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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. If you look around that site, you'll find tons of photos of the actual machines and process on most every page---they make the machines there.
  2. This was actually made some time ago, when this was actually proposed:
  3. Oft-discussed here, but the actual process isn't well-known. It is rather like using a rubber stamp pad and ink, but of much higher quality. Instead of ink pads, the ink is held in engraved plates, much like a printing press. http://www.itwtranstech.com/Pages/how.html
  4. Generally, glosses increase the effect that lighting/angle has on a color, and flats decrease it. Very flat paint looks the same from any angle. Of course, metallics are affected more than any other type, so the normal gloss/dull rules may have different effects on them.
  5. They either repainted it, or that's a different one from what we saw a few weeks ago. No magenta on the feet.
  6. WTF? Hasbro sends 09 BB's 200 at a time to France? Packed 6 per case? Why don't we get that? http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=150573
  7. This is the Hasegawa illustration of the kit with the boosters: http://www.1999.co.jp/dbimages/user/hobby/...g/10043422a.jpg Looks like white booster and missile, grey pods. However, the instructions show light grey boosters for both Ivanov and Nora: http://www.1999.co.jp/dbimages/user/hobby/.../10043422t4.jpg So it all depends on how canon you consider Hasegawa. Though with the recent revelation that Shigeo Koike actually designed the schemes, Hase might actually be more canon than the animation since I believe they have his input.
  8. Played the demo and didn't like it at all (and I'm a huge Trek fan, especially the Excelsior class). But anyways---V'Ger and Borg go back to the novel "The Return" which is I think the first of the ones Shatner wrote. May not be canon, but I think it's more accepted than other novels "'cuz Kirk wrote it".
  9. If they go with C-17 engines they can't have too much of an excuse--it'd just be more of what they already have.
  10. 109 F-14's. That could probably encompass every major scheme of every squadron that ever flew them. (the frontline squadrons, at least)
  11. Then it would probably be Vermillion flight, with 2 or 3 other flights making up the rest of Skull squadron. (I've been trying for days to think of the name---I knew it was a color, and of the red family--knew it wasn't scarlet or crimson, but just couldn't think of vermillion)
  12. Regardless, from the first pic of the 3 new ones, it looks like ALL of her accessories are the wrong color. Grey stuff should be made white, and black stuff should be made grey.
  13. Which KOS-MOS figure is that? (I keep waiting for a V.3, that's my fave after the original)
  14. Magnus is only my second Titanium. I tried the "thigh swap" but I think I'm going to swap it back. It does give him knees, but messes up truck mode I think. (He can bend his knees slightly as he comes, the swap trick gives about 45 degrees) Still trying to figure out if something got dropped during development. The chestplate flips up, but can't quite stay up all the way due to the head and closeness of the tractor. If there was another hinge, or something was 2mm further away it'd all be great. I plan to very soon paint a lot of silver accents for truck mode. Dropkick just rocks, best toy I've had in a while. How many deluxes have 16-step instructions? Automorph causes doors not to stay fully locked in truck mode, and right shoulder won't stay in place in robot mode. Clear nail polish to the rescue! (Hopefully). Warning: be careful of the hinges for the sides of the truck bed. My right one REALLY didn't want to bend as shown in the instructions,(2nd-to-last step or so) to the point that I thought the instructions were wrong. It popped off, and while it snapped back on, I've got a heck of a stress mark now, quite visible in all modes.
  15. Today was a good day. Got Titanium G1 Magnus at Target, and Dropkick at Wal-Mart.
  16. It won't really matter, toy-wise. Toynami will get the license, and thus the quality will be crap.
  17. I would have gladly waited (if it was an option) to get MY 360 back, instead of someone else's refurbed unit. Another option I'd like to see is to voluntarily send in 360's for upgrades. After I beat Bioshock, there's nothing I really need to play until AC6/MassEffect. I could be without it easily for a few weeks---I'd like to send it in and get the new heatsink, and a newer, quieter DVD drive. And HDMI while I'm at it. I would GLADLY pay whatever outrageous price MS would charge for it (so long as it's less than a new core system)--I just want it done. But I can't even undo a screw on the case without voiding the warranty.
  18. If the dub is good---dub's fine. Otherwise, subs. Cowboy Bebop is probably the best example. Love the dub, have only seen the dub. (Asides from the movie, which I watched both ways)
  19. I know United had pretty much pound-by-pound and day-by-day penalties for the 777, I'd expect no less for people who bought 787's. (luckily the 777 was neither late nor heavy)
  20. Horizontal, but mine didn't have a RROD/overheat/general failure. I still blame one of the dashboard updates (since it started that very day).
  21. They did upgrade. They just need to do it again. Anyways----a further upgrade is certainly possible and has been studied many times, but nothing ever comes of it. Money I'd guess is the main reason. Until the engines literally fall apart, I think they don't see a need to replace them. Note that any retrofit will most likely be four engines. PW2037's would be a good choice, that's very similar to what's on the C-17. Or go up to 2040's. If they really wanted to keep 8 engines, they could probably use JT8D-217's----plenty of older MD-80's to get them from. JT8D-17R from 727's would be an even better fit (literally and power-wise) but really wouldn't be worth it, age/fuel-wise. But I don't even know if there's enough of those to go around---pretty rare option on the 727, and no other plane AFAIK used that version. You'd need 4 MD-80's worth of engines for each B-52. Buying 4 larger, new engines would be easier (and more fuel-efficient and powerful), but cost a lot more. ::edit:: Hmmn. PW's page doesn't say the JT8D-200 is out of production, but I thought it was. No plane's being built that uses them AFAIK, nor has been since 1999.
  22. Eh---the lack of fasteners has been known for months, even years. It was an expected delay. The plane/design itself seems to have few problems. Completely different than an A380 "the parts just don't fit together" clusterf*ck. (As I mod, I could swear, but I censor myself) On an unrelated note. 757 got problems? Sacrifice a goat to fix it! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Officials at Nepal's state-run airline have sacrificed two goats to appease Akash Bhairab, the Hindu sky god, following technical problems with one of its Boeing 757 aircraft, the carrier said Tuesday. Nepal Airlines, which has two Boeing aircraft, has had to suspend some services in recent weeks due the problem. The goats were sacrificed in front of the troublesome aircraft Sunday at Nepal's only international airport in Kathmandu in accordance with Hindu traditions, an official said. "The snag in the plane has now been fixed and the aircraft has resumed its flights," said Raju K.C., a senior airline official, without explaining what the problem had been. It is common in Nepal to sacrifice animals like goats and buffaloes to appease different Hindu deities. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  23. 1/5 radio control B-29, said to be the largest r/c plane in the world. (And amazingly, it didn't crash on its maiden flight) http://www.break.com/index/worlds-largest-...-air-plane.html
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