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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Stupidly expensive? Relative to the same company’s $800 Millenium Falcon?
  2. And just to avoid my hourly rebuttals at TFW: No, the red one cannot be the jet-bot we saw in the trailer. Those are Harrier parts, not F-4 Phantom parts. And the right one's other alt-mode is a helicopter, not a jet, so the two can't combine into a jet.
  3. I read that Lego paid $$$ for the Bond license for use in Dimensions—but with that killed, it’s “use it or lose it”——so we get a DB5 set.
  4. I got a trailer for this in front of Ant-Man 2—-But I think it’s the one we saw before, and it said “July”. So either they were supposed to show a new trailer but got the old one, or the new one is very similar and the change to Dec is so recent the new trailer still says July.
  5. Sweden has "highway capability" as a requirement for all their planes---Viggen/Gripen etc are designed to use "straight stretches of road" as temporary bases.
  6. I love the Emerald Force logo, always thought it'd look very neat tampo'd on a 19F/S, vs being a mere sticker. Was there ever a quasi-official Diamond Force logo? Put it on Gamlin's -22...
  7. Got my Mirage parts today——is there an easy way to tell which forearm shield is L/R? They are very similar but not identical—-the mounting points are like 1mm offset from center and slightly angled, and they are perfectly mirrored so I’m pretty sure it’s intentional. (And being dedicated L/R I’m disappointed the numbering isn’t mirrored)
  8. We haven't had the toys match the quality of the show since Animated. And it's on a downward trend.
  9. Thundercracker, Hot Rod, Wheeljack, and Prowl, all as their G1 selves in the new show? Pleasantly surprised. https://transformers.hasbro.com/en-us/brands/cyberverse (Even more surprising is that we seem to be getting Slipstream AND a new female ‘Con)
  10. Hmmm, I’ll have to start paying more attention to if port-of-entry is related to shipping method.
  11. Mine are at least in the US, but still sitting in NY customs for a week. (Chicago is my preferred port of entry---it's both closer, and they seem to be consistently faster than NY or LA)
  12. I sure hope so. Will be interesting to see if they use the recently (compared to the last main AC game) released YF-23 drawings and "do it proper" vs just copying the Italeri kit like everyone else... (the Italeri kit's intakes are totally wrong, the nacelles are somewhat wrong)
  13. Rouge turned out awful? I haven't followed it closely---what'd I miss/what are the issues? (Honestly I'll probably wait for like Windblade/Nautica, to buy a 3P MP fembot) Also, checking in on the FT Menasor thread over at TFW---it's 3x as big now, and not one comment about the alt-modes. Every single post since mine, has been about SCALE. Yeesh. The one thing that is beyond pointless to discuss. They're not even consistent to themselves, much less other characters... It's clear the fandom cares about scale, scale, scale, and scale. Transformation, bot mode, appearance/color/paint, are all "raindrops in the ocean" compared to HOW DOES IT SCALE TO MP-10?!?! (and of course----MP Prime 3.0 is coming, and that'll just reset everything again)
  14. Gah, FT just showed their Stunticons (well, 2 of them) and after pointing out over at TFW how they got Breakdown's spoiler totally wrong (ironically, FT has named him "Spoiler"), and I "kept glancing over at Wildrider", I realized---they are not basing their Stunticons on the real cars. They are going 100% toon-accurate for the cars. That makes them a bit goofy-looking IMHO, and is the exact opposite of what I want. Sigh, still waiting for someone to simply do "early MP style" Stunticons. What's early MP? Think Sideswipe, Datsuns, and Wheeljack. As realistic an alt-mode as possible, and the robot mode is a hybrid of the best/signature elements of the toon and toy. Not "uber-toon-ified to the point of being bland and copying animation errors" (because, the toon itself, was referencing the original toys, and any shape/color accent on the character model is usually a simplified version of a nifty sculpted 3D area on the toy)
  15. Jaguar mounts AIM-9’s above the wings as the normal procedure:
  16. Lego ruined it IMHO. Combined form may be a smidge better in some areas, but they absolutely ruined the lions to do so. Not worth the massive trade-off. Lego seems to be doubling down on what they did with “ship in a bottle” (Far less cool than the original idea) They seem to be altering the submissions more and more as time goes on——the early ones were only slight tweaks to the submissions, but now they’re basically redoing them from scratch, and coming up with inferior versions. And wow, since when did yellow lion have an F-15’s tailfins mounted on it?
  17. This has me worried---Takara may very well go "100% toon" and give us a Prime with no silver/chrome bits, but just "bright white".
  18. It kinda falls along the lines of the two different styles in the MP-line: The earlier "ultra-realistic alt-mode, bot-mode being a detailed hybrid of the best aspects of the toy and toon", vs the current "toon-accurate and smooth no matter what, even if copying an animation error". Most of my MP's are from the 'realistic alt-mode' era, and alt-mode has always been more important to me than to most TF fans. So a "sudden shift" away from that will make new ones look odd in comparison, and as mentioned before---if it doesn't affect bot-mode, there's really no reason not to "copy the real thing" other than a lack of care/research.
  19. The annoying thing is that the VF-4's wing/canard/fin/ventral angles are all doubles/mirrors of each other (and thus, easy to replicate)----it's like the YF-23 does with its leading and trailing edges, only applied on a different axis. The left wing is parallel to the right canard, and vice-versa. The tailfin angle is the same as the ventral fin angle: There's really only 2 angles for the entire plane---wing/canard (10-15 degrees off horizontal?) and tailfin/ventral fin (15-20 degrees off vertical?)
  20. 26 days via SAL, but Mirage’s super parts are now in the US.
  21. Takara seems to be doing pretty well at it—-MP Sideswipe, Prowl, Wheeljack have basically perfect alt-modes, shape-wise. Their only alt-mode compromises are generally the undersides and exhaust area. Again—-some alt-modes being “off” don’t seem to be a conscious decision to go more toon-accurate or to improve bot-mode looks. Sometimes it simply seems to be lack of research/care, because for many areas “doing it right wouldn’t affect bot-mode”.
  22. I'm going to need an unboxing etc before I order the XFA-27. I'm a HUGE fan of it---but it falls under the 'aircraft done by a non-aircraft kit company' auto-suspicion, as well as being MOLDED in white with pre-painted red----that's not the same as Tomy's Ace Combat kits which are 100% pre-painted. Decal and sticker quality remains to be seen, as well as if we get the "fully detailed, crisp 2-tone red" as in the pics, or just a quick over-spray of 1 tone of red.
  23. Not for Sideswipe. It doesn't "closely resemble the animation model" at all. (Animation Sideswipe is not a Countach, it's barely even Countach-esque). They were clearly going for a real Countach, they just "didn't have enough reference of the real thing". Even their Red Alert, while the whole back end is re-done, the front end is still trying to be a real Countach, and not 100% toon-accurate. There's a clear line between "basing it on the toon" and "simply didn't get it right while basing it on the real thing". I pray we never seen a truly toon-accurate Optimus, because that's a trapezoid on wheels...
  24. It’s cleaner, but there’s a thousand little shape issues that just make it look off. It reminds me a lot of those fake Countach kit-cars. (Though admittedly, still looks more like the real thing than most of those kits do). I keep getting the impression that they mainly used a 3-view drawing for the car mode, and very few photos. So many subtle curves are lost. So many body panels and fairings have been straightened and flattened and simplified. It’s like a low-poly version of a Countach. The overall shape is right, but so many “little things” are off, that if you really know the Countach, it’s hard to shake the “something’s not right” feeling.
  25. I at first thought this mold was already molded in "retracted ventral fins" mode (or close to it). The sheer fact that it can sit on its landing gear at all, and not the fins, indicates this. Did they just "fiddle with all the angles" so that it's not really right for any configuration? The VF-4's fins don't move the ENTIRE fin, just "most" of it--the base of the fin stays at the same angle all the time, it "bends in the middle" to flatten out. Can you swap the fins, left/right? Depending on exactly how things are molded, that may change the mounting angle so they're more downwards, for an in-flight display.
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