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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Posted this to ARC, and got several replies. Current thinking is that that is a full-scale RCS testing model of a -23, with YF-23 #2 currently being on display at Northrop's El Segundo facility. Still don't know about #1.
  2. I know we have some French-speakers here, edited topic title to reflect your request. (most translations requests here involve Japanese)
  3. I did the best I could with the wiring when I put in the new power supply today, but every power supply nowadays includes enough cabling to do a half-dozen hard drives and graphics cards, there's more stuff in there now than before. (modular cabling seems rare, none of the powersupplies I really wanted had it) Have most of it tucked to one side/area, shouldn't be too different from before. Makes me wonder why there's no such thing (AFAIK) as a case fan that is mounted on a PCI slot, and exhausts through their slots in the case. I currently have NO cards in my PCI slots, yet the AGP card is right above them. It'd be the perfect spot for a nice little supplemental fan. (of course, if I wanted more fans/noise/cooling, I would have just bought the fan-cooled version of that graphics card) PS--does any case have low-mounted fan options? Every multi-fan case I've seen just have multiple ones all in the "traditional" area, and not "below the graphics card, where it'd be useful".
  4. There's so many types/variations of enamel, acrylic, and lacquer, it's almost impossible to know what it "really" is and what it can/can't be layered with. There's acrylic enamels, lacquer acrylics, and most any other combination you can think of, due to the fact that the paint itself (binder+pigment) can be pretty independent of the solvent. Thus, acrylic enamel---acrylic binder in an enamel solvent. And acrylic lacquers, and lacquer enamels, etc.
  5. Most US G1 rerelease cars were 35 bucks---why was HotRod only 17?
  6. Got my new powersupply today, so I could put everything else in. BTW, the old PS did NOT like the power drain the new RAM caused. After about 20 mins, it'd start buzzing so I'd have to shutdown. So I was using the PC in 20 minute "spurts" for the past 2 days. They were right when they said my PC's factory supply couldn't handle many add-ons. (but with RAM being notoriously finicky, I wasn't going to change the RAM around again just for 2 days when I got it operating in dual-channel across all 4 slots) So I have my new RAM in, my new power supply, new DVD drive, and my new graphics card---that's going to take a while to tweak. I swear my "smooth scrolling" feature is worse though, can't imagine how/why. PS---my graphics card is now the only card I have on the entire motherboard. I had to use a slot plate from my last PC to cover up where the old modem was. However--with my graphics card now being much more powerful than the old one, and passively cooled---perhaps I should just leave the opening in the back of the case where the modem was open, just for airflow/circulation? Or maybe upgrade the case fan. (I haven't even actually USED the graphics card for 3D yet, won't know how hot it gets for a while)
  7. Much like the YF-23, the Firefox is such a cool design, that 20 years from now there probably still won't be anything as neat.
  8. Thus spawning the following comic: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/02/10
  9. A380 had its worst-case-scenario (max weight, no thrust reverse) rejected takeoff test, far less "interesting" than people were expecting. Just smoke and red-hot brakes. Nothing exploded. So they did a lot better than they did with the A340-600. Test conditions: Initial weight: 1,487,000lbs/674,376kgs. V1 (abort speed): 166kts/191mph/306kph. And some more on Airbus problems in general (mainly the A380's fault): http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/...us_tragedy.html
  10. Magnus and Skywarp are the repaints, Prime and Starscream came out months earlier.
  11. Plenty of pics of 10, Legacy Hornets can do that: It's the 12 that I'm trying to find a pic of, I'm pretty sure I've seen it, but most airshows omit the inner pylon totally, and leave the fuselage empty, for 6. (yes, the first pic is actually 8 AMRAAM and 2 Sparrow--but it's a bigger, clearer pic) PS---first shot I think of a Raptor with a bay full of bombs: http://www.af.mil/shared/media/photodb/pho...F-9999X-100.jpg GBU-39, the SBD--small diameter bomb. Tiny little JDAM, but supposed to have the punch of much larger weapons. It's a 250lb.
  12. I would recommend just buying whatever Energon combiner bits you like---you'll be able to match colors/appearance better than Hasbro did, and you won't end up with a half-dozen repaints. I'd start with Bruticus as the "core" then add an Aerialbot and a Constructicon.
  13. 1. Yes 2. No As for Flanker loads--what version can carry 14 missiles? I can't think of any dual-rail launchers for them. Basic Flankers have 10 hardpoints, Supers have 12. (generally). 2--wingtips 2--intakes 2--belly 4--wings With 2 more on the wings for Supers. As for a Super Hornet, you could max out at: 2 AIM-9X/ASRAAM on the wingtips 2 AMRAAM on the fuselage corners 8 AMRAAM on the inner and mid pylons (dual rails) 2 AMRAAM on the outer pylons (single rails) Of course, you could put AIM-9X's or ASRAAMs on any of the wing-mounted rails as well, and I think Australia plans that, at least partially--they do that with their Hornets now. (And Canada's standard load is AIM-9's on dual rails I think) ::edit:: OK, I can't find any of my pics of Super Hornets with max AMRAAM load, which I'm pretty sure I've uploaded here before. Anyone got pics?
  14. True, but basically: The F-22 was designed for sheer air-to-air, as much as the F-15 was. The JSF has been intended to be all-purpose multi-role since the beginning. And it's fat. It simply CAN'T be anywhere near the F-22. Could it be better than the F-16? Yes. Could it obliterate entire squadrons like the F-22? No. You can make a nice multi-role out of a fighter (F-14/15/16) but you can't do the opposite.
  15. I have read the application instructions several times (I enjoy reading instructions, unlike some people--referring to the manual is always the first thing I do, rather than a last resort) PS--my new RAM just arrived, have to let it warm up first. Have already removed the modem, will disconnect my CD drive (will still have my DVD drive), hopefully that'll be enough until my new power supply arrives, if I don't do anything more than browse the web.
  16. Vs the max load of 4 AMRAAMs in stealth config for a JSF, with an optional gunpod... Plus the Flanker has a better power-to-weight ratio, and agility, and speed, and climbrate, and everything else. The F-35 is quite stealthy, but not so stealthy that it makes up for everything else. Officially, its agility is "comparable" to the F-16. If it was equal to or better, you can bet Lockheed would be mentioning that fact all the time.
  17. Yes, plus it sure won't have the payload of the F-111 it's supposed to replace. Super Hornet doesn't either, but it's more than the JSF. Frankly: Australia is worried about all the "Super Flanker of the month" deliveries throughout SE Asia. The JSF is NOT going to be able to match them in air-to-air, and won't even be here for a few more years. The best the RAAF could send is F-18A's. A Super Hornet however, with the lastest mods and configured for pure air-to-air, could do well against most anything, and could be delivered in months.
  18. I plan to be careful---and was one of the reasons I was thinking about going with AS ceramique instead. is AS 5 thin enough I have to worry about it dripping or oozing?
  19. Well, I have tracking numbers for my new power supply and RAM, RAM should get here first. Waiting for Newegg to ship everything else. (DVD drive, graphics card, AS 5)
  20. TMNT Arcade is the greatest game ever--IF you have 4 people. I might try to get my 360 setup for Live tonight. I call Donatello!
  21. Based on Australian experience with "used" ships, they'd probably want to build their own.
  22. Just a quick update: Australian Super Hornet order is confirmed, 24 F models. Haven't found a delivery date yet though. Now if they'd only buy a carrier to go with them...
  23. Very cool. Though it sure looks twin-engined to me. Add a third!
  24. Heroes graphic novels are here: http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/novels/ Scroll to the bottom, start from #1. (Later issues are only numbered in the file names themselves, don't lose track) They are considered 100% canon AFAIK. Basically, they fill in "between the episodes".
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