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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. For being so "toon-accurate", it's odd that Howling Meteor has such MP-ish engine nozzles, nothing like the original toon or toy. (I'd bet a lot of money they just looked at MP-03 and said "I guess that's what early 1980's F-15 nozzles look like") It'd have been so much easier and better-looking, to do a simpler typical nozzle, like the G1 toy/toon/real early 80's F-15's had.
  2. That's the #1 thing tempting me to buy it. It's almost halfway between the grey 0D and Shin's 0D.
  3. You have to buy a separate weapons set? Even Hasegawa doesn't usually do that, when they're "weapons unique to that aircraft".
  4. I actually worried about that a while ago. If it's missing anything, it'll be sold immediately and I'm done with Arcadia forever.
  5. Simple----never use black on white. Too stark. Only use black on grey/blue parts.
  6. Seconded---by far the most impressive moves I've seen done by a Legacy Hornet. (I've actually seen far more Super than Legacy demos in person)
  7. Anyone have any thoughts on if now would be the best, or worst, possible time to sell my SNES and games? Note: my collection is almost purely MIB, so I figure "those who solely want to PLAY the game" will be satisfied with the SNES mini, and/or old rental copies etc (or even emulators). But if you're a MIB cartridge collector---the SNES mini won't "fill in any holes".
  8. Are you SURE you want the originals? Because the MP-11 and later releases, tend to cost twice as much as the previous ones and have the worst quality. Often times the knockoffs are actually better... (I own a real MP-07, but will sell it soon, as my knock-off is better in pretty much every way) However---if you're buying one from Japan, the odds of it being a KO is low. Now, if you're buying it from HongKong/China on ebay...
  9. The "pattern" was pointless past the first release, as we never saw Kaname with Messer either (of course, I would have much preferred to see Walkure in flight suits than their concert gear---but it basically never happened, so I do want what DID happen on-screen, for backseat figures)
  10. That should have come with Mirage's 31C, as unlike flightsuit Makina, Freyja actually wore that and was present in Mirage's back seat...
  11. Really? How so? (and what else do they have coming out?)
  12. Threads merged, new thread had much better title so it was made the 'parent'.
  13. You've got bigger issues than appearance, if your tires are held on by bolts...
  14. I always thought if they simply replaced the screws with black ones instead of chrome, it'd help a lot. Because for the standard Skull Squadron scheme--half the screws are in black-striped areas, and they'd be nearly invisible if they were black. But the chrome stands out no matter what. (I've often considered swapping out the arm/leg screws on my Roy for black ones, but there's just too many types of "unknown JIS-standard sizes" and I'd probably spend 20 years trying to match them all)
  15. I only ever saw the A having the same pod as the others, in the show, so I don't have a lot of hope they'd give it any of the stuff seen in the master file etc.
  16. A few thoughts etc: 1. Just how "folded" are "fully-folded" shoulders in battroid/GERWALK? They shouldn't be a full 180, fully touching edge-to-edge, right? I'd say I've got a 30-degree angle between the shoulder-hinge-halves. 2. I saw a lot of reviews etc when Hayate's came out, saying this was about the best valk ever, fit great, fun, etc. I'm really not getting that. Like my -25 renewal better, and my -29 quite a lot better. This one seems---bland? 3. The weapons pod is colored so as to be generic/identical for all. And the peg used is clearly designed for easy replacement/swapping. But I won't be surprised if Bandai never ever makes an optional pod, despite designing pod-swapping into the design. (I love the semi-canon missile-battery option the VF-31A has----mainly I just want anything but the utterly useless transmitter thing we got----it's so useless it's not even in any of the actual aired episodes, it's only in the early teaser promo---THAT is a massive waste of a pod/gimmick). If Bandai liked us at all, they'd offer at least 1 new pod, someday. Just grey/white like every other VF-31 has, wouldn't need to color-code it at all, could sell 5 of the same one to people who own all 5 colors. (or 6, if they get the Messer/Hayate hybrid too...)
  17. I've never known Yamato, Arcadia, nor Bandai, to ever show final-production-level valks. It's always hand-painted samples etc. Sometimes the differences are minor, sometimes notable. But you never know exactly how they'll look until its actually released. Not worth trying to figure out what the differences are based on pics, as I doubt either version will exactly match any pics we've seen.
  18. I do like that they seem to have paid more attention to the stencil data than most times---it's mostly logical, and even the ladder marking is in the appropriate spot.
  19. You can tell because the 1/72 is actually purple.... Anyways---was rewatching a few scenes of Delta, and I think the only person we actually see in Mirage's back seat is Freyja, in her "standard singing dress". Along with me not having a Ranka for my VF-25F, it means I basically have no appropriate figures for the back seats of any of my valks. Is there anything on Shapeways, figures-wise? They're so tiny that the roughness of 3D printing won't matter much when painted, and VF-31 canopies are almost opaque anyways. (I'm still figuring out what to do about Mirage's canopy--it almost seems like it's molded in tinted plastic but then the "sparkle" is sprayed on or something)
  20. You know, if it was the color of the box it comes in, it'd be perfect. It's like they spent all their color-matching effort on the packaging...
  21. Seems decently common on this release---I just tried alternating between the two hinges (each end of the bar) and eventually got it loose, though some paint chipped off the bar. (Not really visible in any mode).
  22. Ok, if I have the knives in the shields, then the knife's handle (instead of the shield itself) touches the forearm, and so the shield is like 2mm further away than if the knife isn't there. E.G., the shield can only fold 85 degrees instead of 90.
  23. Stupid question---having the knives installed in the arm-shields, means they can't fold up as flush against the arm in GERWALK/battroid, correct?
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