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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. My theory: The drone Ghost will be available separately, but a Ghost that can attach to a VF-0 only comes with Shin's, or a re-released Roy.
  2. http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...2200/index.html There are two main types of Ghosts in Zero: QF-2200D: Independent drones, launched from carriers. Full landing gear, "droid brain" etc. Very much like the M+ Ghost--a full-fledged plane, just without a pilot. QF-2200A: Stripped down versions that are little more than an engine and a shell, used as booster engines for VF-0's. Yamato is apparently making both, as they share 90% of their parts. Main difference is the cockpit/canopy whatever on the drone, and it having canards.
  3. eugimon----there is a thin (very) part of the leg-mounted armor that is above the wing, inbetween the leg and the tailfin. There is also quite a lot behind the wing--that's what I mean by "wrap around"--instead of being entirely below the wing (and maybe the tiniest bit behind) the armor "wraps around" the back of the wing and comes up and over it. And the leg has to be bent to accomodate it apparently. In the lineart/OVA, it should be exactly like the VF-0----it just fits on the legs, no movement/adjusting needed. The shape looks off, and it looks too big. And I think the shoulder-mounted ones are too angular. ::edit:: Looking closer, I think you have to partially unattach the wings. I think the leg armor is actually mounted between the leg and the wing, and the wing plugs into the leg armor, or there's slots that the wing tabs poke through, trapping the armor between the wing and the leg. Either way, the wing isn't fully in fighter mode position with the armor attached. The YF-19's leg armor should be as simple and easy as the 0's--just a magnet to hold it in place. Instead of half-transforming the thing to accomodate a 50% too large version... That could be a quick money-maker for the aftermarket guys. Small, simple, accurate under-wing leg armor. Just a single resin piece, add a magnet, and there you go.
  4. Here's "the link" that always comes up: http://www.swannysmodels.com/TheCompleteFuture.html
  5. The leg FP's just look weird/wrong. They're supposed to be smooth and curved, and under the wings. Not wrapping around behind and even partially above them, requiring the legs to be part-transformed like a VF-1. They're missing the entire essence of the YF-19's "simple" under-the-wings leg armor. And while I've clamored for a fold booster more than most people--that's not nearly detailed/nice enough to justify the zillion dollars we all know it'll cost. And it doesn't attach in the right places either. It's a lump of green plastic. Maybe if it lights up... It'd be easy to do "psychadelic color change" too---you can go to any store and get a cheap LED penlight that does that.
  6. I'd make comments, but most have already been made. I'm not a big G1 Megs fan, but might pick this up. Provided the mold isn't made any more "realistic".
  7. Is there a need to have a "quasi-pre-order" list so that what's highest in demand is known? My needs are currently all 1/60: VF-1J Milia Super VF-1S Roy Strike And the new YF-19! I don't even have it yet, but I need decals, as we know the Yamato stickers will suck. And I might want a 1/48 low-vis set, to mix and match (my Milia will have a customized scheme---mostly normal, but part low-vis)
  8. Finished it last week. One of the very few games I actually thought went on too long. The second half is exactly like the first half. Nothing new, just more of the same. In snow. It could have ended at like 25 hours and I would have been fine. But the next 15 hours---actually kinda bored me. The first dozen hours are great, but it quickly seems repetitive.
  9. I eventually went with BBTS last week, based mainly on their incredible customer service--if it's missing a piece etc, they'll fix it, and fast--mainly due to the sheer numbers they have. That's worth the extra $ they charge over most other places for the -19 considering Yamato QC. That, plus the fact that they are still accepting pre-orders this late. (Though their latest email this afternoon says there's not many left)
  10. Have you only looked recently? Many of "our" retailers pre-sold-out months ago.
  11. The "S" part of the F-15's FAST pack (Fuel And Sensor Tactical) never came to be, but it was going to be for reconnaisance--cameras, IR imagery, etc. The F-14 ironically did get a special recon pod--the TARPS pod.
  12. There's really only one person who gives out titles----"he who hates everyone".
  13. I have a single 1/48 of my fave valk (Milia) but everything else is 1/60. I'm a huge fan of "consistent scale".
  14. Navy modexes are traditionally thusly: 1xx---First fighter squadron VF 2xx---Second fighter squadron VF 3xx---First light attack squadron VA 4xx---Second light attack squadron VA 5xx---First heavy attack squadron VA 6xx---Second heavy attack squadron VA (And they all have assigned colors, too---1 is red, 2 is yellow, 3 is blue, 4 is green, 5 is orange) Nowadays they're all just "VFA Fighter-Attack squadrons with Hornets". The last pair of digits is the individual plane. 00 is for the CAG, 01 is for the squadron commander. 02 is the squadron XO. 03+ are for regular squadron members. 08 and 09 aren't used. "Fast Eagle 100" would (for most of the history of the F-14) be the Black Aces' CAG *plane* but doesn't mean the CAG is flying it (odds are low, with a half-dozen planes or more designated for the CAG, but there's only one CAG). PS---no Navy squadron has the radio callsign "Ghost Rider", despite Top Gun---not even the Ghost Rider squadron. Squadron name and callsign rarely agree--here's some I know: Black Aces: Fast Eagle Jolly Rogers: Victory Ghost Riders: Dakota Satan's Kittens: Hellcat Swordsmen: Gypsy Bounty Hunters: Bullet Tomcatters: Felix Tophatters: Camelot
  15. IIRC, nearly every place taking Wii/PS3 pre-orders, pretty clearly states that a pre-order merely guarantees a system AT SOME POINT, not a launch-day one. Being #1 on the list, you should EXPECT to get one on launch day, but even that's not for sure. #12? Could be launch day, could be the next week, or next month. No different than 360 pre-orders were---they were hard to find for months, but the people who pre-ordered yet still didn't get them on launch day usually got them within 4-6 weeks of launch, vs the people who didn't pre-order and might hunt for months before finding one.
  16. Nothing's "permanent". If it was added, it can be removed. Interesting, the law specifies the color---FS12199. That's "Coast Guard Orange".
  17. I think people are confusing personal callsigns and radio callsigns. If someone's callsign is "Pig" (fairly common) they may be called Pig for years and years---but their radio callsign can change every flight---it may be "Fast Eagle 107" one day, and "Dakota 202" the next.
  18. This pic: http://www2.moeyo.com/img/rev/06/11/12/r1/rl29.JPG shows a sticker for the fuselage kite. It's more subtle than the ejection triangles, but still a sticker.
  19. Graham's back!--it's been like 3 days. He was probably playing with his new, final-version YF-19 all this time...
  20. Having to move the legs for the FAST packs almost seems like a design error. They are supposed to be small enough to fit as-is, that's how Kawamori designed it. Did Yamato try to make them VF-1 sized for some reason, then change the YF-19 to fit?
  21. UN Spacy---the legs twisting outwards at the hips?
  22. Nice, I like it a lot. Some day I'll have to take mine beyond the "removed from sprue and sanded the intake halves" stage. Is that the first one we've actually seen built as a 2-seater here at MW?
  23. I'd guess more like $100, if they're at BestBuy... Launch dates are almost as bad as the "November mass game releases" we have. Nothing for half the year, now EVERY game you want comes out in a 6 week period...
  24. Oooh, Battle 7 would rock. And then they could release a City 7 add-on for like 100,000 Yen... Battle 7 not only looks cooler, it has MAX commanding it!
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