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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. If you bought a PC, it probably tries to load 400 programs at startup, in the background, making EVERYTHING slow. It's 90% of the reason I'm building my own next time.
  2. That all assumes the black paint is "weaker" than the rest of the paint. I don't want to remove the black paint, and have the red and blue come up along with it. Plus the sheer fact that it LOOKS LIKE A FIVE YEAR OLD USED A SPRAY CAN to apply it. There's a BIG difference between Prime's "battle damage" and SS's "flew though a coal mine while on fire" look. It just looks godawful, and makes no sense at all. It's like---what if someone modeled a car. And then "weathered" it. With huge black streaks from the sunroof vent but the engine and exhaust were spotless. Most people would go "WTF? Why is the sunroof filty but the actual sources of dirt are clean?" SS is the same. The weathering makes no sense at all. Might as well have fuel leaks from the canopy, and brake dust on the nosecone. Plus it's 100,000,000x too heavy. Yes, one-hundred-million. Hey, let's see how Hasbro would make MP Octane, because 747's tend to have 50-foot long black streaks emanating from the cargo doors and nosecone, and the leading edge of the tailfin just gets filty: Yeah, see now it's WEATHERED and DIRTY, and looks so much more REALISTIC now that it's covered with thick black blotches... Just like MP SS.
  3. I'm being more polite at TFW, but am I the only that thinks the massive black streaks make it look like utter crap? Coal-fired locomotives don't get that filthy. WTF is the guy basing his "weathering" on? In addition to an apparent air-brake and engine-bay keel fire, SS has also seemed to fire several million rounds from the gun. And subsequently never cleaned, with "magic" smoke/soot/cordite that can leave black streaks in a LONG trail from the source. Plus the fact that the gun vents seem to be spotless... I'll wait for Thundercracker (hopefully he'll be deep metallic blue and CLEAN) But I wouldn't be surprised if we only ever get SS here.
  4. Graham THRIVES on hints and misdirection. He probably couldn't sleep at night without teasing us at least once a day.
  5. I thought "Cool! AT-ST!" Until I saw the ED-209.
  6. I just noticed---if you remove the rudders from the v.stabs, you get a shape VERY similar to the toy. Check it out: (This pic not only highlights the outline of the rudder well, it is also the exact F-22 that portrays Starscream) http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0961521/L
  7. I'm sure one or two flying scenes will have the real thing. I mean, half the F-14's you see in Top Gun are simply radio-controlled models. Very large, detailed ones---but fake nonetheless. But the Navy heavily promoted their active involvement in the film. But they'll probably still CG blue afterburners onto them...
  8. They always say at least 30 days, but I have no real experience in the matter. (Newest car I've ever had was 2 months out from the factory, and its first detail was 2 months after that)
  9. Random customization. If you want to sticker it up like a factory-fresh F-4 with 2,000 warning/caution markings, go ahead. FYI, F-15's leave the factory with EACH panel/hatch marked and labled. McDonnell does love to to put markings on their planes.
  10. Could always be real F-22's with CG flames. Audiences expect afterburners 24/7, even though the F-22 is the one plane that doesn't need to use them very often... But I assume they're fake, USAF doesn't like to "risk" F-22's much. I'm surprised they use them for flyovers as often as they do. Those are drop tanks, don't know why---they're only used for ferrying AFAIK on the -22, or if everything's shot down already and it's related to bombing. Kind of negates the whole point of internal carriage (and kills any stealth aspects).
  11. I prefer the Nora scheme, and I believe Graham does too. Honestly I like it due to sheer color--it's not grey/black/white like everything else.
  12. http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/walk-jet.htm Several 101 walkarounds, no GOOD cockpit shots, but this may help: http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/AWA1...t/F-101B_29.jpg
  13. Scalping movie toys at this date is really pointless. In 6 days, *every* store in the *world* is going to have *tons* of every figure. Any scalper is either deluded, or going to end up with piles of unsold stuff to take back. And with gas prices as they are, he's just wasting his own money.
  14. The Elite is identical to the regular model, "failure-wise". Same problems with the same frequency. If you can, I'd wait a few months for the 65nm version.
  15. I finally settled for "Xenogears Id". But don't expect to see me online much. Especially with my 360 going out for repairs soon.
  16. Su-30MKM has been revealed (Malaysia). Looks identical to the -30MKI: Canards, vectoring, etc. Real question is what avionics it has.
  17. On that note, the only song in the world to use the phrase "alpha of a Hornet": "I wish I had a gun just like the A-10" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDRJLOfEOVE NOT work safe. Or child safe. At all. But hilarious if you get the references. Or an even funnier video: "World War III". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQzyXZTx3_A Also NSFW. For those who don't know, "Dos Gringos" are 2 F-16 pilots who also have a band. (If they've been brought up before I'm sorry, but couldn't find them via a search of the old thread)
  18. I was just at BestBuy today--saw Heatseeker, but have no idea. Doesn't really matter to me, still don't have a Wii--and have still never seen one. (Was at BB and Target today)
  19. Just FYI, but I plan on going to the Rockford airshow next weekend instead of the Quad Cities. They're 2 hours futher away, but seem to be getting a lot more stuff---especially for airliner enthusiasts like me. http://www.flyrfd.com/AirFest2007PerfTemp.asp
  20. Why is nobody talking about the massive update at Transformers.com? Voice clips of Cullen as Prime, animations of the toys transforming, tech specs, etc. Go look!
  21. Probably. Very few planes hit Mach 3, but a decent number get to 2.8 or so without much trouble. As I often say--more thrust can solve most aerodynamic problems. (or in the case of the F-4, it's the only way that thing can fly) But we'll probably never know the real speeds the YF-23 was capable of. Maybe it's as low as 2.2, maybe as high as 2.9 or so. At least the SR-71's true speeds are now known for sure, but there's still a bunch of people who like to say Mach 4 or 5 (or even 14!) for it.
  22. I was thinking earlier we likely won't know any of their powers either, but we did get a full explanation of Linderman's, and partly of Mr Deveaux's, and possibly Hiro's dad's, so...
  23. Cariburn? Probably should be Caliburn.
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