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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Knowing they were up against Ted, HRG probably took radiation/heat-proof needles. (Since they had captured Ted months ago, they probably made anti-Ted weaponry soon after)
  2. Just remembered one of the things on my "to do" list when I got broadband--download all the graphic novels.
  3. No, I currently have no paste at all on hand. Been reading about AS 5 vs AS Ceramique. Trying to decide which one to add to my graphics card order. Now, from what I can tell, the P4 Northwood runs cooler than the P4 Prescott, and mine is totally stock and I plan to keep it that way, unless I see a great need/advantage to try to overclock it to 3.0 or so in the future. Motherboard and stand-alone CPU temp programs don't agree. Motherboard always says 39C/100F or so idling, everywhere else says 88F idling and agree with each other. Do I trust the motherboard, or stand-alone? CPU heatsink is (I think) Intel's own---very simple design, perfect rectangle of pure aluminum, with even, straight fins. Basically a cube with straight slots cut out, no pattern/design at all. CPU fan is Cooler Master/Delta, like all the fans in my PC. 70mm.
  4. No problem there, Pentium 4 Northwood---only thing exposed is the big shiny heatspreader.
  5. In M7 (M7+ actually I think) we see Gamlin getting trained for high-G's. Also, in M3 (canon) we see Max and Milia straining and getting batted about severely by G's that'd kill anyone else---so we can assume that by either training, genetic engineering, or sheer genetic luck (Jenius genes) that valk pilots of the future can take more G's than current pilots.
  6. Man, this is great. Got a PM reporting Hurin. Maybe next Shawn and Graham will be reported for allowing this kind of "flaming" on their board...
  7. Another possibly stupid question: I had my PC apart last night to check some things before I order my upgrade parts, and while cleaning out the CPU fan and heatsink (4 years of dust) I "discovered" that the heatsink isn't fastened on nearly as tightly as I thought, and it came totally off, and I got a bit of the thermal compound on my finger. Do I need to remove and reapply the thermal compound? As there's now a bit less than there was, and it's "contaminated" by my finger touching it. And there's probably air gaps etc. And it is just cheap OEM white stuff, I could upgrade to Arctic Silver while I'm at it.
  8. Just a point: G's are a measurement of force, not turn radius. This is how a 7G turn in a plane can defeat a missile than can do 20G turns.
  9. I think DA should change his title to "Mod who gets to see Heroes before you do"
  10. <----wonders if "new" 360 will have a quieter DRIVE than the original. I have no issues with the cooling fan noise, it's the disc drive that makes me buy the PS2 or PC version of a game whenever possible. My only 360 games are 360-exclusives.
  11. I would so buy one of those... (a VF-19 with boobs, that is)
  12. That's historic--isn't it Graham's first video?
  13. I think you'd technically want this now: http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/ic/sis/index.html
  14. Hey, one guy in the US bought an F-18. Partially disassembled, but the real deal. Made the news, and I think the govt confiscated it, but it happened. And there's of course big problems with F-14 parts getting out now.
  15. This may be a stupid question/comment but: You can at least read the numbers of the decals, right? Shouldn't that plus a scan of the decal sheet showing the numbers be enough? Here's the Max & Milia in high-res: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...j/MM-Decals.jpg
  16. Time Crisis is always popular, for some reason. Haven't been to an arcade for a while, but the latest version of that is ALWAYS being played.
  17. Are the ones at 1999.co.jp any better/good enough? http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10013237 I often go there for instruction scans.
  18. And there were also "half versions" without stickers, like mine.
  19. Any rumors on a Classics Thundercracker? I'll be ticked if it's a Botcon exclusive or something...
  20. I'm wondering if the fan being "low and small" in the intake is an attempt at forced perspective. But that doesn't work when you're trying to make 1mm of depth look like 100. Just for comparison, here's both types of F-16 intakes----which are quite short and straight as modern jets go, intake-wise. The fan is only a couple feet back from the intake, and the entire intake is painted bright gloss white, and polished until its smooth and shiny. And all you can see is black. Now, having stuck my head inside several F-16 intakes, I can tell you you can easily see the fan--IF YOUR EYEBALLS ARE INSIDE THE INTAKE. You really can't see it from the outside, unless it's like sunrise or sunset, and a ray of light hits the intake from a low angle, illuminating the fan directly. Intake fans on a model=pointless. Unless you tend to shine flashlights down the intakes and use angled mirrors to see around in the internal bends.
  21. Possibility: The VF-11 was primarily designed for anti-rogue-Zentradi ops, like we see in the beginning of M+. Thus the bayonet and rapid-reload gunpod---it's optimized for close-range, hand-to-hand, etc. Not zillions of missiles against zillions of other planes, Regults, etc. Later, when the need for missiles reappears, we get the VF-11C, which much like the F-15E almost always has FAST packs attached, and are pretty much required for its missions.
  22. It doesn't count because in real life, an F-22 wouldn't just turn around, shut off its radar, and go home because "it was time to start round 2". PS--F-22 doing the longest, slowest Cobra and Kulbit I've ever seen, about 1:20 in. Cool pic: The Northern lights in Alaska, from an Alaska 737 in flight: http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=1183...d=&next_id=
  23. That doesn't count as a kill. No more than if he was "shot down" 20 mins later while flaring to land. Best story I ever heard of an "exercise" kill was when a couple Jaguars took down an entire flight of F-15's.
  24. I considered having "low-speed mod" as my title... And FYI, I didn't use the low-fi version of the page. I basically just never clicked on any attachments. I just found out Roy was on dialup until November.
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