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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I got 39,000 out of my H-rated, but I don't race at all--I baby my car like you wouldn't believe. Anyways----have a problem. Last time the dealership checked my supercharger oil, they put the plug back in way too tight--it's only supposed to have like 8ft/lb on it, I think they did like 30. (Do all mechanics tighten everything as much as they can instead of looking up the numbers? Seems to be a common problem--stuff torqued way over spec) And now it's time to change the supercharger oil, but I have a stuck plug, and it's starting to get rounded out--I can put some torque on a 3/16in hex, but not much before it slips. I can't make too many more attempts before I have a perfect circle and nothing will work. It takes a 3/16in allen/hex key. Possibilities, from reading suggestions online: 1. Hammer in a 5mm hex into it (3/16in is 4.7mm) 2. JB-weld a 3/16in key in, and try that. (Seems to have worked for at least 2 people). 3. Either of the above, combined with hot/cold expansion. I can just floor it on the interstate and get the supercharger snout burning hot, then try a hex key taken from the freezer, hope it'll cool the plug pretty quick, and see if there'll be enough contracting of the cooling plug in the hot supercharger to help free it. (Though the possibility of hot, burning oil spraying out makes me consider this a last resort---I really can't spot-heat/torch the area, as I've got wires/tubing/electronics only an inch away) Using an EZ-out etc is probably not going to work, based on how shallow the plug is. (plus I have no experience with that, and there's little room to work due the fuel rails)
  2. Now we know the F-22's tailhook works, emergency landing at Kadena: http://www.ntv.co.jp/news/asx/070316068_300k.asx
  3. I still haven't seen a Wii for sale here. And still waiting for a new color of DSL---is the US *ever* going to get Navy blue?!?! I want a non-white Wii, and a DSLite to match.
  4. And many air traffic controllers liked to point out that "AF1" meant Air France flight 1, not Air Force One. Air Force One was "A1". Until they changed it, so I think Air Force One is AF1 now. If you really want to mess people up, ask them the differences between a VC-137A, VC-137B, and VC-137C. Anyways--the speckled trout is one of the zillion _C-135_ variants. But it's one-of-a-kind. It's a modified C-135C used by the AF chief of staff, so it's kind of like his Air Force One. PS---most of use who know the correct usage of Air Force (Navy, Marine, etc) One, still use the term "Air Force One" to refer to the 747's, because if we say "VC-25A" most people will have NO clue what we mean. Technically, the VC-25's are 747-2G4B's. Due to their build date/configuration, they have much more power than other 747-200's, and more than most -300's.
  5. Well, my most-looked-forward-to game, Warhawk, is basically dead. At least, the version of it I wanted to play. I think that was my first PSX game--so old, it came in a DVD case (only ever had 2 PSX games that came like that) Guess I'll wait for FF13, or Ace Combat 6.
  6. I figured Nied would have his own version soon. Here's someone's from ARC---more forward, and lower sun. And a IMHO really kick-ass way to do it in low-vis---the low-vis "two-tone rays" has already been sent to the squadron CO. (While everyone at ARC likes the fact that the Sundowners are back with full colors, nobody thinks the squadron did a very good job with the tail--and the weird fonts don't help) He's not finished, so no sharkmouths. PS to Nied--the official Navy font is "USN Long Beach" if you want to look for it.
  7. Remember the whole "A+ is better than the C now" Hornet thing? Well, VMFA-232 just gave up their C models to a reserve squadron, and got "new" A+ models. And they painted the tails red!
  8. Which is why the US has stayed with the very proven M61 since the F-15's new gun never worked out. We could use the M61 for the next couple of decades. Problems crop up whenever they want to reinvent the gun and integrate it afterwards. Taking an established gun, and designing it into the plane to start with---never heard of any problems with that.
  9. That is "low-vis camo with high-vis markings." It's exactly the same as every real CAG plane since about 1986. Very common.
  10. Well, my method doesn't preclude saving spares (I always do). I have many prefect condition F-14 parts, from an F-14 I destroyed (that kit deserved it, I am not the only to find that the plastic is resistant to all glue). Pluck off all the good bits, then destroy the rest. Also, Academy does not suck. They're like most other companies---it varies. Their F-8 I'm working on now probably has better fit and quality than just about any kit I've ever built in my life. It literally clicks together, and glues wonderfully. And their 1/32 Hornet is often considered about the best jet kit ever (until Tamiya's F-16 came out). But some of their kits totally suck. Same for Revell--their F-15E rocks, one of the best jet kits out there. Many kits are average, some suck. Even "premier" companies like Hasegawa and Tamiya can have bad kits. There are only a few companies that consistently suck, normally the pure knock-off companies like Kang-nam etc. (and IMHO, Airfix) PS--Academy *decals* inherently suck though, up there with Dragon's for being utterly unusable.
  11. And it's not like guns are some finicky, unreliable, hard-to-integrate and maintain technology that adds a lot of development time and costs.
  12. If it's not fun, destroy it. Just IMHO, but it's incredibly therapeutic. Now, if it's like 75% done, it's *usually* worth finishing. But not if it'll be hell to do so. Far better to spend the time on a different kit that you'll enjoy.
  13. Re: Sundowners There's no red tip or base, I think that's the main problem--they have the ENTIRE fin as a sunburst. You should have MOST of the fin a sunburst, with solid red trimming/edges. It's like a Jolly Rogers plane without the yellow fin accents. Also, look at the bottom-most red rays. They're perfectly horizontal. Never seen that before---they should dip lower in the center/angle upwards a bit. Not perfectly level. Here's a quick retouch I did to get my idea across: (I'd have to redo all the angles of all the rays to get it to look "right" with the new angle of the lower ones)
  14. Usually only saw 2 or 3 at a store then I think. It was about a month after launch that I started seeing them.
  15. It seems any plane on display at a military (or CIA) installation usually gets the canopy opaqued anyways---there could be NO cockpit and you'd never know.
  16. Update/retraction: It's likely these may be "semi-demos". Full demo still not expected until the 2008 season. Probably more than a fly-over, but don't expect a cobra or anything.
  17. Due to discussion on that thread, here's my scale F-22 vs Peterbilt 379 scale comparison pic: In other words: An F-22 is friggin huge, even compared to the largest American semi-truck there is.
  18. Just like to point out I spotted 20 PS3's at Wal-Mart today, possibly more (I wasn't going to check EVERY rack for a second row). That's a $24,000 "bounty" for being on the shelves more than 5 mins.
  19. Flying of course, but not a demo. (The only "exclusive" move to the F-22 is named the "Raptor Roll" currently--think kulbit, but roll instead of pitch--basically a very tight barrel roll, but while moving upwards with almost no airspeed)
  20. If you like Navy jets, there's a lot of nice new lithographs here: http://www.carrierbuilders.net/store/index.php And the paint research looks to be far more accurate and plane-specific than any others I've seen. Haven't ordered any yet, but plan to. They sell small versions for only $5 each, so you could get every squadron you like.
  21. Here's the F-22 schedule for the year: March 24th- Tyndall AFB, Florida March 31st-April 1st-Point Mugu, California April 27th-29th- Langley AFB, Virginia March 5th-6th- Fort Lauderdale, Florida May 12th- Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina May 19th-20th- Andrews AFB, Maryland June 9th-10th-Sacramento, California July 23rd-29th- Oshkosh, Wisconsin August 18th-19th- Chicago, Illinois September 1st-3rd- Toronto, Ontario, Canada September 7th-9th- NAS Oceana, Virginia September 27th-30th-Columbus, Ohio October 27th-28th- Belle Chasse (New Orleans), Louisiana November 3rd-4th- Kennedy Space Center, Florida November 10th-11th- Nellis AFB, Nevada These are expected to be full demos, not mere flyovers. Won't know exactly until ACC itself puts up the schedule.
  22. I'm with Graham--it's neat, but I'm waiting for Nora. Pink mecha rule!
  23. Found a little recent snippet about AESA capability, specifically a Super Hornet's: "The same report contends the radar has demonstrated a "quantum leap against significant tactical air threats," a reference to classified details about range, resolution, electronic attack options and the ability to positively identify targets - by fusing information from various sensors - at long range. Gaddis won't discuss radar ranges. However, a long-time Pentagon radar specialist says the radar resolution is good enough to detect small targets, such as stealthy, subsonic cruise missiles, at ranges great enough to conduct effective attacks against them."
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