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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I personally find the takeoffs very annoying, regardless of how close you are to the field of battle. (That's incredibly unrealistic IMHO----the target is 60 secs flying from the runway?) Also, I really hate having to go all the way back to the scenario select screen, re-select mission, plane, weapons, fuel, and wingman's weapons and fuel---all when I really just want "Retry mission---but swap a Sidewinder for another AMRAAM". To make even a minor configuration change requires starting from scratch. Also, the game seems very unfinished/unpolished. It suffers from "HD only" syndrome in that much text is very tiny. Also, my #1 complaint: MAJOR overscan. I can't see the outer inch or so of what I should. I have my TV set to darn-near underscan, and no other game has ever had more than a pixel or two "outside" the screen. This game has multiple letters/numbers that are invisible. I never have any clue how many targets are left etc, since it's completely offscreen. The one game that REALLY needs a "screen adjust" option doesn't have it. Also---sim? I took a minimum fuel, no weapon F-16C, put it in full AB---and it takes like 40 secs to take off, and can't climb past 40 degrees without stalling. I've seen block 42 D models do vertical climbs in half that time. If a game is going to be realistic enough to make you sluggish when fully loaded, it better also let you perform like a demo plane when empty. And, what "realistic" mission pits you alone (or with a wingman) against such numerically superior forces? They still have Ace Combat-style missions and requirements. (And I really hate how enemy planes can magically, instantly spawn 1/2 mile from you, locked on and ready to fire) PS---HUD. Either it's positioned off, or the plane's in the wrong spot, or something, but if you use any view other than "true to life cockpit" the HUD is unreadable because there's always instruments or plane in the way. (And the true to life view is wrong anyways, I have sat in a full-fledged F-16C sim---and let me tell you, the HUD is plenty big and close, filling your field of view--it's not some tiny little 2-inch box way out there like they show in the game) IMHO, things need to be either pure sim, or pure arcade. A mix just doesn't work.
  2. Graphics, music, control, story, and the overall behavior of the planes. I do like the very detailed and realistic way of choosing weapons, but I find far more negatives than positives.
  3. ::edit:: Well, I bought it, and am not impressed. Really should have checked Ebay first, it's quite a bit cheaper there. Anyways--my copy will be for sale very soon, I only plan to play through once or twice as quickly as possible. Cheap, make an offer! Otherwise it'll be traded in for pittance at EB.
  4. I believe most, if not all of that, was pretty implicity implied. It wasn't directly spelled out in another Peter Cullen narrative, but it was definitely in there with a cursory "reading between the lines".
  5. Well the real explanation is that Starscream wouldn't have blended in with F-16's, so there's -22's in the movie.
  6. Happens in a lot of movies lately. "Sun time compression". Watch carefully. It'll be daylight. Next scene (2 secs long) it's dusk. Next scene--night! X-Men 3 did it too. They never actually "skip" between sun and dark, but sunset/dawn happen pretty quickly... Just assume there's 5 un-shown minutes between cuts.
  7. With some careful shaving of where it attaches, I got the gunpod to be able to be straightened out. It's a bit loose now, but it stays in there and doesn't forcefully "kink over" to one side. Getting new arms---we hope, but seems unlikely, even for people in Japan, much less elswhere.
  8. The F-22 is not heavily-armed multi-role. It has a nominal capacity to bomb to satiate congress. The F-14 is 100x the bomber the F-22 ever will be. 2 JDAMs is not heavily-armed. Nor is 8 SBD's when the -22 gets them. I doubt we'll see the F-22 ever bomb in the next decade. If the F-22's bombing, the US is pretty desperate and losing a World War.
  9. Figured I'd post in this thread too---you can now buy Ironhide! (Or at least, a really, really close version of it) http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/News/articleId=121589 Of course, "Golden Pearl" Camaros with black stripes are what people are REALLY going to want. From reading the Camaro forums, at least 2 or 3 guys have gotten the wife's approval for yellow 2009's upon seeing the movie---chicks dig Bumblebee. Simple bright yellow is not going to do, if GM has a clue (and they often don't) they will offer the exact color used in the movie, or at least something very close.
  10. Not sure which thread this should go in----they're making a production version of Ironhide: http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/News/articleId=121589
  11. My car has the headliner-mounted side-airbags, and they do cause me a bit of worry. I have very little headroom as it is (waiting for seat to sink down a bit from use, then it'll be better). My head is way too close to the side airbags for my comfort at the moment. I'm not down low enough that my head will hit the side window glass anyways--my head will hit the headliner above the door---probably while it's trying to deploy. Also, new Grand Prixs are a lot quieter than the old ones, noticed that instantly the first time I was in an 04. My V8 should be louder, but idling and cruising--it's actually quieter due to all the sound deadening. And you can even see the dynomat stuff in the trunk if you take out the carpeting--the old one had none of that.
  12. Warning to all---go ahead and read the page wolfx linked to, but no more discussion about it here or elsewhere in the MW forums.
  13. Nifty, but Graham's transformation videos are far more useful.
  14. Pretty sure, I had to hunt down the thread as it was a few pages buried, and I can't find the post in any other threads I might have mistakenly posted.
  15. I know I came here and posted that a few hours ago---where'd it go? Anyways, good news. Now I know I'll have warranty coverage through at least 2 of the 3 Mass Effect games.
  16. I'm hoping that having several key characters already designed will save time/money for the sequel. 2 or 3 years from now Bumblebee will still be a brand-new car, there's no need at all to change Prime. Starscream should still be an F-22, the F-35 won't be out by then either (and it's not nearly as cool anyways) Let's hope they're smart enough to put the 2 "Prime" Peterbilts in storage and not just let them sit on some backlot and get faded and rusty. (It's amazing how many movie props are lost/discarded/ruined, then they have to scramble and spend money to re-create things for sequels)
  17. jwinges--you mean Brawn, the little green and yellow Autobot, who suffered a fatal shoulder wound in the movie. Brawl was a Decepticon tank in G1. One of the Combaticons, formed the left leg of Bruticus.
  18. Definitely, it's the main reason for the Grand Prix's weight increase over the past few years. Also I've seen rumors of the Camaro gaining 200 pounds between concept and final version, just for 2009 safety standards. Anyways, back to engine efficiency: Any comments on GM's "shutting down 4 cylinders" like mine does? People who've tapped the computer say that when it happens, the fuel injector pulsewidth doubles on the remaining cylinders, so how is it really helping?
  19. Pretty much what the title says. Checked my settings, and I do have "notification of new PM" checked as always.
  20. If we could get everyone at MW to clear out their old, un-needed attachments... I mean, probably 90% of the stuff is no longer needed, and links back to "archived super-threads" at best. Reviews, build-ups, and customs are among the few threads that need to keep all their attachments. But I think it's an impossible task to try to actually find and delete what's no longer needed.
  21. Seems to work for embedded images, Swoosh's pics are now full-sized on my 1024 screen. Any chance of bigger thumbnails for attachments?
  22. Real F-14 roll control is as follows: Wings forward: spoilers and differential stabilators. Wings back: differential stabilators ONLY.
  23. Ahhhhhhh. Still don't like the black borders though, they're as large as the thumbnail itself. It was much cleaner and less obvious on the old board. Guess I'll have to start using my photobucket account more.
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