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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Nope. It's a badge---Bertone. The designer of the Countach's body-styling. And technically, the door handles are entirely missing. (they'd be little silver squares, in the top of the NACA ducts in the doors) Door handle:
  2. Are the shoulder/chest bits, metallic plastic? Metallic plastic is often brittle, as bad if not worse than clear---clear plastic will at least be "holistic", but metallic plastic---if one area has few more "specks" settle out of place---that area can be very weak, and will cause a smooth random fracture just like in those pics.
  3. I do wonder why the original Gundam, considering the audience. I'd expect Zero, or even Burning. And honestly, hate to admit it, but---a "Veritech" would have much higher recognition...
  4. So can the scan-n-cut say, make vinyl masks for painting? And if you didn't need to scan, but already had a PNG or JPG file--are there cheaper options that "just cut"?
  5. Chest-plate looks too wide and too "flat" to me---it should "curve back" a bit. (In other words, the top of the fuselage in fighter mode, should be arched a bit).
  6. I'd honestly rather have a missile-less version, and save money. (Because it never had any of those under the wings on screen nor in Kawamori's sketches). "One book cover" is only a half-step away from fanon IMHO. Sigh, Bandai---reluctant to give us the VF-25/171/31 missiles that were used on-screen numerous times, but floods us with -19 missiles we never saw...
  7. Math: a 1/35 vs a 1/48 is 2.58 times larger. (volume of 3D objects---ratio must be cubed). If we go with "twice" being an accurate statement, we're looking at around 1/44 scale.
  8. Possibly stupid questions: 1. Is there clearance for the hatches to open in fighter mode? 2. Is black high-def acrylate an option? Everything I've makes it look like "the best material yet" for most things, but I've seen very people people make it available for parts.
  9. You are very unlikely to ever see stand-alone super parts for a Bandai DX, at HLJ.
  10. It worked yesterday! Can't see it in this pic, but these are fairly rare small-mouthed Block 30's.
  11. I didn't know Bare-Metal made decals that far back (based on copyright date on the sheet). I'm always thankful they made decals for the IA ANG, because we had some kick-ass tail markings:
  12. FT's Silverbolt may have the sleekest belly by far, but the ginormous humps blocking the passenger windows are pretty much deal-killers. Additional belly kibble would be far preferable to those eye-sores. Also, the canopy and nose droop are just insanely wrong. I think they tried to use the shape of a prototype Concorde with sorta the visor of a final production model. And those are quite different shapes/looks, and the combination looks awkward as heck.
  13. Mirage's scheme on a -31A would be the best thing ever. If Mirage and Hayate, as the noobs, had -31A/B's (or the C was also BSW), it'd have looked very cool. Make the FSW variants truly rare/special, and only for Arad and Messer. And it would have been appropriate for Hayate to "graduate" to a FSW variant later.
  14. LED's are very standardized, especially "cheap" ones common to older MG/PG kits. There would be basically zero difference between "one that looks about right" and the actual Bandai-supplied one. If anything, newer ones tend to be brighter---that could be good or bad, depending on the look you want. For matching purposes, it may be best to replace both wingtip ones, so they're of even brightness etc.
  15. Considering we've seen multiple Erusian Flankers, Yellow squadron is almost guaranteed. A sequel to AC4 would be great---it's been 16 real years (OMG) so having the story show what's happened "20 years later" would be very interesting.
  16. I just hope that adding in VR and XBox compatability aren't the main reasons for the delay. If we could instead have had a "normal" PS4 release by now...
  17. Wow, I didn't think anyone would actually have a spare---if anyone has one actually from the Interceptor, that'd be preferred to 100% guarantee fit. TIE Fighter would be second choice.
  18. But it's TOON-ACCURATE (even if it's only for 2 frames and an animation-error) so that mean's it's the BEST EVUR for a lot of fans... Some day they'll make a Starscream where the canopy framing is painted orange, like the canopy glass itself, and it'll be "the most screen-accurate one yet!" and it'll sell zillions, to replace the slightly-less-error-accurate ones...
  19. Anyone have Sandrock Supernova? I'm very tempted. A. It's Sandrock. B. It's purple.
  20. Thanks, I'll watch for that. Also, please don't take this the wrong way---but your pics make me certain that opening up the chest and re-doing the main green chest crystal was the right thing to do. Just way too dark as-is. PS to everybody---anyone have experience/tips for panel-lining the "hi-gloss" plastic? I don't want to clear-coat it at all, that'd kinda ruin the point. Will wash-type stuff "run too much"? I'd like a quite subtle look.
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