first DX's.
  6. They should just go all-out and pop the canopy and radome while they're at it.
  7. Purples usually photograph reddder than reality, so I'll wait until I see it myself. That said, I'm not certain her valk is supposed to exactly match her flightsuit. (IMHO the proper hue is about mid-way between the DX and the Figuarts, but brighter than either)
  8. I was wondering why the weapons bays were open too.
  9. Seconded. If nail polish is too thick to "wick into" the joint, Future is like water.
  10. Did anyone NOT get Mirage, that wanted one? Is that a first for a main character DX in a long time?
  11. Experimenting---the valk alone can be shipped FedEx, but adding even a tiny 100Y piece of candy means no FedEx. Maybe a food/customs thing? (I almost always buy 1 or 2 little treats to sample and "toss in the box", as they're never justifiable to ship alone, and they SHOULD have basically zero effect on shipping--but in this case they do)
  12. I had some high hopes for Power of the Primes, and some stuff (orion pax) looks pretty good (though alt mode is poor), but most of the stuff today looks frankly awful, to me at least. After seeing Orion Pax, this is like the opposite---an alt-mode this sleek should make for a good fembot mold---but it's anything but: (are we SURE that's the right figure to go with that artwork?) Now, while Rippersnapper looks pretty good (and considering how simple his transformation/design has always been, he's hard to screw up) but IMHO this is one godawful dragon mode for HunGrrr: (and of course, instead of going with the very distinctive "dragon cyber-visor" eyes that the toy had, they did toon-style "very generic eyes like every other monster/dragon ever") (though I'll admit that because the G1 toy had them unpainted, they weren't super-noticeable unless you looked---but man if they HAD been painted, I think it'd be a much more remembered and iconic aspect of his beast mode) It shouldn't be forgotten, it should be emphasized.
  13. Possibly stupid question, but I can't choose FedEx for HLJ----is it related to the "valks are expensive, so can't go by SAL" thing? Surely FedEx is "good enough" for the expensive stuff? :edit: Odd, it will let me choose SAL.
  14. So, now that I finally have a VF-31 on the way-----what's the best transformation video? I've tried to keep up in the thread over the months, but I honestly can't remember if there's any warnings/things to remember etc.
  15. What exactly doesn't fit? If it's the doors in car mode, I feel it's an inherent design flaw, not a QC thing. (I think they are honestly wider than the rest of the car).
  16. I was watching for it but never saw it. I think she's the only one that never did work with her "assigned" valk/pilot etc. Don't recall her in a flightsuit either. (Would've remembered that for sure).
  17. Yeah, Freya and Makina shouldn't share the same mold for 2 obvious reasons. PS--did we EVER see Makina in Delta 4?
  18. I *think* I got an HLJ one. It was available and I got to the very end and got the "thank you!"screen, but it's still "no open orders" in my account. And now sold out. ::edit:: Woot! Order confirmation email from HLJ.
  19. Ok, so now they've done a Gyanko kit----where's RAIN????? She even showed up in GBF....
  20. The heck? Now it'll be on my next credit card bill and I'll have to pay it off, but it won't even ship until a month after that. Will N-Y "refund" payment? I intentionally waited until the payment deadline just so this wouldn't happen.
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