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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I know FF6 Advance is supposed to have 4 new Espers. I've purposely avoided reading which ones, but I believe they're all from other FF's, and not "made up just for this game".
  2. I think a good comparison would be A-7 vs F-8. You can't turn one into the other, but they're very similar designs.
  3. Just a heads-up: The F-8 episode of Dogfights is on again Friday night. It usually repeats 2 or 3 hours after the initial showing, too. Lone Sundowner F-8 vs 4 MiGs=awesomeness.
  4. Mass Effect. Could easily be game of the year for me. Current release guesses are anywhere from May to August.
  5. chewie----my point about the fenders was why the MOVIE had THAT particular style which seemed to "hide" the inner wheels exceptionally well. Most rear fenders aren't nearly that "conformal", and you usually just see quarter or half fenders. 3/4 aren't all that common, and full are pretty rare from what I've seen. And super singles are rapidly growing in popularity---they weigh less, and have less rolling resistance. The sheer fact that they are now offered as factory options shows they're more desirable for the fuel savings. Yes they're ugly and an expensive initial investment, and have more severe consequences for a blow out. But when you're paying $4000 a month in fuel, anything to reduce that starts to look attractive.
  6. Hey, I like ships too, and love the naval episodes. Now if we can only get "half the US Navy's planes vs the Musashi" and "how many bombs does it take to sink the Tirpitz?" I'll be happy. PS---hey, there's only so much they can do with their budget/knowledge, I'm surprised we get semi-accurate weapon loads at all. Area 88 did no better with disappearing missiles! And if you're going to complain about that, might as well complain that the control surfaces don't move. (And then we could list 50 errors per minute)
  7. The slat itself wouldn't weight much, but the guide rails and rotary driveshaft for it would be I think---quite pointless for such a small section. (and there's the issue of room) It'd be like adding swing winglets to a fixed-wing plane---the external part itself wouldn't weight much, but the associated mechanism would---you'd have to add and support an entire system, but only a small part benefits.
  8. Yeah, do just like it was written: Login: Bennet Password: Claire You can only open up the first file though, others want different logins or passwords. ::edit:: Ack, too many quote layers, misidentified original source.
  9. Is the "wheels splitting and sliding" a sure thing, or just a guess by someone? Because if they want to hide wheels in bot mode, just having fewer wheels is a lot easier, and why else have such customized, tight-fitting, full-style rear fenders if for no other reason than to hide the 'strange' look of super-single rears from the audience etc? The way they optioned out the truck, you couldn't tell what style (or number) of rear wheels Prime has. (and it's so weird I didn't even recognize it at first, then kicked myself because it's the type I'm most familiar with--it's that "off" from typical specs/options that many of the clues as to what model it is are "wrong") So why not just go the easy way and simply have fewer wheels? You can't see them in truck mode, and you can't see them in bot mode. So why have 4 extra?
  10. Cool, if you fail logins by guessing, you get: "You have attempted to access a page that you are not authorized to view. Your IP address has been noted. Future attempts to access may result in legal action"
  11. MiG-29KUB for India recently had its first flight. Reports list "inboard slat section added near root for extra lift". Hard to tell from the pic, but I'm guessing that it's actually a double-hinged leading edge flap, not a slat replacing the standard leading flap. (you can't add a slat to a flap, and replacing the inboard part of the flap with a slat would add a LOT of complexity and weight, since there were no slats nor slat drive system to start with--can't imagine it'd be worth it, but double-hinging the existing flap would be easy) It's your standard confusion between a slat and a leading edge flap IMHO (God forbid we ever see slots again, that'll really mess people up). Also have to figure out if that's a two-seater only thing, or will all Indian production Sea Fulcrums have that?
  12. It's not? The one time I can identify a silhouette, and I'm wrong...
  13. Re: YF-23 DVD. Previously classified stuff? No. But 10x more footage than I've ever seen before, and in far higher quality than old eps of "Wings" on VCR tapes.
  14. wm cheng---as of today Anasazi's decals are back. If you haven't been following the thread, another member (Night Stalker) has started printing them (with Anasazi's permission/artwork). See here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=462925 Also---are the red "remove before flight" markings simply a red rectangle with white lettering? If that's the case, then they are literally remove before flight tags, and really shouldn't be decalled onto a model at all.
  15. Posting it here in case people don't check the customs forums, but decals are available again, and there's already new ones for the YF-19! (and by decals I mean decals, not stickers) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=462925
  16. If anyone has any of Osprey's books, they're basically the animated version of that. I enjoy it immensely---seeing it is quite different than reading about it.
  17. Am I the only one who watches "Dogfights" on The History Channel? It's been like 2 months and I haven't seen anything about it. Best show on TV, if you like planes... (I pretty much watch that and "Heroes" nowadays)
  18. Part of the problem is that Prime has "super single" wheels and tires, which are a new thing for semis. They look weird in real life, and I'm 99% sure they were specifically chosen for Movie Prime due to the fact that it means there's 4 less wheels to deal with. PS--anyone know of good pics of Movie Prime in truck mode? Something besides the first "running through the desert with bushes in the foreground" pic?
  19. Something I wondered about but never posted: Am I the only one who thought "flashback" Sylar was supposed to give us a Clark Kent vibe?
  20. I need to think up a GamerTag at some point (my 360 is still totally offline). Something aviation related probably, but still pretty anonymous. Was considering "Sundowner" if it was available, and could get a good avatar.
  21. Those of us who like F-4's, really ABHOR calling anything else a Rhino though. And we Tomcat fans are still unhappy. Thus, "Super Bug". Or Shornet. coota0--- The SLAM-ER *is* a land-attack missile. But the Slammer is the AIM-120. It's the same as F-4D vs F4D. Both fighter jets, but totally different planes. Just a hyphen can make all the difference. For most anything aviation-related, "ER" means "extended range" and is pronounced "ee are", not "er" to avoid confusion. Thus SLAM-ER and Slammer sound quite different. And a 747-400ERF is not an "urf".
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