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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'm thinking I'll move all of the recent posts from the Aircraft thread here, so you can continue the conversation. Yay/nay?
  2. Hmmmmn. A thread just about war----that might draw too many "political" people to "come out of the woodwork". You can try, but it'll be closely monitored.
  3. That is the actual, final F-35 helmet and suit AFAIK. No HUD--it's projected onto the visor.
  4. It diverts into "war" pretty often though. So long as it remains apolitical and civil, we usually let it go for a little while.
  5. Seeing a chopper in the water is itself a rare and cool event, but to pick up a zodiac too? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXtaGPUFPr8
  6. F-35 suit is basically just the "next-gen" G-suit---might have a few special connections for the helmet, etc.
  7. F-35 helmet: Of course, I'm much more fond of the redhead in the F-35 suit.
  8. Trust me, we spend a lot of time hunting down spammers. I check the new member registrations almost every night to try to get them before they post. But I can't delete every member I "suspect" is just a new spammer, because there's too much risk of deleting an actual Macross fan that just joined. (Though IMHO, I've never been wrong---every one I was suspicious of but "let go" ended up spamming I think)
  9. The first TMNT is among the best NES games ever IMHO. Never beat it, just came very close. 2nd one was easy, 3rd one was boring.
  10. I'd buy Paper Mario in a second---if I'd ever seen a Wii in my life.
  11. http://www.fighterchicks.com/Callsigns.htm Callsigns are given, not picked. And usually as embarassing as possible.
  12. The only thing funnier than callsigns, are female callsigns. From Fighterchicks.com: http://www.fighterchicks.com/Callsigns.htm How NOT to land a plane: Usually, it's mains, THEN nosegear:
  13. Exactly. They'd sell WAY more and make more profit from Classic TC, Dirge and Thrust at Hasbro's online shop than they ever could at Botcon. Even if they only charged like $12.99 each, instead of 300 bucks for 5-packs. There's a LOT more people our age who will pay normal prices for their fave seeker, than will drive to Botcon and pay 300 bucks for them.
  14. Mix some baking soda and water, scrub the screws. Won't get them bright and shiny, but should get the rust off. I've used it on G1 Transformers.
  15. Man, there's nothing airlines like more than paying huge amounts of money to "design consultants", to end up with the exact same damn boring paint every other airline has. Leaked pics of Delta's new scheme, which looks just like every other airline and using the same pattern and color (or lack thereof---it's all white, no stripes or anything): And man do I hate the "logo too big to fit on the tail" trend. Brownie points if you can figure out what it is. Took me a few secs, but I'm a huge airliner buff. I determined many years ago, that if I ever have control of an airline, it will have stripes, period. Thick, obvious ones at that. Stripes were common on planes for the better part of a century for a reason---long thin tubes with pre-defined window rows look really good with them!
  16. Lots of Raptor pics from a recent airshow demo: http://nik.smugmug.com/gallery/2649602#140105972
  17. A couple of years ago, VideoGame Depot got some unopened cases of SNES games, and I was there to watch them be unsealed. I picked up the Ninja Gaiden trilogy, and Super Valis 4. Never beat Super Valis 4 (actually, never got very far---I need to hook my SNES back up and really try some day)
  18. Just look at the zillions of repaints for many BW and RiD/Armada toys. Hell, there's more TransMetal 1 Cheetor repaints than there are seekers I think---and they sold! (Personally, I thought the TRU-exclusive FoxKids repaint was cool, and it's the only version I have). If stuff like THAT sells, there surely should be room for major characters like Thundercracker. Heck, they could even use Skywarp's paint pattern to save money, just in different colors. How many repaints of Armada Prime are there?
  19. I was going to bring up Gargoyles about 1 page ago, in reference to "something for kids AND adults". Similar for Batman: TAS. Both those shows had one thing in common, as I've read in interviews with the writers etc: Don't "dumb down" the script for kids. Write it intelligently enough that adults can enjoy it, and the kids will as well. Don't pander to them---they can handle surprisingly complex/mature plots and such. Of course, both Batman:TAS and Gargoyles have to be censored left and right for re-runs, due to being to "mature" and "violent" for today's kids... That's part of the problem right there-----if it's not hearts and balloons, it's too much for kids nowadays, and you get pandering crap as a result.
  20. Vader. Personally, I just didn't like the design of many of the stamps. I mean, there's NOBODY I'd want to use the Palpatine stamp for. I'll pass on buying/using the set.
  21. Is it just me or does it look like the duct from that case's side, will block off the rear fan?
  22. Can't recommend a floppy, I've never had need to use anything other than cheap generic OEM drives for that. I'm just saying I've had bad experiences with every Samsung drive, and would choose any other brand. For a 3.5 floppy, you should be able to get one for basically free---surely someone has an old PC they're getting rid of you could strip for parts. (Just tossed my old one out, and forgot to snag its floppy drive)
  23. Just in my experience, Samsung drives suck. (Good cameras, but if it involves "spinning at high RPM's" theirs never do well) Never had a floppy drive of theirs, though.
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