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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. And see if there's any way to buy new arms to fix the wonky gunpod. We're all very aware Yamato can't sell directly to the US---but that doesn't stop us from importing from Japan...
  2. It has to be more than pure light/illusion, as she also SOUNDS like who she's imitating. And Micah didn't notice anything when hugging, so she presumably "feels" the same too----and smells the same (perfume, etc). It has to be mental IMHO, to fool all the senses. Unless she can alter lightwaves, soundwaves, scent particles, etc.
  3. Well, they just re-confirmed the Chinook as the new CSAR chopper, you could always ask for one of those. Or as someone else said---that's like replacing the F-14 with the F-4.
  4. http://www.bwtf.com/classics/ is probably about the best source for pics of Classics toys.
  5. We never see exactly what the final markings are/how they're applied, we still don't have official pics of a production YF-19 AFAIK---they're all still hand-painted examples.
  6. I think that's a MUCH neater effect than I imagined we'd get. 10x better than I expected. Has both the green glow, and the trippy color-change effect. Darn it, now I may have to buy one...
  7. The only way it could be better---was if it was deep pink with yellow stripes.
  8. Man, blue running lights like that on Prime would get you stopped SO fast. Ricey cars can get away with blue, as they aren't subject to daily inspections...
  9. I saw it tonight, rank it between the 1st and 2nd. Liked it a lot.
  10. Yup, the spinning cylinders of spiky-slicy death are rage-inducingly cheap/random. Just try 500 times or so, you'll do it. Note that there are TWO to get through, so once you beat one--you have to do another. And you can't save in between. You can continue from the second one, but if you turn it off you have to do the first one again--so have plenty of time alotted.
  11. Hey, G1-style movie toy repaints! http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=132040 I think I'll wait for the "all-red" Prime repaint. Or the inevitable white "Ultra Magnus" repaint.
  12. Are you saying you're quitting? Because I never got around to ordering my YF-19 and Milia decals. Are you still taking orders?
  13. vinnie---ah. I was mis-interpreting the timelines/what was said I think.
  14. Is it possible to NOT have the gun sticking out of the bunk? That just really ruins the whole 'realism' effect.
  15. I meant, why spend all the effort on tracking down and killing Sylar *now*, when it seems almost everybody knows it was really Peter's fault? Kill him later---even at his worst, he's not killing people THAT fast---Peter is much greater threat. I plan to re-watch the first and latest episodes again, see what I can pick up. (I haven't re-watched any of them so far) PS---I had totally forgotten about Claude punching Peter to stop him---maybe the explosion is "too many powers" or something-----since it does seem a lot (if not all) of the Heroes are destined to be in NYC at that moment, close to him. Maybe----- What if their presence there to stop the bomb, is actually the cause? All of them coming together to help in the same place and time-----is too much for Peter to handle?
  16. Yeesh, that guy was posting while I was in the process of banning him, and was the worst so far.
  17. BTW---why kill Sylar? It seems that "either way" it's Peter that's the bomb. Future Hiro only thought it was Sylar since Nathan told the world it was--that's why he tried to kill him. He then went back to tell Peter to save the cheerleader, so that Sylar *could* be killed. But that didn't work, because Sylar never was the bomb. "Kill Peter, save the world". Or the obvious solution---kill Ted before Peter or Sylar get the power. (That's the theory a lot of people comment on, but it's so obvious/simple I doubt the writers would go with it)
  18. Wow, not just Arcee, but a *headmaster* Arcee.
  19. When did The Haitian go from "mind eraser" to "stops other powers"??? That's two really different powers. Early on, I thought him being able to interfere with Matt's power was because they were such opposites---reading thoughts vs deleting thoughts. But now it seems "accepted" that The Haitian can just stop most any power, in addition to his mind-wiping power. Perhaps it's really the same power----since a common theme is "the powers are from the mind/brain" maybe "blocking memories" and "blocking powers" are the same technique, applied to different parts of a victim's brain.
  20. You have B-1A #4? That's one's almost a B-1B...
  21. From what I can read, it seems the newer, quieter BenQ drive might have been a one-time thing for a single production run, when a shipment of the standard drive was unavailable, and all future ones will retain the louder drives. That would suck, as I want a quieter drive even more than a cooler CPU...
  22. Ouch. Not only do you have to spend 300 bucks to get the G1 seekers, you have to buy a Riced-out repaint too.
  23. Perhaps the Haitian has to know exactly what powers to nullify, to be able to do it? Maybe he has to be thinking about what ones to nullify, or at least have encountered that type of power before---rather than having some "perfect shield" against all powers that could ever be. Heh heh---you can actually buy Petrelli campaign merchandise via the site. http://votepetrelli.com/shop.shtml
  24. Why wouldn't "every" Sylar have them? That's the first power we knew of (though not first acquired), and is presumably from his 2nd or 3rd victim. That predates the actions of most any character/involvement/time-travel. PS---do we know how Peter got his scar? I must have missed it if we do. Looks a lot like a gunblade accident.
  25. There was an article about it in the recent Toyfare. It said "sunburst" ones were so rare in the US "there are no recorded sales". But I could swear I had one. Possibly with green armor---no idea what the animal was. But for years I recalled seeing a G1 Arcee at a Kay-Bee, so I know my "toy memories" aren't 100% reliable...
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