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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. There's a Cypher figure, but it doesn't transform. Nor stay intact for long--look at it funny and it shatters--much of Kaiyodo's VO:OT line is that way.
  2. I've always wondered about the "real gun with an orange tip" aspect.
  3. Awesome pics of VFA-31's new colors, and just cool pics in general: http://www.flickr.com/photos/timmeh_2/
  4. Don't forget the music, the AC games often have some of my fave music.
  5. Black Aces have a new CAG scheme, IMHO it's their best since their original Tomcat scheme. http://s171.photobucket.com/albums/u308/Rhinotank/
  6. Hey, another Peterbilt on the left side...
  7. Success! 5mm socket hammered into rounded-out 3/16in hole worked perfectly. Now to just let the supercharger cool down so I don't get a face full of oil when I fully remove the plug. (Supercharger oil by itself is nasty stuff, I can only imagine what it's like when hot and spraying) PS--found out during filing that there's like 3 layers on the supercharger plug, I think that's what prevented the JB from adhering. There's the teal alignment markings paint, then a black oxide or something, then a zinc chromate layer, THEN the actual metal.
  8. Didn't work at all---JB weld held to the socket very well, but didn't hold to the supercharger plug AT ALL. I think elmer's would have had a stronger bond. Going to try again---sand down the plug, get a rough surface, etc. It seemed to adhere to the plug's coating, more than the plug. Strange, the "black" coatings usually don't peel off like that, but a closer look at the plug makes me think it's brass.
  9. JBO----there's no confirmation on any retooling for Dirge and Thrust from the Ramjet mold, but it's been "strongly hinted" that they will have their correct wings--which means big VTOL lift fans for thrust. (Dirge has always had the most realistic wings of the 1985 seekers)
  10. Google really went to town for April 1st: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/paper/more.html It's like Email, but using paper! Google's own ISP, TiSP: http://www.google.com/tisp/install.html It's free!
  11. Just a repaint, still has SS's blue skunk stripe.
  12. It's a fake, but an especially well-executed and planned one: http://trekmovie.com/2007/04/01/trek-xi-de...unked/#more-597
  13. Well, it matches the info I posted here like 6 months ago perfectly, so I think it's legit. Here's the thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...;hl=thundercats And much like Hurin, I also compared it to M7. ::edit:: Actually, it matches word-for-word perfectly, so...
  14. How cool is this? This guy made a case out of a toy aircraft carrier, and lit it up: http://www.mini-itx.com/projects/carrier/ If you just want pics of it finished, go here: http://www.mini-itx.com/projects/carrier/default.asp?page=5
  15. Have you been to TFW2005 in the last hour? Go now. (No, I'm not talking about Transmorphers)
  16. Video from one of the first F-22 demos this year: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7...05008&hl=en From what I've read, the full, real demos still won't be until 2008. Also, most of the US demo team schedule is up now: http://www.schultzairshows.com/mil-sched.html
  17. If they're making new wings just for Botcon exclusive Dirge and Thrust, maybe they'll make a new Magnus with trailer-armor from Movie Prime's mold for the 2008 Botcon...
  18. Sure looks like John Eaves' work, who designed the Ent-E, and modified the Excelsior into the Ent-B. Check the rear of the secondary hull, with the shuttlebay door--almost exactly like the Ent-E. Of course, altering the *original Enterprise* is utter sacrilege to most fans...
  19. I learned of the original Mac+ toys because of Toyfare---first issue I'd ever read of it.
  20. Kind of depends--either my brother's Jetfire, or a version 1.5 YF-19.
  21. Day-yamn. LATE wave-off of an F-14: http://www.harry.hirschman.com/images_phot...4_ugly_pass.MPG
  22. I don't plan on driving anywhere tomorrow, so I have my 3/16 hex socket JB-welded into my supercharger oil plug. And my socket wrench in the freezer. Will let everyone know if it worked tomorrow night. (if not, I might have a 3/16 socket permanently attached to my supercharger)
  23. ::wonders just how many PM's chowyunskinny will have in a few hours::
  24. Son of a... Way to screw over all the G1 fans, Hasbro. Making common, normal, much-beloved and desired Classics figures as EXCLUSIVES. I am NOT a completist/collector in any way. Know how many TF's I've bought in the past 12 months? 3. And Classics Thundercracker was going to be the fourth. Thundercracker is the 2nd original G1 I ever bought off Ebay, and the only one I considered importing from Japan to get "original missiles" for the G1 re-release. I am just a huge TC fan. I don't want TC to "complete" my seeker collection or anything (I don't even have Starscream), I simply want my all-time fave character.
  25. I think he meant "it just sounds like one of many trailer guys, not specifically THE trailer guy who also did TF narration". If it is him, he's sure not doing it the way he did in the first TF movie.
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