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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Wha, the original OVA is finally released on DVD in the US? I was just AT Best Buy...
  2. The thing is, IMHO, the YF-21 has the most anime magic of all. Look at the sides of fighter mode, namely what happens to the shoulders/arms. Yamato flat-out ignored 100% of what happens, the SHE kit did SOME of what happens. I still think you could do a decent (though oversized) representation. Anything is better than "giant gaping holes you can see though". There really needs to be some flaps that fold out from the belly plates to form the sides of the fighter, or something. A new, GOOD YF-21/VF-22 will need major work on the fighter mode sides. I don't think the real issue people have with the current one is how *fat* it looks from the side, it's the fact that it's completely open with robot arms visible inside. Just cover that up and it looks "whole" like all the other valks. jenius---while a VF-19F/S/Kai may have the same transformation sequence as a YF-19, the angles/fit are all different due to differently shaped parts. In 3 dimensions. It would take many hours of work to figure out how to make it work. They'd basically have to start from scratch. Yes, the chest flips up and over the nose, but most of those parts are shaped differently and no longer fit together like they did. Also, think how little clearance there is in a 1/48 VF-1, like transforming the head through the chest plate--now imagine the head was slightly larger and the chest hole slightly smaller. Now it just plain doesn't work as there isn't room. That's the issue you run into with redesigning the YF-19. Not only would the new parts not fit together in fighter mode, they might not even be transformable. Anyone who's transformed the original Yamato YF-19 knows there's NO room to even slightly change a part, or it won't fit together nor transform at all. And even then, you still scrape paint on every transformation due to how close the tolerances are. You couldn't just put bigger legs in and expect all the parts surrounding them in fighter mode to still fit. Again--changing one part means all the parts around it has to be modified to fit---in 3D for all 3 modes. If they start with battroid and modify it to look like Basara's, it may make fighter mode look 10x worse. And vice-versa. To have a balance in all 3 modes---might as well just start from scratch, as all the hours spent tweaking the YF-19 won't matter much. Basically--you can't just "tweak" a few parts and expect them to fit. "fatter calves" will royally screw up how every other part they touch fits, as will "new wingroots". You can modify "edge" parts that don't touch anything else. Like say canards, ventral fins, or nosecone--they don't affect anything in the transformation, they just sit there only attached to one piece along one edge. Those could be easily changed. But the legs and intakes? The intake is the very core of the YF-19 transformation--changing that changes the fit/positioning of over half of the main pieces. Finally--I think the VF-19S uses a bit more "anime magic" than the standard YF-19. The overall body proportions get REALLY exaggerated on the VF-19F/S/Kai. The legs are just HUGE and incredibly rounded. YF-19 is a bit more "realistic" and squared off.
  3. I'll say it for the fourth or fifth time: Basara's VF-19 is not a "little" different from Isamu's YF-19. It's like 70% different. And as eugimon said--you can't tweak a mold*. You have to make a new one. And they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for a full set to make a valk. *it is possible to change a mold to make a different product. However, it is permament and rarely done. As in, if they changed the YF-19 mold to make a VF-19Kai, it could never ever make a YF-19 again. Most of the time, when people say a mold was changed, what REALLY happened is some single piece got a new mold for it. A "changed" canopy for example is almost never a re-worked canopy mold--it is a very small NEW mold just for that new canopy (or a new section added on to the original mold) , with the old canopy part of the old mold blocked off. Or, if they made new molds of just the parts needed and used YF-19 molds where possible--again, it'd cost most of what the original YF-19 cost all over again. That's a lot of money for one single color scheme. The VF-19F/S would require even more new molds/parts. If you build model kits (especially Hasegawa/Tamiya) you should be very familiar with how various combinations of sprues and parts are molded--things added and removed, etc. **Permanent changes are often done to FIX things, not make a new version. Look at all the 1/48 changes to the mold. They weren't making new variants, they actually changed the molds permanently to fix things like loose flaps and nosecones. There's no need to retain the original, and since it's not a new mold it's fairly cheap.
  4. 717's are quiet because the engines are NEW. That's the most important thing. Example: The 777-300ER has the most powerful jet engine PERIOD, and it's among the very quietest of airliners. Its 115,000lb GE90 engines are like 1/4 as loud as a 15,000lb JT8D. Anyways---comfort is determined by the airline. Good example I use: Most comfortable plane I've ever been on: Delta 767-300 Most godawful plane I've ever been on, will never fly again: United 767-300 There you go. Same configuration (2-3-2 in coach), same plane. Different seats. But in general (basically, what the airlines have to work with): 747's are generally known to be comfy, even being configured "out of design specs". The 747 is supposed to be NINE seats across (3-3-3 I think, maybe 2-4-3) but for many years it's always TEN seats across (3-4-3). But it's so big even the "cramped" 3-4-3 is better than most. The DC-10 and L-1011 are the same. Designed to be 2-4-2 eight seats across, but usually configured 2-5-2 or 2-4-3 nine seats across. If you find pics of the early 70's, you'll see the aforementioned planes actually were operated like that, and they were really comfy back then. The 767 was actually designed to be 2-3-2, and is operated as such. It is the plane most often considered the most comfortable. So I have no idea what UAL does to them to make them so godawful. On a side note, I find UAL's 735's to be very comfy, especially width-wise. A320's good, better than the 737 overall in my experience, but only flew it once, on UAL. Don't really remember my A300 flight, slept through much of it. Technically, the 707/727/737/757 should all be identical, having identical fuselages. (Well, the 707 and 757 are deeper below the floor, for more cargo--but that doesn't affect the passenger cabin in the slightest). The A300, 310, 330, and 340 also share fuselages. In a bit of irony, 757 and 767 have the same cockpit, but different noses, while the 767 and 777 have the same nose, but different cockpits. Rather ingenious how Boeing fits the cockpits into those planes... As for Boeing vs Airbus sales-wise: Well the 787 is as revolutionary a design as has ever been seen in the industry, and is promising BIG fuel gains. The A350 has been changed again and again to try to match it, but no amount of redesigning the A330 will make it come close to a 787. You'd be paying the price of a brand-new plane, for minimal improvement. The A330 wing is already about as low-drag and high-aspect-ratio as a "normal" wing can be---anything more requires a very different design, like the 787. Maybe tremendous blended, raked winglets could help the A350 but I still think sales will be poor, or heck, maybe even cancel the project. Even all-new wings (current A350 design I think) would still be attached to an A330 fuselage with A330 systems---a lot of the 787 advancements are the SYSTEMS, not aerodynamic.
  5. Yeah, but not while operating in a C-130's massive 4-engine wake and the buffet from the open cargo door. Let's see how well hummingbirds do with a 300mph turbulent slipstream in their face. KingNor--if anything, I'd guess you're talking about this pic: http://www.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=6869
  6. Comment for Graham (maybe to pass to Yamato): While the YF-19 is my fave valk by far, I've never really cared for its FAST packs. They're almost an afterthought---tiny little shoulder bits, and 1" thick leg armor. No boosters=not really worth it. (YF-21 isn't much better). BUT----a fold booster would be awesome. I've wanted a fold booster for the YF-19 since I first saw the *Toycom* concept drawings. It wouldn't take much to add, and with the YF-19 distinctly lacking in accessories anyways compared to a VF-1 or VF-0 (minimal armor, no boosters, no external missiles) a fold booster could add much-needed "extra stuff" to include. Also, I've thought for years it'd be easy to add an LED/battery/switch to it to light up green. (That is not MPC-ish, we know they glow bright green when activated, unlike trying to ret-con a glowing eye). Think about it, a light-up fold booster. I'd rather have that than any other accessory for a YF-19. PS to jenius---it's not a few parts, it's almost every part. As was listed--head, shoulders, lower legs, ankles, feet, knees, shield, canopy, nose, wingroots, v.stabs, forward fuselage/upper intakes/LEX, and maybe even the thighs. And that's just for Basara's with only one possible color scheme. To get the F/S also requires ANOTHER forward fuselage variation and new wings. Also, while the YF-19 may be a one-off, the identical VF-19A is not, so you get 2 of the 3 most popular versions of the plane. Heck, I think the VF-0D requires a lot fewer parts remolded to get it made from the VF-0A. It may be entirely different wings, but it's just the wings, v.stabs, and canards---Kawamori didn't change every square inch of the plane, most of it is the same. The VF-19S/Kai are practically "alternate universe" versions of the YF-19--looks similar, but actually a different shape all over when you compare. If they're going to spend money remolding an existing valk, the VF-0D is a far better choice--fewer parts to change, but a VERY different looking valk. The VF-19S/Kai would cost a lot of money for subtle changes. PS to Phren--in addition to a new head, the VF-22 needs new "belly plates" in fighter mode. But that's easy, the outline/shape is the same, it's just the details molded on the exterior that's different. If they really needed to, they could use the YF-21 belly plates and just glue on the VF-22 bits I think. The VF-22 belly has guns built-in, kinda like if the YF-21 FAST packs were permanently attached.
  7. Ah yes, the F-15-prototype-colors YF-19's. Those were neat. But even better was the mold they were on! If you don't know, that white/blue YF-19 is transformable! Best fighter-mode transforming YF-19 mold ever, by far, and what I pretty much begged for Yamato to copy... (note the long wings) One single, small, removable part allows a transforming YF-19 to look like THAT in fighter mode. Sure it's not "perfect" anymore (but again, only if you want the gear down--gear up requires no part swap) but it looks so good. Also it uses what looks like a variation of the SHE's leg transformation (how the calf opens up)
  8. Staring at the intake kibble pics side-by-side, I realized that it's actually a combination of a trick of the light/shadow, a different view angle, and the piece not rotated as much. It's actually the same, it just really looks different due to shadows etc. My mistake.
  9. Take a lot of work to turn the YF-19 into a VF-19Kai. Like new wingroots, legs, feet, ankles, head, canopy, shield, v.stabs, shoulders. And remove the ventral fins. Frankly, there's not much the same between them, besides the nose and arms. If you really compare, you'll see that almost every section is different between the YF-19/VF-19A, and the later VF-19F/S, and with Basara's being a mix of the two---it's generally like a VF-19S, but has the original YF-19 wings and canards for example. It'd be rather pointless to remold, as remolding would only get you one or two colors, as any remold couldn't be used for the other variants either. The v.stab change might even require transformation changes. (at the very least, a completely changed mount and hinge) The YF-19 is best known by far, with the VF-19A close behind, so it's likely the only version we'll see. Just make Max and Milia color YF-19's. They'd sell. (I'd buy 'em)
  10. Quick question: the first pic of the "new" Starscream mold had a totally different type of intake kibble. Different transformation or did they actually revise the mold between then and now? Because I liked the old way a lot better. Intake kibble's bad enough, but why'd they change it? They already had the conformal tanks at that point and they surely couldn't have changed it much without affecting the wing transformation. I'd lean towards different transformation, but it's consistently been the new way ever since. Look here, the first pic of the new mold I think---it's like the intake kibble is rotated 90 degrees down and twisted 90 degrees out, so you're actually looking at the "back" of the conformal tank, and its leading edge is pointing up.
  11. BIRDS can't hold position well enough for that. But give planes another 200 years... Hmmn, not much online about Skyhook, best reference is books of the period. But some stuff and a pic here: http://www.vectorsite.net/avav8_3.html Scroll down to section 3.5 It's actually quite Macross-esque (heck, maybe a Kawamori inspiration)---you grab a Harrier in midair, then bring it down to the deck. Or, lift it off the deck when it's too heavy to takeoff normally, then let it go and fly off---just like DYRL Strike valk launches!
  12. LOL--I totally forgot about the Takara/Tomy merger when I wrote that. I guess it's ok now to copy each other. Can't wait for Deathsaurer Prime...
  13. Probes don't count when measuring plane length. (unless specified).
  14. Sigh, last F-14 carrier takeoff and landing: http://www.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=37552 On a positive note, one of the coolest "vapor shockwave" pics ever--a unique pattern I've never seen before: http://www.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=37558 And a just plain huge vaporwave: http://www.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=37555
  15. Whoa, Grimlock's tail is so copied from the Genosaurer it's not even funny. (I really hate it when I see clearly recognizable elements from other mecha in my TF's---it's bad enough that so many are so Gundam-esque in the comics now, but some are flat out Heavy Arms Kai---there's a difference between homage/inspiration, and line-by-line copying of design features). Being "Zoid-esque" could be very good. (Zoids rock, and are not traditional mecha) But to have the back half IDENTICAL to a SPECIFIC Zoid? Bad.
  16. I read an article (that I thought I'd saved, but it's not in my modeling folder) about using some confetti for this purpose. They're little colored clear bits you'd find at a party supply store or something. They're perfect, as they are VERY iridescent, plastic, come in many colors, and it's like one buck for a bag of them. Will try to find the exact article. Specifically, I think they're ~1/4in squares of colored clear plastic that has a very iridescent/rainbow effect. This stuff, or something similar: (there's green ones in it) ::edit:: somehow my URL disappeared, here's where I was pointing to: http://www.crafta.com/opel-ab.html
  17. Fastest way to remove an ERJ's tail? Boeing's patented "winglet slice". As for docking fighters--well there was the famous Harrier "skyhook" and even THAT was "white knuckle" for the pilots, and the Harrier could HOVER and COME TO A STOP IN MIDAIR to dock with it...
  18. Not in a million years. In addition to NO plane could ever hold position well enough, you'd need new pylons, launchers, and IMHO new WEAPONS to be compatible. There's a lot of connections for a missile, and many locks/safeties on them. Even a Mk 82 dumb bomb isn't "plug and play". Not to mention the infinite variations---you could probably only ever re-load a plane having one of the three most common loads, due to clearance/weight/balance issues. And you'd need cartridge replacement for bomb racks after every launch.
  19. Early releases (boxed) of Tracks have a much more glossy, metallic finish than the newer plastic bubble ones. Worth finding (and paying for) the boxed version IMHO.
  20. Yup. EVERY JASDF squadron painted up a plane for the anniversary, but these were the most colorful (though not the most intricate by any means). Red and blue were for the 304 and 306 squadrons.
  21. I vote for the 0A. The stealth colors just seem "fake" to me, regardless of canon. The 0A to me has contrast/patterns similar to the Heater-Ferris scheme that you seen fan versions of ALL the time on every plane/valk/mecha on the planet.
  22. "never produced" means just that. What happened to it? Well, old resin prototypes tend to break, or it's sitting in some Takara exec's closet.
  23. I've been busy and somehow missed all this. After fiddling with the pic for a awhile, I vote for a wingtip extension. Messing with the chord or root would certainly mess up how it needs to rotate for transformation, but there's no reason a half-inch added to the tips couldn't be done. Anyways---I think the canopy is too humped. I actually think the entire forward fuselage/nose is too tall, vertically. Not the gut/belly, but the nosecone, canopy, canard mounting area, etc. I think they're tried to "round out" the canopy in profile too much, make it more F-16-ish, when it should be more F-15-ish. Basically, it should be straighter, almost concave in parts--whereas Yamato has it convex all the way around. Especially the front half.
  24. Got my "Milia red" F-15 today. VERY nice, I'll have to say it's better than Dragon's. Witty's F-15 mold has a working airbrake (flush when closed), working canopy (flush when closed), moving stabs and rudders, fixed gear. Wing armament and drop tanks are fixed, but AIM-7's are easily put on and off. Got it here: http://www.flyingmule.com/products/WT-WTW72005-08 And the "Max blue" one is coming soon: http://www.flyingmule.com/products/WT-WTW72005-09
  25. Doubt it. It's a screw to hold the nose together. If it was a connection point, it should be on both sides. PS--looking closely I noticed my guess was correct about the tail. It has a small "Decepticon-ized" badge, instead of a USAF TAC/ACC badge. Most people here probably don't know what that means, but think of it like that Decepticon police badge we've all seen from the movie. It's just like that, only for the USAF. It's very small, above the SS tailcode. There's also one under the gun muzzle(s). (Though that should be a squadron badge on the left and the wing badge on the right) Still have no clue as to "22 QT" for the tail numbering. The overall tail markings say "Squadron Commander" to me. 22nd anniversary? (1984-2006).
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