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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I think some people would find it ironic that I never use joysticks/yokes etc for "flying" planes. Even on a PC. Numeric pad+FS4=bliss.
  2. Quick Arcee review: Among the best motorcycle TF's, and among the best female TF's. Would be awesome if not for the shoulder pad design (the bike's rear wheels)---they fold to the FRONT. If they folded back and/or up they could make a neat cape or pauldron design, or even nice wings. As it is, they fold to the front and down (there's 2 hinges), and cover her arms and chest. I currently leave them almost straight out and up, they look fairly wing-like then. If the hinge direction was simply reversed she'd have a much better robot mode.
  3. Heh heh---I simply bought a 50ft ethernet cable, and just string it all the way across the living room and into my bedroom, when I need to hook up to Live. A lot cheaper and easier than setting up a wireless connection.
  4. I'm sure we could get 4 MW'ers online at once, don't know about 8.
  5. But why were there like 20 times where preds killed aliens, and not one alien killing a predator?
  6. Annoyingly, my local Kohls is RIGHT next to Wal-Mart, but I never thought to check until just yesterday. I probably would have gotten a Concept BB had I checked Kohl's every time I was over there checking Wal-Mart...
  7. Personally I'd like a CG JLA movie. Hey, it solves the Wonder Woman casting problem. Make her "inhumanly perfect" and be done with it. Or just make her look like Lynda Carter did 30 years ago.
  8. Target: 1x new Decepticon SUV/armored truck thing Kohl's: 2x Arcee. I'm presuming that means 09 BB was there and gone? Wal-Mart: Lots of Cybertron, some Classics. Most voyagers. No leader/deluxe.
  9. The screen grab is wrong IMHO. Yes, it's a screen grab. But it's off from every other depiction. Go watch M+. Also, Kawamori specifically mentioned a scene showing leg launchers which was an animation mistake using non-final details, so I wouldn't trust anything else drawn in that scene.
  10. A bit OT, but that's not a problem here in the US. Lots of people have stickers on their cars, or tattoos on their skin, that they can't read. And especially clothing they don't understand.
  11. Real issue is money. Guns cost money to maintain. It costs money to train the people to maintain them. Ammo costs money. Eliminating the gun saves money in several ways. Plus the argument of the AIM-9X, ASRAAM, Meteor, and AMRAAM actually being what they wanted in Vietnam (and Desert Storm)--a missile with a good chance of getting a hit. I've always thought the F-22 occupied two opposite ends of the spectrum: It's a long range high-speed-cruise interceptor stealthy max-range missile kill assassin, or It's a close-in super-agile gun-killer. If it was THAT good at the first one (which it supposedly is), why does it even need the second one?
  12. There's nothing wrong with it. The MoD just can't make up their mind about using/funding it, so it keeps getting things cancelled, started again, cancelled, started again----and important bits (like ammo, and training how to use it) keep getting forgotten in the mess. And I'm sure they've spent more money cancelling and restarting it than if they'd just fully funded and kept it in the first place. It's just a linkless-ammo version of the Tornado's gun. But it can apparently use the linked Tornado's ammo. Or maybe they had to retrofit the gun to accept Tornado ammo and that's causing a problem. Either way, "lack of ammo since it was cancelled back when" wasn't realized until recently when they re-re-re-decided to make it operational. I think the linkless-ammo version is also going to be used in at least some versions of the JSF. I still can't find a definitive answer for if the Gripen has the linked or linkless version--I suspect linked. It's pretty common modern gun.
  13. Because there's currently no money nor provisions for ammo procurement. Just what's leftover from the retired F3 Tornados (as the IDS Tornados still need theirs for strafing). History of the Typhoon gun: 1. Gun designed and produced. 2. Gun cancelled. 3. Find out there's balance problems with the gun removed--software can't cope. 4. Ballast designed to replace gun's weight. (apparently easier than rewriting software) 5. Find out that the ballast will cost as much to design and produce as the guns do. (WTF? It's a simple block of lead or something) 6. So the already produced guns are put in AS ballast and nothing more. Non-operational. 7. They realize--hey, since we've got the guns, why not use them anyways? But then realize that with the gun program being cancelled, there's no ammo for them...
  14. Another game that requires the hard drive: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3162176 I personally think it's a good thing. The more that require it, the more that games will start to take advantage of it, caching stuff, etc. And it also helps against the "360 versions of the same game are downgraded from the PS3 versions because the 360 can't be assured of having a hard drive" argument/possibility etc.
  15. Latest Typhoon spec calls for 55 rounds of ammo in the gun. Better not miss...
  16. If you want to acquire specific LEGOs--- http://www.bricklink.com It's THE place to get exactly what you want. And it looks like you'll need a lot of tan slopes for that.
  17. Oooooh. FF 4 DS. Will pick it up. I've tried to avoid most of the GBA re-re-releases, but I'll buy 3D versions.
  18. If I didn't say anything about where this thread is heading I think the other mods would say I'm slacking on the job.
  19. Having all that new storage space and better codecs means nothing if the people putting stuff out don't know how to use it. Same as how many 360/PS3 games look no better or even worse than many XBox/PS2 games---they've got the tools and equipment, they just don't seem to use them. I own DVDs that look worse than VHS.
  20. Automorph=gimmick. Gimmicks ruin TF's. Hasbro never learns, they just find new ways to mess up otherwise nice transformations. Ironically, this is a "transforming" gimmick that messes up a Transformer... Anyways---NO standard toys in town, just checked today. There's real gear, but no basic/deluxe/voyager/leader. Ultimate BB is a shelf-warmer.
  21. That is a good question---how exactly does MS know what's wrong? I sent mine in for a problem which gave no error codes or lights. I know it had an issue, I could reproduce it every time. (and the refurb I got back has never done it despite dozens of attempts) Perhaps the 3RROD error sets a code in internal memory or something, so MS can check and see. I mean, since the system knows if you ever opened the case, you'd think an actual failure would be monitored too. But like mine, there's plenty of non-standard un-coded errors that could happen out there. PS--what's the going rate for a system-only 360 sale? If I ever upgraded etc, I want to keep my HDD and most of all, my controller---I do NOT want to do the D-pad fix again, especially after I got it looking and working so nice. Took a lot of work and I came THIS close to majorly "uglifying" the D-pad ring. If I bought "the new version of the Core" or whatever after it gets the 65nm and quieter drive and hopefully fans etc, I'd want to do it for less than 100 bucks if possible. (I went from old PS2 to slim PS2 for only 50 bucks effectively--but that was due to EB having a specific big trade-in bonus at the time to sell slim PS2's to old PS2 user) I'm going to wait a few weeks/months to see if all new 360's really do have the quiet BenQ drive now, or just a recent batch. The first time we saw the BenQ everyone thought it was the new drive--until it went away and we got Hitachis again. Then there's also the news that new Elites have quieter Nidec(?) fans, as opposed to the Delta fans. Kinda surprised----lots of things have Delta fans and while cheap OEM, they're often quite quiet. My quietest PC fans are/were actually Deltas. So why do 360 Delta fans make noise?
  22. That's gotta be one heck of a compliment, that they like it so much they may make it. It very well may happen---the original low-vis VF-1 was based off a fan's repaint that appeared in a model magazine.
  23. I was just thinking and realized an obvious point: There's no way 120hz interpolated mode could work without pretty severe lag on a game system. To interpolate the extra frame, it needs to know the current frame, AND the next frame, then calculate the new one. No problem on a movie or TV, it just waits 1/4 second before playing to "read ahead" then it's set to keep going for the rest of the show. But on a game, it can't "look ahead", nor could you wait for it to see 2 frames then interpolate the next one---that'd be big time lag. So I'll probably snag the cheaper Sony TV, or hopefully the new cheaper version of the 3000 series will be just as good. The 3000 series seems to lack a game mode though, that could be a problem---the XBR may disable 120hz in game mode, but at least it has a hopefully lag-free game mode. A TV without 120hz that still "beautifies" the image through heavy processing could be just as laggy. Mainly it all depends on what goes on deepest discount this holiday season.
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