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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. If you need a new CD/MP3player/radio---you could buy Frenzy. Though reviews are quite negative. http://www.amazon.com/GPX-BCDW9815CNP-Boom...260&sr=1-14
  2. I gotta find out how, because "The Darkness" theme has about the coolest guide background ever.
  3. Ack, posted reply to wrong forum. ::uses mod power::
  4. The scheme on the boxart is my most-wanted VF-11 scheme. It's the VFX-2 scheme (or close to it---it's protrayed slightly differently every time, but that's my fave version since it has the yellow canards) Too bad you can't see the striping on the rudders from that angle. I've owned two M+ VF-11's by now, I'm sick of "grey with orange accents". Give me something new. If the M3 license is open, we could get Max and Millia of course. And the M3 and M7 version of Milia's are identical, or nearly so, so that could skirt around the M7 license issue... Though I'd rather have Milia's -22 over her -11. I didn't like her -17 at all, the yellow striping just didn't work.
  5. Due to the Sv-51's "180 twist" in the leg transformation---holstering the gun on the outside of the left leg is actually the same spot it's in when it's in fighter mode. I think.
  6. Asuka II was made-up, but Shin's Illustri looked pretty much like a Nimitz class. Will have to watch it again. (There's a lot of things I have to look for on the next viewing)
  7. One slightly annoying thing is that because the Sv-51 uses several modern Russian weapons, a lot of them are available in 1/72 scale---but in 1/60 scale there's nothing, as that's not a modeling scale. I'll have to go watch again, but I believe the anti-ship missile was your standard Kh-31 Moskit. (which is a just plain cool-looking missile)
  8. I'd love a G1 Magnus Titanium, but I'm not paying over 20 bucks for it. :insert standard Hasbro case assortment/timing stupidity rant here: As if WW Prime and Magnus are going to be NEARLY as desirable as G1 Magnus---they just clog up the shelves, so nobody orders the later cases/waves with the figure we DO want. It happens way too often that a highly desirable character isn't released until like the last wave, when all the other waves are still clogging the shelves, so nobody ever gets one.
  9. Just making sure everyone knows about http://www.dashboardthemes.com They download and put up pics of every 360 theme as they come out. No more guessing what the pics are based on the 50x50 pixel preview. Most themes are on the site within 2 or 3 days of it going up on Live. Most importantly, they have pics of the guide background, which even the few "big preview" themes MS shows don't ever show. And the guide will make or break a theme----look at the recent Transformers themes.
  10. Packaging issues? I'd bet it has to do with the little fin and canard spikes like on the VF-0. Haven't they learned yet all you have to do is fold them down? Yeesh---quit trying to so hard to have them "correctly" transformed into fighter mode in the box. We'd rather have ones that don't have parts broken off. And they could use smaller boxes, too.
  11. Have you watched Graham's video? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/1...to-battroid.avi
  12. I found milliput "standard" (yellow-grey?). $7. Also a $10 version. Isn't there also a "fine" white version? PS--I've heard of Aves Apoxie--but I really don't need that much. That's part of the reason I never tried it despite people raving about it--the smallest amount they sell is more than I'd ever use in a decade.
  13. I think Milliput is available at my local hobby shop---aren't there different versions?
  14. Long story short, and this is actually for a model train, but basically: I have a resin conversion part, and like many thin-walled right-angle parts, it's not perfectly square in every dimension. And based on the shape, I think it'd be easier to try to build up the sides than to heat and twist it into shape. (I don't even think it COULD be twisted into shape--I think the mold itself isn't square to start with, and there's a sheer lack of material in the piece making one end narrower--the piece would have to STRETCH to be square) It is basically a hollow cube in shape, but from the front, it looks like this: I just need to "fill out" the tapered sides by a millimeter or so to get a full "cube" out of it. Any suggestions for a type of putty/epoxy etc that would do well for this? It'd only be 1mm thick or so, but it'd be over probably a 1x2cm area on each side. Should I try to scuff up the sides a bit for adhesion? I've also considered gluing on some thin sheet styrene to help build up the sides (don't really want to rely entirely on putty). But I am concerned about cracking---the part will have to be handled quite a bit, even after painting. There will definitely be some flexing it'll have to deal with. (I've filled enough gaps in my life, but actually "building up" something is pretty unknown to me)
  15. Yeah, but the potential profit is even higher, but they have nothing left to sell.
  16. No Circuit City anywhere around here---and I could use some MS points, I'm out after my last theme purchase.
  17. I'd rather they have some more Titanium G1 Magnus for sale... PS--is Hasbro sold out of movie toys at the distribution level? My local Wal-Mart is down to FOUR movie toys. And all the local stores have had very low stock for weeks. Hasbro's just shooting themselves in the foot at this point----any kid who's wanted SS/Prime/Megs/Barricade/BB/Ironhide for the past 2 weeks hasn't been able to get one. By the time stuff is restocked at this point, the kids will be on to the next movie. I have one of only 3 or 4 Ironhide's I've ever seen, he's definitely the rarest of all IMHO. (And that's my only movie toy)
  18. F-18 bombs A-4 in midair: http://youtube.com/watch?v=8aLRNQrfIXc
  19. I've used that calculator before, but I am exceptionally good at picking out individual "pixels", and as I said---an LCD's "brightness variation based on viewing angle" is also very noticeable to me. Technically I'm right in the range for 26-32in at 4-5ft. But that doesn't necessarily mean I'll like how they look.
  20. I was debating moving it, but I forgot that Graham's so anti-TF and would have wanted it moved immediately.
  21. Plastic looks like plastic, but paint looks like paint. And metal objects in the real world are covered in paint. (Basic fact of modeling---in real life you can't tell if part of a car or plane is made of metal, carbon fiber, plastic, fiberglass or whatever just by looking at the painted surface--once it's covered in paint it's all the same) Thus, no matter what it is--painting it well will make it look like the real thing. And this is a good example of that. Also the guy clearly either knows tanks, or looked at a lot of references--he has many small painted details that you couldn't simply guess at. But the question is---will all that paint survive more than one transformation? (The main argument for leaving things in their raw plastic)
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qog_bjg1lQU Well it's all in Japanese so I can't really tell you what's going on. Part of a game show? Still, interesting to see 1/1500? scale molds being carved out by a laser.
  23. OMG. If that Lenneth sculpture wasn't probably going to be like 300 bucks, I would so buy it. Actually, I wish somebody would just make a good Lenneth figure, without a $250 base attached...
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