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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The issue isn't ownership/cost, it's convenience. I already own half the old-school games I want for the Wii--it's just that I don't have room to hook up another half-dozen systems to play them. Goes along with my PS2--I wouldn't play nearly as many old PSX games if the PS2 couldn't play them. I have my PS2 on top of my DVD player (thank you Slim) just to have enough room to keep 3 systems. If they ever make a DECENT Virtual On for PS2 etc, I could put my DC away forever. Oh, and re-release Soul Calibur 1 on something. That one still has the best stages and music of the series by far.
  2. That scheme always looks blue-er on my TV. (And I spend a LOT of time calibrating colors)--but screen shots always appear purplish. Of course, that color is almost the exact shade people never agree on---half say it's blue, half say it's purple.
  3. And even if they don't, most of us are used to 4-disc games from the PSX era, and there's several multi-disc PS2 games. Most people don't mind swapping discs when it's only once or twice during an entire play-through.
  4. A big part of the reason my PS2 has so many hours, is because it plays all my PS1 games. Despite what some MS execs may believe, I play a LOT of my old games. Their argument seems to be "who would play NFL 2K1 when NFL 2K6 is out?" Of course. Nobody. But there are other games besides sports games that aren't simply "yearly updates" to the same game. And my library is 99% those "other" games. There's no "new version" of Jet Set Radio Future. Or Panzer Dragoon Orta. They could easily NEVER have a sequel, and be the last of their franchise. And just because there's a new version, doesn't mean it's better. See KoToR. Yet I can play Xenogears, CV:SOTN and FF Tactics forever, and will be playing them on my PS3, since it's backwards compatible. There's many PSX games that I have only ever played on my PS2, due to PSX games continuing to come out. Valk Profile was possibly my last "PSX" game as I know I played FF9 and Chrono Cross on PS2. And I'm sure there will be PS2 games I buy new and play for the first time on a PS3. Not so with the 360.
  5. You want a one or two seater F-15, but only single-seat F-18's? Ok. Purple is unknown on military craft AFAIK, I've always looked but never found it, even on demos. It's not really the national color of anybody, and doesn't camoflage against anything. White and black generally aren't for camouflage together, one or the other, usually as belly colors. You might want to try basing off of WW2 ship disruptive camo, or WW1 dazzle camo, as they're based on high-contrast. Basically--you've asked for the 3 colors that are never found on military planes together. I really don't think I could help much. Might be best to just totally design the scheme yourself.
  6. Nintendo has been surprisingly quiet on what old games will be available, and how. Will they sell all the old Mario games one by one? Or as a big multi-pack? Or will they restrict them to keep sales of the GBA versions up? Personally, I would LOVE to just go into a store and buy a Wii disc with a bunch of old NES/SNES games on it. Better than downloading IMHO. Instant gratification, and no messy "linking console serials with right to play downloaded games" like the 360. If you own the disc, you own the game. And I need Bonk's Adventure too, one of the few "mascot" games I never really played. I have like 20 minutes on it on a Turbo Duo.
  7. Try here: http://www.mikesflightdeck.com/head_up_displays.htm Holographic ones are generally wide-screen ones, like the F-15E's. I believe my car's is partially reflective.
  8. I have more hours on my PS2 than probably my SNES/XB/N64/GC all-time combined, yet will wait. $600 is a lot of money, especially when there's not a single game I need yet. I'll agree with basically whatever anyone says along the lines of "it's so expensive because they're forcing Blu-Ray down our throats". PS2 w/DVD worked because everyone wanted a DVD player, and was a lot of people's first DVD player. Being at BestBuy on launch day confirmed that. I think "The Matrix" out-sold any PS2 *game* that day.
  9. I want to know what colors it comes in. We saw like 6 preview colors a long time ago, but we still don't even know the "main" color, much less the alternates. Though since the wiimote is white in every pic from the last 6 monhts, plus being the main DS lite color, odds are it's white. Anyways---after Zelda, I want Mario All-Stars for it. I don't care if it's downloaded or sold on a disc, I just want Mario 1-3. I just find playing on a TV so much more satisfying----the majority of GBA games I own have only ever been played on my TV via GC. My GBA hasn't even been turned on in years. Though the GBA has Yoshi's Island and Mario World available, in addition to Mario 1-3...
  10. drifand---there are different versions depending on what country they're initially shipped to?
  11. ?? Allowed? It's your model, do what you want. There's entire boards devoted to "fictional" modeling, from USAF F-14's to Klingon Camaro Z28's...
  12. Think of it like publisher, vs developer. Whose logo is most prominently displayed? Who actually worked on it? Who funded it, and who got interviewed about it? Then assume when it goes overseas that yet another company takes care of localization and marketing.
  13. It's all just marketing. Monogram hasn't actually made a new kit/mold in decades AFAIK, they just use the name in the US to sell Revell's molds. And in Germany, Revell's name is often used to sell Hasegawa molds.
  14. It's all the same mold. The Revell *Germany* one simply costs twice as much. And has Tiger Meet decals. There's no shortage of 1/48 F-15E aftermarket decals--if it existed, you can buy it. Also, the weapons included vary. The basic US release is the cheapest, but also has no bombs--I personally have it and am 3/4 done. The German release is the same as the basic US one from what I can see, just different decals. Only the Monogram Pro-Modeler one has any bombs. Here you can see the box art of the US releases: http://www.f-15estrikeeagle.com/reviews/reviews_kits.htm The one I have is the middle one of the three 1/48 kits. Main thing will be weapons--most people want to load an F-15E with as many bombs as it can physically hold---and no kit includes very many bombs. If you want a full load, you'll have to buy some. http://www.f-15estrikeeagle.com has lots of info on real loads, etc, or you can always just ask me for suggestions. If you really want to warp people's minds, load it out for pure air-to-air combat. I have a pic of one like that.
  15. Thanks very much for the scans. Are there two different heads in the kit?
  16. My reply must have gotten lost. Anyways--thanks for the scans, and a question: Are all the polycaps, screws etc included, or are the pics for reference as to what to buy?
  17. Don't know, my modeling priority is the EXTERIOR of the plane, and 99% of aftermarket stuff is cockpit details.
  18. There's plenty of pics so far, they're all in the "OVA part 2 and 3" configuration--single seater. There's actually 3 possibilities: A. Single-seat B. Two-seater C. Two-seater post-ejection, with black retractable plating covering the gap where the aft canopy was.
  19. Yeah, 2nd release could easily be a "deluxe" one with a second seat, Yang, and FAST packs and fold booster. $275...
  20. If you want a cheap 1/48 F-15, get either the Revell F-15E, or the Monogram kit. Yes, Monogram. Their F-15 is well known as still being the best-shaped F-15 out there, and better fit and detail than most any other Monogram kit. And the Revell F-15E is their best kit ever, and possibly the best F-15 out there period. The Academy one is decent, but nothing remarkable AFAIK. Hasegawa is a perennial choice, though difficult to get one that'll represent a post-1979 one. In 1/72, Hase is the easy choice.
  21. I should have close up of pics of an F-14's ladder if you'd like some references.
  22. YF-19 has the rather unique ability to be primarily a single-seater, but can accomodate two. The Hase kit does this nicely--you can't swap, but you can build it either way. I'm guessing the Yamato is a single due to being easier--otherwise the cockpit well has to be longer and deeper, and that'd probably interfere with some hinges or the nosegear. Unless being able to switch is a hidden feature Graham hasn't revealed yet. But it'd also require switching canopies, so I don't think it's likely.
  23. Heh heh---one thing Trek purists seem to hate more than most any other revision, is how the original Enterprise was "restored" for the Smithsonian. Basically, it was panel lined and weathered. Severely. Still, I didn't think they'd match the STUTTER of the movement. That's just plain stupid. Frankly, that's in the category of error, like Soctty's missing phaser beam. It's not intentional, it's just what happened, since motion-control cameras didn't exist then.
  24. Carriers are named after presidents only recently, because before that it was missile subs that were named for presidents. Roosevelt, Washington, Lincoln, Madison--all were missile subs in the 60's. And yes--you should certainly wait until someone's dead. And I still really don't like the idea of the next carriers being Ford class. Still a chance it won't be, but it's getting close. http://www.ussamerica.org
  25. ::edit:: Are you talking about the built-in ladder, or a separate one? F-4's used both, depending on Navy vs Air Force. I know the VF-1 canonically has a built-in one like the F-4/F-14, but can't recall if they ever used separate ones. As for hinge pics--none that I can find.
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