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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. This shows the pod a bit better, and also here's the last pic I have.
  2. I skipped Classics Prime and SS, to wait for the 2-pack. Will probably get it when I see it--have to see what color Skywarp really is in person. (I know that purple just doesn't photograph well---especially plastic---photographing purple legos is impossible, they'll look either pink or blue)
  3. It's officially the MiG-35 now--it says so on the nose! And like all planes, it looks coolest with as many missiles as it can hold.
  4. Re: NCC-1701. Of course. The funny thing is---I expected Hiro to go "Sulu?!?!" upon seeing him the first time. Have to wonder exactly what is and isn't pop-culture in the Heroes world.
  5. Well, anyone who watched tonight's ep knows the answer.
  6. Hey, C-17's are also painted 36118 grey. What color would the toy be? MP SS is green, Blackout is blue....
  7. I'm hoping/waiting for a Grimlock repaint/remold--fix all the flaws.
  8. If you're going to go to the effort of redoing the head area for a cone-head, you might as well do all of the cone-heads, since they'd only need new wings etc.
  9. Well, I would presume they either: 1. Block off the un-needed part of the mold. Most models are made this way---Hasegawa has a "master mold" for every part for the entire F-4 family. But they can turn on and off various parts of the mold, so that only the parts needed actually get plastic injected into it. They have a quite complex mold for the F-4, there's literally dozens of combinations they could make--they mold EXACTLY what each kit needs. For Hasbro to block off a single area with Ramjet's pieces would be very simple. 2. The un-needed pieces are immediately sent back and re-melted to be used in the next batch. This is the other way, usually done when the un-needed pieces are few, and not worth changing the mold setup. So either all the un-needed Ramjet pieces were being re-melted and used in other Starscreams (it's clean, and the right color already), or the pieces weren't made in the first place, with the Ramjet part of the mold being blocked off (and hopefully, there's Dirge and Thrust pieces on the mold also being blocked off). If you can see the sprue itself, it's obvious where the sprue separates/blocks off different groups of parts. Usually a large cylindrical area perpendicular to the main section of the sprue. Actually, the most likely scenario is that only the fuselage, arms, and feet are "always" on, with every wing and tail variation being one of the "optional choices" on the mold--thus, even Starscream's parts aren't "inherent" to the mold. (This is how the Hasegawa F-4 mold is set up)
  10. They could have used teal insead of gold, that's very different from white, and is one of Ramjet's original colors. (and it was metallic teal, too) And fine, BURGUNDY wings instead of red. And would have liked to see BLACK instead of grey. (Same issue I have with Titanium TC) TC, Dirge, and Ramjet have BLACK hands and feet, not grey. Sure hope they do TC right--dark metallic blue and BLACK, not pale blue and grey. 2nd-coolest paint scheme ever (after Skywarp) but rarely recreated right. Ok, I understand the mold/coloring issue. Could still have gone with black though--he'd have black feet, engines, wings, weapons, tailfins--all correct. Only issue could be his face (easily changed with paint, plenty of TF's with painted faces). Still, black with burgundy paint on BOTH sides would have looked even better. (And teal accents---gold on a robot is practially neutral) That should also mean, if there is just the single large mold with all the optional parts, if there's going to be a Dirge and/or Thrust, then the molds for those parts already exist, we just haven't seen them yet.
  11. joshin'---"joshing"----mocking, "pulling your leg", light-hearted joking. And with that, we should get the thread back to the Sv-51, (specifically, complaining about QC)
  12. Hey, I still rank the Countach as the coolest car of all time... (and yes, I prefer later versions with all the extra bits tacked on--87/88 is the best)
  13. Well, generally twin tails are used when you can't fit a single large tail. I think part of the reason is simply that most delta canards are pretty small, with a narrow rear fuselage (usually single engine, or two small ones) and there's not really room to have side-by-side fins.
  14. What'd you originally vote for? I have to remove the original vote, or things will be off.
  15. Eurocanards all look the same. (Not my term, but so perfect I use it all the time).
  16. Oh, BTW--I sorta fixed the gunpod. I mainly just shaved down the pegs holding it to the forearms. Now it's just kinda "looser" and you can move it into the correct position, and it'll hold. It's no longer rock-solid, but it's not floppy, either. About the best that can be done without actually gluing pieces on to the gunpod. And doesn't affect battroid mode in the slightest.
  17. Got my second Classics today, Ramjet. Very nice mold-wise, but while the "updated" paint scheme is pretty cool (they seem to be doing well with the seekers, especially Skywarp) I'm disappointed by the lack of red in robot mode. There's NONE. Basically--why'd they mold the wings in grey? They should have been red like the G1. Then they could just paint a few black accents (engines and tailfins). But as it is (molded grey with red paint only on one side) he's totally colorless in bot mode--just white and grey, with a smattering of gold. (I don't recall gold on the G1--he had silver and teal striping). If his wings were molded in red, he'd have some nice accents on his legs, and the tailfins and engines wouldn't be lost in a "sea of grey". Now to wait for Thundercracker...
  18. I plan to do it, but not for a while. Need to build up Dremel experience. (It'd take forever and a day with a drill and X-acto). And I don't plan to take the shoulders apart--had enough bad experience with glued seams on the legs.
  19. Hey, I never saw Robotech until Cartoon Network aired it. My first Macross was Macross Plus. My Macross history is this: Remembered Jetfire from Transformers. Found out via the net that Jetfire was really a Macross VF-1S. Soon thereafter heard about new Macross valks from Toycom---sought out Macross Plus, watched it, and everything went from there.
  20. Well, IMHO it's too "grey" to be any pure metallic. When I have to "critically" evaluate a color, I go along hue/shade/intensity lines. And it has a golden-copper hue, a medium to medium-dark shade, but medium-low intensity. Low intensity=grey, regardless of hue.
  21. Part of the problem is that 99% of the time you see CF SV-51's, they're in weird lighting. I think they are "dark golden bronze-grey", but depending on the lighting, either the grey or the gold comes out more. So you rarely see the 'true' color.
  22. If you really want to, I can use Mod Powerâ„¢ and make it so.
  23. This is the official CG of the cannon fodder one:
  24. For the same reason MP Starscream is green, while F-15E's are grey. They just can't allow a grey toy it seems, even when claiming "realism"--so they've gotta add some color. Interesting fact: Real F-15E's, and MH-53J's are painted the exact same shade of dark, hue-less grey: FS36118 Gunship Grey. There is no green, nor blue, in that paint. (36320 and 36375 have subtle blue hues, while 36440 is notably brown--but 36118 is a pure mix of black and white) It's the same color used on all USAF bombers, including stealths. And stealth bombers aren't blueish. Or greenish. At all.
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